Neta Chara

Chapter 12

Neta Chara chapter 12

(ps: table of content will be updated later.. if you want to find previous chapter, you can use the search function on the side bar ^^.. sorry for the confusion of the raw a couple of days ago)

After adding the maid as a prospect for my harem, I was thinking. I wonder if this is just a dream world. Because the real me is a hopeless middle-aged man yet in this world I could easily earn woman affection.


After enjoying the tea and sweets made by Annabella, I asked Miri some more question about why this city is called 「Magic City」.

The reason is, the「Sorcerers school」that studied healing elements in this town. In order to learn further, Miri suggested we visited her friend.

This 「Magic City」is famous for treating injuries. Aside from the 「Sorcerers school」, 「Therapy House」and other facility managed by the magic inst.i.tute is also present. If you look closer, lots of people is wearing robe. Among them, 『Demon』race people with small horn on their forehead can be seen too.

After we walk for a while, we arrived at the 「Sorcerers school」building. It is similar to a stone temple.

“Is that the Sorcerers guild hall?”

“Yes, my ancestor also takes part in building it. I you want to know about anything, just ask.”


When we enter the courtyard, there are bronze statues lined up. There is a statue of Lefebvre, 「Demon Race First Leader」.  Those who inherit his blood are called 『Demi-human』 like me with black hair and eye as our main characteristic. However the rest of my race has black skin color accordingly.

The statues go on and there is also one from 『Succubus』race. It wasn’t human. It looked like a goat standing with its hind leg with a bat wings on its back. It didn’t look like Miri at all.

We proceed to enter the building. It looks similar to university with small cla.s.sroom on each side of the hallway. We enter one and five people are taking breaks sitting.

“Ah, it’s Rina!”

Miri beckoned one of them. The one that is called come approaching us. She has silver eyes and hair, tied up in a ponytail. Her robe is one size bigger than her body and let loose to the ground.

“Miri Onee-chan!”

The Pet.i.te silver-haired girl immediately dives into Miri chest. Miri seemed to spoil her a lot. However why her hand is moving dangerously on Miri chest?

“Onee-chan! Nee-chan! Muhaa.”

After Miri felt that it was too much, she pushed Rina away.

“Rina, there is something important that I have to tell you.”

“What is it? Finally are you going to confess to me?”

Rina eyes that is fixated on Miri is sparkling. However judging from Miri expression, I am worried.

“The thing is… I have become a ‘property’ of this man, Kent.”

Rina frozen in place hearing Miri words. Like a robot, her neck twisted towards me with a ‘gigigi’ sound.

“Pleased to meet you, my name is…”

Before I finished introducing myself, a 《Fireball》 through near my ear and I can smell some of my hair is burnt.

“You! What have you done to Onee-chan?”

“Rina, please listen to me first. Stop this.”

Rina didn’t listened and tries to throw another magic towards me. Thankfully Miri is there to hold her back.

“Kill. Burn. Grind him.”

Although Rina is struggling trying to attack me, Miri strength is enough to hold her in place.

“I thought Rina will understand… If it’s like this…”

Miri saying that in a sad voice,causing Rina body to trembles.

“Nee-chan, but this man is your ‘owner’!” Rina then sends a glare at me.


“To think that my beloved onee-chan will be taken from me. The chest that I poured affection to raise.”

“I’m sorry Rina.”

I can only apologize because of her threatening att.i.tude.

Since Rina height is lower than Miri, her head is rested on Miri’s chest.

“This is my divine creation. Nee-chan breast that I painstakingly grow.” Rina said that while fondling Miri chest.


Miri send a head chop towards Rina.

“Rina! How many times I have to tell you, don’t play with my chest!”

“Auuu! It hurts Onee-chan. Why can’t you accept my love?”

“Even though you are a member of the Sorcerers guild, your att.i.tude hasn’t changed at all.”

