Xie Ri and Song Yue were standing in front of each other as the atmosphere became silent "You are the third young master of the Song family, Song Yue, aren"t you?"

"That"s right."

"Hoh, I never thought that I would meet the genius of the Song family here. So you want to get the S&M Paradise card too huh? Then you have to beat me to get the card."

Song Yue didn"t reply immediately, he just gazed at the laughing Xie Ri deeply for a few seconds and said "If you lose, you have to tell me your real ident.i.ty."

Xie Ri stopped his laugh and stared at Song Yue for a while and replied "Fine."

Immediately, Song Yue rushed at Xie Ri as he condensed his strength into his palm, he observed Xie Ri"s whole body while he was rushing, wanting to find a good spot to land his palm on. However, to his dismay, he didn"t find any opening for him to land the palm on at all, as a result, he could only attack his opponent on the least-guarded place.

Xie Ri who was standing still finally made his move too, although his own body had no openings, he didn"t want to be hit by the incoming palm attack, not even on his least-guarded place. So he retaliated back at Song Yue by punching his fist out, aiming for the incoming palm.

Bam. The fist and the palm collided, very light shockwave was created from the impact of both attacks. The shockwave was too light so it dissipated and blended with the wine, most people didn"t notice this, only a few handful people could feel it, Huang Tian was naturally among the few handful people too.

If the Huang Tian from before were to witness this kind of scene, he would get chills all over his body, something like this should be fiction and only appeared in Wuxia movies. However, the Huang Tian right now was no longer the ordinary Huang Tian like before, the two people fighting each other on the arena couldn"t be compared to Huang Tian at all, he could beat them down in a matter of minutes.

Bam, bam. The sound of exchanging blows resounded throughout the whole place, the two on arena were exchanging attacks with each other. Buckets of sweat could be seen on both of their bodies.

"Wow, I didn"t expect that young master Song to be this hard to defeat. I think I have to release more of my strength, I"m afraid I"ll really get defeat by you if I hold my strength back any longer." Xie Ri said to Song Yue as he retreated a few steps back.

"Consider it"s your lucky day to be defeated by this technique of mine." Then Xie Ri clenched both of his fists as he extended them outwards crossing with each other, after that, he positioned his left leg behind his right leg as he bent down a little bit.

Xie Ri"s entire body looked like he was about to shoot himself forward, then he shouted out his technique"s name "Double Crimson Tiger Punch".

Instantly, he concentrated all of his strength into both of his legs as he kicked the ground the leaped towards Song Yue at a very fast speed as he roared loudly like a tiger.

Song Yue who was standing opposite of Xie Ri was astonished by this, he had never seen this kind of technique before. He could feel a might of a majestic tiger, just suddenly, he noticed that behind Xie Ri"s back, a transparent image of a crimson tiger could be seen manifested itself out of nowhere, but it happened only in a split second. Only a small amount of strong people could feel or notice it.

The might of Xie Ri was very impressive to the point that even the air around the arena even became heavier, though by little but the crowd could really feel the oppressing pressure.

"Just what kind of technique is this to be able to generate the pressure outward like this?"

"This guy must be from a very strong sect. the technique he"s using should be a very high grade."

"Awesome, I"ve never seen any kind of technique that gives out pressure like this before."


Huang Tian who was concentrating on the battle of the two, was also very surprised to see this strange technique. Huang Tian could see that Xie Ri gathered all of his strength into his leg area as he used them to pushed his body outward, but what was so strange about it was that the strength that Xie Ri gathered didn"t expel out of his body, it was still inside his leg area. What astonished Huang Tian the most was that same strength was simulated by Xie Ri himself and it ran from the leg area to the arms area instead. Somehow, Huang Tian felt that this technique was very absurd, because when Xie Ri jumped outward, his strength which was gathered at the legs also jumped from the legs to the arms.

"Interesting, if I have the chance, I would like to battle with this fellow once. And from the look of it, Song Yue will be the one to lose…" he paused a little as he observed a little more "or even get injured… quite heavily."

Song Yue who was going to receive the incoming attack didn"t have any suitable techniques to defend or retaliated back, he could only generate all of his strength to counter back at Xie Ri"s incoming fists.

He stretched out both of his palms and condensed the entire strength inside his body and positioned it into both of his palms.

Bam. The two fists met the two palms, this time it created a quite strong shockwave that even the normal people around the arena felt it as their hair were whisking lightly.

Thud. As Huang Tian expected, Song Yue was lost. He even got blew off from the arena the same as Lei Feng. Blood could be seen leaked out from the corner of his mouth, both of his hands were also injured, the left side was broken as the right side was only dislocated.

Despite receiving this kind of injury, he didn"t cry out even a bit. But he clenched his teeth.

The people around were very terrified to witness this, that guy named Xie Ri was very strong indeed. However, they didn"t look down on Song Yue either, given the normal circ.u.mstance, most of them here couldn"t even hold a candle to him. Also, Xie Ri had to use almost all of strength to be able to defeat Song Yue.

Some of people from the crowd came near Song Yue as they help him getting up. They saw that the injury on Song Yue was quite severe, he needed to be transferred to the hospital. But to get to a hospital, they needed to go to the mainland, but it would take at least two hours.

