Huang Tian left the crowd with his two friends. His two friends were looking at him with weird and curious gaze, they had a lot of questions that they wanted to ask him but they didn"t know what to ask first.

Huang Tian understood about the situation so he said "Don"t ask anything here, I will naturally explain it when we get back to the hotel."

They didn"t reply back to him either, they were still in daze as they just followed behind Huang Tian.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at the harbor where a lot of yachts could be seen floating on the water. Their yacht was among it. Among the three, Four Eyes was the only one who knew how to drive the yacht, he may not look like it, but he even knew how to simulate a helicopter or a plane. Surely, he should be the impressive one here.

Almost two hours later, they arrived back at the mainland of Shanghai. They went to a nearby restaurant near the harbor and left for the hotel directly. After that they found a taxi and rode it back to the hotel. Xiu Mo and Four Eyes didn"t open their mouth to ask about anything excepted when eating.

After a while, they arrived back at the hotel. As soon as they arrived inside the room, the two silent guys abruptly threw a bunch of questions at Huang Tian.

"Huang Tian, what the f*ck was that? What the f*ck were those pills? How the f*ck did you know how to heal that guy"s hand? When did you start hiding things from us? I can"t believe it, those pills, where did you buy them? You didn"t steal them right?..."

Huang Tian almost suffocated to death by those questions, the two guys unbelievably said everything in one breath.

"S-stop it, you two, do you want to kill me with those questions of yours? Let me explain."

The two guy nodded at Huang Tian in agreement to let him speak.

"It"s forbidden to tell how I got those pills, I really can"t tell you guys about that one thing. However, if I ever have the chance to get my hands on those pills again, I will consider share it with you guys, but this time it was in a dire situation that I gave all of them out."

In fact, there was a really a story behind why Huang Tian saved Song Yue. It was because there was a quest, the quest popped up the instant Song Yue fell off the arena. The quest this time needed Huang Tian to save Song Yue before he collapsed, Huang Tian didn"t want to show off his pills to outsiders either, but the situation was in dire, and the penalty was also severe too, his level would drop to 1 if he failed to successfully completed the quest. It was not easy for Huang Tian to level up from 1 to 3, so Huang Tian thought that showing the pills out this time wouldn"t be much of a problem, what"s more, he would also gain experience.

Yes, Huang Tian had leveled up, he was now level 6.

Back to the situation inside the hotel room. Huang Tian"s two friends didn"t doubt Huang Tian"s words, what"s more, even if they were best friends, some privacies were better left to be unknown.

"Then can you at least tell us what are those pills?"

Huang Tian nodded at them and explained to them without further ado "Those yellow pills are called Healing Pills; its effect is just like the Healing Elixir in those RPG games." He halted as he looked at Four Eyes and continued "Four Eyes should know them better than anyone."

Four Eyes and Xiu Mo immediately came to an understanding, they were very familiar with RPG games, so something like Healing Elixir, Skills Books et cetera, all of it were no alien to them.

However, they were still very shock because they never thought that something as magical as this would really exist, at least its existence should not be existed in this modern era, it should be something that long-lost even in ancient time.

"But how do you know that Song Yue guy?"

"Oh, he"s considered to be umm… a cash-friend of mine… maybe?"

Four Eyes and Xiu Mo was speechless at once, cash-friend? We"ve heard of s*x-friend but we"ve never heard of cash-friend before. What does cash-friend do? Do you guys use each other"s money or something? If you guys are s*x-friends then it means you guys have s.e.xual relationship, but cash-friends? Does it mean you guys have cash relationship? It sounds so nonsense…

However, they just brushed it off and said "Alright, we understand. We won"t pry into the matter regarding how you got those pills, but we hope that you can trust us and call for help from us anytime."

Little did the two noticed that they forgot to ask about how did Huang Tian know how to heal. Huang Tian didn"t think of this either, even if he thought of it, he wouldn"t tell them either, unless they asked him.

Huang Tian was very satisfied with these two friends of his, they knew what should or should not ask, because some matters, the more you were knowledgeable about it, the more troubles would come to you too.

Ping, ping. The ringing sound came from the door, showing that someone was calling for them. Huang Tian immediately went to the door and looked at the camera that was attached near the door, in the camera Huang Tian saw that it was his uncle so he opened the door straight away.

"Uncle please come inside."

"Did you guys have fun today?"

"Yeah, it was very fun today."

"En, did you buy any gift for your uncle?"

Huang Tian and the party were suddenly stunned, they really forgot to bring uncle some presents.

Big uncle Huang just laughed as he patted on Huang Tian"s shoulder and said "I was just kidding. I"m just here to inform you guys that tomorrow I"ll go to the Jade Market, do you guys want to come along?"

Huang Tian"s eyes lit up and he immediately agreed, he came to Shanghai this time was mainly to get some jades back for his girlfriend. Before he was afraid that the jade would be too expensive for him so he never had the chance to buy them, but now he was already considered to be a millionaire, he didn"t lack money, at the moment, he had 150 million yuan inside his bank account. (A/N: Around 21 million USD.)

"How about both of you?"

Regarding this matter, it didn"t seem to pique Four Eyes" interest. Though he was rich, he didn"t like to spend money on jewelries, he would mainly spend his money on games, laptops, desktops, manga and such, simply said, he was a rich NEET who would likely spend most of his money on NEET"s things.

Huang Tian noticed this and then he said to Four Eyes "Sigh, you"re only interested in games and stuffs right? d.a.m.n Four Eyes NEET."

Big uncle Huang heard this as he his eyes gleamed and he suddenly said "I heard there"s a gaming shop that only sells limited editions stuffs there, are you interested?"

Four Eyes was suddenly beamed with smiles as he nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice.

"How about you Xiu Mo?"

"Me? I"ll naturally go too; I don"t want to be left alone here. Being by myself is too lonely."

Huang Tian just chuckled and said "Lonely my as*, you can jack yourself off here if you"re too lonely. I know you tag along with us to find some hot girls right?"

Xiu Mo didn"t deny it and even smiled back at Huang Tian shamelessly as though he was proud of it.
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Big uncle Huang also laughed along as he added "It"s good that you"re finding hot girls and not hot boys, but just don"t get yourself the AID okay?"

Huang Tian and Four Eyes immediately burst laugh out as Xiu Mo blushed while his face turned red like tomato.

Big uncle Huang suddenly thought of something as he took out a small book from his pocket, on the book cover, it was t.i.tled "Jade Info" and handed it to Huang Tian.

"Uncle, this…?"

"This is a book about jades, though its information is limited, but they are the foundation ones, I forgot to bring the better with me. You should read through it, at least you wouldn"t get cheated when you buy jades."

"I already looked through the internet about the jades though."

"Hmm, it"s not entirely trustful there, don"t look down on this small book, it"s the foundation book that most of experts in jade would have."

"Then, I understand uncle."

It was almost midnight, but Huang Tian was clicking on his phone.

Now, he was already level 6, and only his strength point was added by 2, as for the others, they were still the same.

Huang Tian wanted to know when he could unlock the Plug-In Shop, normally, in the RPG game, the shop would be available for the player since level 1… but this was not a game.

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