My Pervert Roommate

Chapter 06 Part 1[BLAKE]


Translator: NinjaGal

Editor/Co-translator: Vannie

WARNING: English is not our first language so grammatical errors and some mistranslations might appear.

Chapter 06 Part 1[BLAKE]

My eyes widen as Sehun took a bite at my neck. I can’t move from my position because he was holding my arms tightly. My heart is beating so loudly that I feel like my chest will explode. My knees feel like they’re weakening, and I feel my body going slack.

“Hmmm… I love the taste of your neck. Irresistible.” He said as soon as he bit my neck. “It smells so good.”

I still can’t move. What is Sehun doing?

What’s happening to him? He’s scary.

“Please own me now Blake.” He said once more as he nibbled at my earlobe.

Because of his actions, the electricity that coursed through me felt more powerful than Storm’s lightning[i]. All the hairs on my skin stood up. As in, I got gooseb.u.mps. It’s like I ran out of air.

He faced me once more. His face expressing eagerness to see me.

“I’ve been pining for you for a long time, Blake. I really really like you. I think I love you, Blake. So please, take me now. The truth is, I’m gay. I l.u.s.t after men. I’m gay.” He declared. His voice was rough and l.u.s.tful. He bit his lower lip that made his face more entrancing.

“How about you Blake? I know you also want me. Do you like me?”

I nod my head in response to him, not knowing why I did that.

“YES! I knew you want me too!” I was surprised by what he said.

s.h.!.t! I feel like peeing or something. My heart feels so full that it’d explode any minute.

I can’t take it anymore. Should I confess to him? He might be making fun of me. But no, I can see the sincerity in his eyes. I know he’s telling the truth.

What’s the point of hiding anymore? Even though I am not sure, I know I’d end up there anyway. I’m a gay. I’m a gay. And I gladly accepted it.

“The truth is Sehun, I’m g-gay too, and I think I’m starting to like you too,” I confessed stuttering to him. Don’t judge me[ii], I’m having a hard time saying the word.

I can’t believe this! I really confessed. There’s no turning back now.

“Really?” He said in disbelief.

“It’s hard to confess, but it’s true. It’s what I feel. I think I’m gay. I’m gay, Sehun.”

I was shocked when he shouted “YES! I MADE YOU CONFESS” while jumping around.

He approached me and pointed at me with his trigger finger. “I caught you, Blake. I caught you. I finally caught you. I knew you were gay. I am right. My hunch is correct. You’re a gay. You’re gay Blake. You’re gay!”

I was frozen from where I stood. I couldn’t react to him and how he acted. All of my cells, tissues, organs, and systems stopped functioning. I wish the ground would open and swallow me.

Sehun entrapped me. He made me confess. He made me tell everything!

“Bwahahahahaha! I did it. I did it! Blake is gay. Woooo!”

Now, he’s up on his bed jumping for joy.

Waaaaaaaah! I wanted to disappear right now. I can’t face him as it is.

Because of my frustration and the weakness, I felt coursing through my body, I dropped down to the floor. I didn’t pay attention to the cold because of the feelings of disappointment I’m currently experiencing.

Sehun approached me and stretched out his hands. “Stand up ah. Oh my gosh, Blake. I just made you confess, but you look like you’re going to faint.” I can’t respond because I can’t say anything. I’m speechless.

I didn’t reach out to grab his hand. I just stared at it blankly.

I heard him sigh. “Oh my G.o.d. Don’t be frustrated on your own. So, what if you’re gay?”

I didn’t reply.

“Ok fine. I didn’t mean that, okay. That was a joke. I didn’t expect that you’d confess. I just wanted to play a prank. I didn’t have any intention to make you confess. Well, part of it, yes but that’s a pure joke only.”

I still couldn’t respond. I continue staring blankly at his outstretched hand.

“Are you really not going to stand up? Do you want me to carry you?” Because of what he said, I immediately stood up. I ran towards my bed. I immediately went in and huddled under the cover of my blanket.

I heard him laugh lightly and I can feel him approaching me. My heart is still beating loudly.

“I made you confess. And yes, you’re gay. I know what you are thinking. You think I’ll be disgusted with you. Or be mad or something. But no. So, what if you’re gay? You’re not a bad person, right? You’re still the nice Blake that I know, who is also my friend. I just did it because I want you to know your true self. What’s the point of hiding, right? I know you are confused. But you need to let it out. Don’t just fool yourself. It’s not like I wanted to get ahead of you. It’s just that I made you confess accidentally. I just wanted to play a friendly prank, but it’s not my intention to make fun of you. I’m really sorry.”

I’m still huddled under my cover but continued listening to him. Even though I’m not as nervous as before because of his acceptance, I am too ashamed to show myself.

I couldn’t face him from now on. I don’t know if I have the face to show[iii].

What if I just transfer to another apartment. So that I won’t need to live together with him. Promise, I’m super embarra.s.sed.
I heard him sigh again and slowly walked away. The next thing that happened was that I heard the door shut close.

I really don’t know what I should do.

Embarra.s.sing. So embarra.s.sing.



[i] Author used Volta as a reference. A local superheroine who uses lightning as her superpower

[ii] Wag kayo – Literally “Don’t you” can mean “Don’t you [dare criticize/judge me]”

[iii] Similar to the concept of losing face in CN Novels. He is so ashamed that he couldn’t show his face

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