Suddenly, a young and handsome appeared near them and said "Move, I can heal Song Yue."

The injured Song Yue heard the familiar voice, then he looked up only to see a shining Huang Tian like a G.o.d from the heaven. Well, in fact it was because of the sun.

"L-little Tian, I-I didn"t expect t-to m-meet you here." Song Yue tried to greet Huang Tian despite his injury.

"Don"t speak. I"m going to heal you now."

This was the best opportunity for Huang Tian to test out his skills that he had learned from the Initial Star Acupuncture Technique.

Huang Tian inspected Song Yue"s dislocated right hand for a few seconds as he raised the dislocated hand upward.

"You need to endure a little, this could be hurt."

Immediately, Huang Tian stretched the dislocated hand straight and this made Song Yue really wanted to call his mommy.

Huang Tian continued to twisted Song Yue"s hand in a strange manner. After this, Song Yue didn"t feel pain in his right hand anymore. He thought that Huang Tian was very formidable to be able to rejoined his dislocated hand back. Just when he raised his right hand to test if he would feel any pain, he almost jumped out of the earth as he saw that his hand was in a reverted appearance, his right hand was contrasted from the normal, his palm became the back side, the back side became the palm.

"L-little Tian, w-what h-happened?"

"Huh? What"s wrong?"

"M-my hand…"

"O-oh, sorry, let me fix it." Huang Tian replied in a casual manner as he twisted the entire hand that seemed impossible for anyone to do like him.

Then Song Yue sighed in a relief as he got his normal hand back, only his left hand was still in a broken state.

"Let me fix your left hand too."

"B-but l-l-little Tian… y-you don"t h-have…"

"Don"t worry, I"ll just feed you the pill and your hand will be healed completely." Then Huang Tian took out two yellow pills that no one here recognized excepted Huang Tian himself and Song Yue.

When Song Yue saw the pill, he was very surprised, why would Huang Tian used this precious pill to heal him? It was the legendary pill that only appeared in the legend, yet Huang Tian could take them out like nothing. If it was Song Yue instead, he would keep the pill unless he was very near to the death door.

"B-but why two?"

"Oh, one for your broken hand, another one to completely heal you. Because most of the effect of one pill will most likely heal your bone and reconnect it back. So we"ll need two pills."


"Take one pill first."
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Immediately after Song Yue put the pill into his mouth, the pill dissolved itself into liquid and flowed into his body. He could feel a strand of cool sensation rushed to his broken left hand.

To everyone"s astonishment, they saw the impossibly-healed broken hand suddenly became straight indicating that it was already healed. Just what kind of pill is this to be able to instantly heal a broken hand, they"ve never seen this kind of pill or met this kind of alien scene in their entire life, at most, they only witnessed it in some fiction movies.

"Wtf, am I hallucinating? Ouch, it hurts though. Just wtf did I witness today?"

"d.a.m.n, what the h.e.l.l is this? Is that an immortal pill?"

"Sh*t, I must be seeing ghost right now."


All kinds of shocks were exclaimed loudly.

After that, they saw Huang Tian gave Song Yue the same pill. Not even a minute had past, but the severe injured Song Yue became full of vitality, there was no sign of injury as though it was never being there before.

"G.o.d, just what did I witness today? That handsome boy"s pills are so fantastic."

"Hey boy, do you have any more of those pills? I will buy from you with any price."

"Pretty boy, sell me the pill, I will give you my body in return."

"Brat, give me the pill and I can give you my daughter."

Even the formidable Xie Ri also came and said to Huang Tian "Boy, sell me the pills, I can teach you my technique ealier."


All types of offers were given to Huang Tian, but Huang Tian didn"t even look at them.

When Song Yue noticed this, he immediately said out loudly "Everyone, please be quiet. He is a little brother of mine, as for the pills, he won"t sell it to anyone."

Huang Tian didn"t say anything as he only nodded in agreement.

The crowd immediately became silent, there was no way for them to say anything anymore as soon as the young master of the Song family said out loud like this, none of them here were from a powerful family like Song Yue. Well, excepted Xie Ri whose background was unknown to everyone.

Just after Song Yue finished saying this, everyone noticed that Huang Tian was nowhere to be seen anymore. He suddenly disappeared without a soul knowing.

Everybody suddenly came a realization that Huang Tian was not a normal person, earlier, quite a few of them had some ideas of extorting pills from Huang Tian, but now, they immediately deleted those thoughts. Just based on the Song family was protecting Huang Tian alone was enough to shut them up.

Song Yue took out his phone as he was about to call some people to fetch him back but a message suddenly appeared on his phone.

It was from Huang Tian, when he saw that the sender was Huang Tian, he was excited and wanted to reply back immediately, but when he read the content of the message, his expression instantly became sour.

"The healing was not for free, rejoined your dislocated right hand costs 10 million. 2 Healing Pills cost 100 million but I discount for you so it"s only 90 million. So in total, it"s 100 million for the healing fees."

This was clearly robbing from Song Yue, Song Yue wanted to ask Huang Tian why didn"t go to rob a bank instead. However, it was Huang Tian and the Healing Pills after all, so he forced a beautiful smile and replied at Huang Tian in an agreement.

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