My Pervert Roommate

Chapter 05[BLAKE]


Translator: NinjaGal

Editor/Co-translator: Vannie

WARNING: English is not our first language so grammatical errors and some mistranslations might appear.

Chapter 05[BLAKE]

“You also stay here?” I asked, surprised at Leon.

“Yes, I just moved here yesterday. How about you?”

I nodded my head. “Is that so? I moved the other day.” I answered.

He looked up, and I followed his line of sight.

The sky is dark.

“Let’s head inside. It looks like it’ll rain,” he said as he closes the gate.

“Oh, you’re right. Let’s go.” I agreed, and we both entered the apartment at the same time.

“What’s your room number?” He asked while we climbed the stairs. Coincidentally, we’re both on the 3rd floor.

“304. You?”

“Hey, I’m just next to you. Mine’s 305. That’s cool. We’re cla.s.smates, renting at the same apartment, and we’re neighbors as well.” He stated, smiling and flashing his pearly white teeth.

“That’s true.”

“Who are you rooming with.” He asked belatedly.

We reached the door in front of my shared room with Sehun.

“You probably don’t know him. His name is Sehun.”

“The Sehun you’re talking about… does he look like a Korean?”
My brows are wrinkled. How does he know my roommate?

“How do you know him?” I asked wondering.

“Yes. Just yesterday. I b.u.mped into him at the stairs. We even both fell down.” He replied while laughing.

They fell yesterday? So that’s why Sehun has a bruised back. It’s because he fell.

“It’s a good thing you guys haven’t broken anything.” I laughingly stated.

“Yeah, that’s true” he answered, laughing once more.

“Hey! So, it looks like I’m heading in. Let’s catch up later.”

“Sure. Let’s hang out sometime. Eat together?”

“Sure, as long as it’s your treat.” I jokingly replied.

“Sure. My treat”

He took me seriously?

“Alright, alright. That’s for sure.”

“By the way, where are you from?” I asked Leon as I took a drink from the juice that we bought from the convenience store.

“Baguio.” He replied.

He was facing forward while I’m looking at him. Currently, we are sitting on a bench located in a park near our apartment. We just finished eating, and we decided to take a stroll.

“Why did you decide to study in Manila? There’s a lot of Uni in Baguio, right?

“There’s a lot. It’s just that, I wanted to study here. I found out that the person that I’ve been following all my life is studying here.”


“Huh? Who?” I wondered, asking him.

Leon is surprising, he even went to Manila just to see the one he is following.

“You know him very well.”

“I know her[ii]?”


I don’t really know a lot of people in Manila aside from Sehun. Besides, I don’t have any female friends.

“You will know that person someday. Promise” he said as he looked at me while smiling. A mysterious smile.

I just nodded my head and smiled back. I didn’t want to push him. I wouldn’t be able to do anything if he didn’t want to answer. But that’s just so weird.

But who am I to ask him.


The first time I saw him, I found him enigmatic. It’s like there’s something wrong with him. I felt like he’s not a real man. I didn’t want to believe because I just might be mistaken. I didn’t want to judge immediately and jump to conclusions on my own. Maybe that’s just how he usually acts. But no. There’s something off.

Blake is gay.

I noticed something different from the way he acts compared to normal guys.

Because of the things I noticed, it slowly dawned on me that he’s a gay. He must not be aware that he is one or maybe he is aware but not out of the closet yet.

Despite Blake being gay, I’m not disgusted or anything. I don’t care if he’s gay, bis.e.xual or what not. It’s not an issue for me. In fact, I like him but not in a romantic way. I fond of him because he’s nice, he knows how to get along, and one more thing I like about him is that he’s clean and diligent in tidying up the room. The kind of person that I admire the most.

But if he’s (Blake) gay, well, I’m sorry for him. Looks like I’m going to have fun[iii].


“Oh, what happened to you? Why are you laughing alone?” I wondered why Sehun is laughing on his own inside the room. He’s acting crazy.

He faced me, grinning.

“Oh, it’s you, Blake.” He said. He moved closer looking at me mischievously. His presence is frightening, and I don’t know why.

“Why are you laughing?” I asked again.

He didn’t reply, rather he stared at me mischievously. The kind of look that you know is up to no good. I notice that he has that look on his face whenever he’s planning on flirting with a girl.

Somehow, I’m getting to know him better. In the span of a week together, I’ve gotten to know how naughty he can get.

“You’re so handsome Blake” He whispers as I felt gooseb.u.mps throughout my body.

Is he gay? Why is he talking like this?

He’s so creepy.

I was surprised when he held both my arms tight and pushed me against the wall.

“Make me yours, Blake.” He said coa.r.s.ely but gentle at the same time as he bit my neck.



The Philippines is a tropical country. An archipelago divided into 3 major regions: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Their University is located in Luzon, while our MC hails from Mindanao

Manila is where their uni is currently located. The capital of the Philippines and densely populated

Baguio is located at Luzon. It’s known as a Summer capital as people normally go there during summer to battle heat as it is located on a mountain.

Davao is located in Mindanao. Known for being the “Durian Capital of the Philippines”

[i] sinusubaybayan – tracked, followed, stalked but it’s nicer and tamer to say followed.

[ii] Kilalang-kilala mo siya – You know him very well. Tagalog is gender neutral, so when a p.r.o.noun is used, you don’t know which gender someone is referring to.

[iii] May mapagt.i.tripan na naman ako nito – can be “Looks like I’ll be able to tease someone again.”

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