My Offers For You

Chapter 57

Xu Zhuya had seen Li Wei go out of the house holding Wu Lang in his arms. She wanted to stop him, but she was more afraid that he will also take her along with him.

After seeing that fearful dream, her heart had become cold-blooded, that she even let her son go with Li Wei.

she cried inwardly but never let her tears out of her eyes. She took Wu Muqing in her hands and stepped out of the house.

Before she could leave, she got a phone call. Hesitantly, she picked it up. She crossed her fingers hoping that she would not hear any bad news.

"He...h.e.l.lo!!" Xu Zhuya stammered while speaking.

"h.e.l.lo... Am I speaking to a relative of Mr. Wu Yanchen??" the person from the other line spoke. To be frank, the person who was calling her was the truck driver, the same truck driver who had called the ambulance.

While searching for water in the car, he had noticed Wu Yanchen"s license card attached to the front seat. He got it his name and called on his number. Thought the first time when he called no one answered.

So instead of calling on his phone, he called the hospital. Then after sending him to the hospital, he called on Wu Yanchen"s number again and this time Xu Zhuya picked it up.

Frightened, Xu Zhuya responded "Yes... I"m.. I"m.. his wife. May I know what"s the matter ??"

The truck driver gave a small smile and spoke back "Well, I just called to informed you that, your husband Mr. Wu got hit by a tree, he is now in One Life hospital, you better come here quickly."

When Xu Zhuya heard it, she felt as if she was struck by lightning. She shivered and she trembled. "So my dream was true. What I saw, turned out to be true...How did this happen??" Xu Zhuya after hearing the news, felt that she would go crazy anytime. She was holding Wu Muqing so tightly that he had started crying.

His constant crying made her come back to her senses and she tried to calm Wu Muqing down.

After the line was gone silent, the truck driver hung up the call.

Xu Zhuya stepped out of the house and made Wu Muqing sit inside the car. She fastened his seat belt and then she also sat and fastened her seat belt.

The hospital was that hospital, in which she was currently working as a Paediatrician. Wu Yanchen was also along with her but this time, today, he was lying in the hospital bed inside the Operation Theatre.

After reaching, Xu Zhuya parked her car and hurriedly got out of the car holding Wu Muqing in her arms. The nurses were shocked to see Xu Zhuya in this state.

Before the incident, Xu Zhuya always used to work happily in this hospital. She used to talk with everyone cheerfully and excitedly. She always had a smile on her face.

But today, everyone had turned upside down. Her smile was gone and was replaced by tears. Her cheerful and happy voice was turned hoa.r.s.e and her clothes were now almost disheveled.

Ignoring everyone, she went to the receptionist and asked for Wu Yanchen"s room. The receptionist said that he was in Room no. 11B. She immediately walked towards that room and waited for the doctors to come out from the Opertaion Theatre.

From the small transparent window, she was able to see surgeons scattered beside Wu Yanchen. His head was covered with blood and his body lied limp.

As Xu Zhuya was looking, the doors opened and the doctors came out wearing their blue robes. Xu Zhuya asked them "Doctor ?? Doctor, How is he now ?? How is he ??"

One of the surgeon removed his face mask and spoke "There"s nothing to worry about Miss.Xu. He is perfectly fine, just let him rest for a while. He lost a whole lot of blood but there was nothing to worry about because thankfully, we had his blood group in our hospital, otherwise it would have been difficult. I"m sure he will wake up after a day." He patted her shoulder and walked away.

Working in the same hospital, Xu zhuya had known all these doctors. Even the doctors knew her and who would not recognize Wu Yanchen, they recognised him too.

After hearing the good news, Xu Zhuya wanted to jump up and down but seeing that she was holding wu Muqing in her hands and also was in the hospital, she didn"t jump rather, she gave a bright smile.

She went inside the room and sat beside Wu Yanchen. Wu Yanchen"s face was now pale and he had plasters on his forehead.

She touched his cheeks softly. Unknowingly, she had started crying. Tears were falling from her big eyes and her body was trembling like an earthquake.

"You know what ?? When I had seen you sit beside me in the airplane, that became a beautiful sight for me, your luscious lips, your straight face, everything was soothing to my eyes. That time it was my first time seeing a stranger like that, but today, today I saw you again but.....but it feels bad to see you like this. Your face have become pale, lips thin and you... what about you, you are not waking up only...." Xu Zhuya started crying loudly.

Slowly, slowly Wu Yanchen opened his eyes and he saw Xu Zhuya crying badly. He immediately sat straight holding his head "Ouchh!!"

When Xu Zhuya heard him, she felt as if G.o.d blessed her again and she hugged him tightly. "Ahhh!! Xu... You are holding me very tight. I can"t breathe properly. Allow me to breathe atleast, or you want me to remain over here forever??"

Xu Zhuya loosened her hug a little and slapped his back "Don"t say stupid things like that again...Got that??"

Wu Yanchen surrendered and hugged her back "hmm okay... I wouldn"t do so." He kissed her on her neck and inhaled her scent "mmmm!! I missed your scent."
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Xu Zhuya immediately let go of him with her cheeks tainted red. She then diverted the topic "How are you feeling now ?? Are you okay ??" She touched his forehead and he waggled a little in pain.

"Och!! Ouch!!! Don"t touch there... It still hurts." He pleaded her with a painful face.

When Xu Zhuya stepped a little back and sat on the chair, Wu Yanchen noticed someone missing, so he asked quickly "Where are our two kids???"

Hearing the word two kids, Xu Zhuya became numb. She wasn"t able to speak anything, it felt as if something got stuck in her throat and she couldn"t utter a single word.

She remembered Li Wei taking Wu Lang away with him. Wu Lang, who is Wu Yanchen"s son, if she will tell him that he was taken away by Li Wei, will he feel good?? Not at all. Even his condition is worse, so how can she make it more worse by saying that??

Xu Zhuya got up from her seat and took Wu Muqing in her arms. She handed him to Wu Yanchen and spoke while stammering "Wu...Wu Lang, he..he is now with Li Wei. Li wei took him with him."

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