Oh, Rina seemed to be an official member of the Sorcerers guild and not a student of the 「Sorcerers school」. I wonder how old she is.

“Of course I have changed. I can properly introduce myself. My name is Lina Dorman, sixteen years old, demon of the『Rakshasa』.”

Rina do her self-introduction defiantly. 『Rakshasa』tribe characteristic is a small 『Oni』horn coming out from their forehead. Her silver eyes that turned red before is now colored clear blue.

“Are you someone from the『Forgotten』 race?”

“『Forgotten』 race? What is that?”

Rina crossed her arms while thinking.

“I can tell a person job and skill using my 《Appraisal》skill. For you, to have four unique skills, and no job, I can’t think of other explanation other than 『Forgotten』 race.”

Miri complexion changes after hearing that.

So she thinks like that because of the number of my unique skill. That 《Appraisal》skill seemed to be handy.

“Kent, is that true? You have four unique skill?”

“Nee-chan. He has 【Handsome】, 【Well protected】, 【Womanizer】and 【s.e.xual Prodigy】. All of it is unique skill. It was rare to see someone with a unique skill and if you met one, he or she will have one at the most. If he has one, that is alright but he has four, four!”

While Rina explaining, yapping like a machine gun, I wonder if someone from 『Forgotten』race has a lot of unique skill.

“Rina, can you tell me more about 『Forgotten』race?”

Rina look at me with hostility when I said that. It is as if she will attack me the moment I shift my gaze from her.

“Rina, I want to know too.”

“Che, if it’s one-chan, I have no choice. Come with me to my laboratory.”

“Thank you.”

I followed behind her and Miri silently. When we arrived, she sit on the chair and followed by Miri and me.

“『Forgotten』race, to put it bluntly is not someone from our world【Grimoire】.”

I feel shocked hearing that sentence. Miri too is surprised.

“Rina! What the heck does that mean?”

“According to my research, unique skill acquisition is relying on job level. There are cases where someone born with a ‘gift’, but at that instant, he or she will get a job. Seeing that he didn’t have a job, I can only say that he is not born on 【Grimoire】.”

Miri then asked me: “Kent is that true? I didn’t care but what about the others?”

It is a hard question to answer because without job, I can be said as unemployed. But that is the truth.

“Well, I don’t have one.”

“Bingo!” Rina then nods.

“By the way, isn’t this place is the game world of 【Hunter Life】?”

“Speaking of 【Hunter Life】… It was mentioned in a diary that is discovered hundreds of years ago in one of the 『Forgotten』race diary.”

“Is that true? What does it said?”

Involuntarily I had grabbed Rina shoulder.

“This place is similar to Earth. However after many years since I came here, I don’t know how to 【Log Out】. Is this place really inside the【Hunter Life】?”

Really, there are people like me that are transported to this world.

“So, what happened to the owner of the diary?”

“He has a fulfilling life as the founder of the Koch family.”

In other words, there is no way back to the real world. Although I expect to be transported, but this is…

“Kent… Are you okay?” Miri asks anxiously.

“Yes, I’m just shocked a little.”

I am transported, I am transported, but what happened to the ‘real me’ in the ‘other world’?

Miri then hugs me gently from behind.

“Kent, it’s going to be alright. I will protect you.”

“Thank you…”

Now I wonder what happened if I ‘died’. Will I be transported back? Or it will be ‘game over’?

I have to think realistically that from this day onwards, 【Grimoire】is where I lived. I need to find a job and learn the writing here.

After filling myself with determination, I saw Rina infront of me.

“Miri, let us leave. Rina seemed to be busy.”

I stand up and Rina waves of murderous intent reached me.

“Well, this is getting late. Rina if you have time, you are welcomed to visit my house.”

“Onee-chan, just make sure that man didn’t tainted you.”

Rina, Miri is already…


Another 《Fireball》flying and burned the other side of my head.

“You must be thinking of something indecent just now!”

Really, Rina is so scary. However today I learned something useful.

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