[Please choose: New Game/Hero Xu Jun Save File]

[Shen Juan Continent was the beautiful home built by intelligent beings of many ethnicities and many races, until that day, when the Demon King returned to the mortal realm from the dark abyss……]

After Xu Jun chose the "Hero Xu Jun" save file, he experienced about half a minute of the game"s opening animation; he was extremely excited within that half-minute.  He remembered that when he went offline yesterday, he had already attacked the final boss of the main route, the Dark Demon King, Rozenke, in until it only had a little bit of health left. He was even playing the hardest difficulty under the hero cla.s.s mode, this difficulty, this mode, even now no one could pa.s.s it. Everywhere on Weibo[1], there are gamers begging for the guide to beat the final boss, the Demon King, on the highest difficulty in hero cla.s.s mode, but so far no one is able to hand over this guide.

Even the game company, Gale dad, offered a reward: the first to clear the hardest difficulty in hero cla.s.s mode could claim a grand prize of 100 thousand yuan.

And Xu Jun, he was close to killing the Demon King.

What does this represent!

This represents! He will become the first player to clear the hardest difficulty in the hero cla.s.s!

100 thousand reward! Also the money from selling the guide! Immediately becoming the pride of professional gamers! Oh, Heavens!

Xu Jun took a deep breath.

He entered the game.

Gale dad—no, the game produced by the Gale Game Development Company was always beautiful and realistic; before, Gale Company had produced three online games, the plot"s twists and turns were created perfectly, the BGM was beautiful without equal and the many settings inside the game drew in many people; thus many gamers became die-hard fans of the Gale Company, and knelt willingly, calling it dad, among whom include Xu Jun. Gale dad was also the first one to push out holographic virtual games, it is this , three years ago when closed beta was just released, that was called popular; publicity events would all be crowded with fans, back then Xu Jun could only be considered a moderate fan, and when facing such  a struggle he only smiled in disdain; it is not known yet if it really is fun, let"s wait until it enters open beta.

Then…… when open beta was released, he felt extremely regretful, mother"s eggs[2], this game is good!  It"s just like the real world! Thus, he who once played many well-known games, the G.o.d of the games section, Xu Jun, entered the embrace of , and from then on, he never touched any other game -outside of mobile games that killed time.

Gale dad has never followed one route, for example a game with strong plot, naturally has lower requirements when it comes to action, while real action games may be slightly weaker in terms of plot; however, the staff of Gale dad are perfectionists, if they do not make the best, they don"t feel comfortable, making the game develop with great diversification. It"s possible to purely look at the scenery, it"s also possible to enter for experiencing the plot, of course it was more than alright for gamers who sought excitement to suffer under hard difficulties, there were also people who developed an outstanding love mod, opening a brothel in the game……their ending was not pretty, the developers were all sentenced to a five year sentence_(:зゝ∠)_

Being a G.o.d like Xu Jun, of course he came rushing for the highest difficulty. Therefore, after trying the Hero cla.s.s novice difficulty and veteran difficulty modes, he decisively stepped into the highest difficulty.

As it turned out, he died heroically in the middle of his first mission.

What kind of novice mission is this ah! The novice mission comes up and wants you to attack the entire cynocephali[3] camp! The cynocephali there are also are able to call their friends and attack you, three vs one ah! Inside there are also five cynocehphali elites and one cynocephali chief ah! In addition, the novice village"s chief actually let me go alone ah! Really did not send anyone to help ah!

–Clearly, clearly in the novice and veteran difficulty, one only had to kill a few leftover cynocephali ah……

When Xu Jun looked at the official website, he found many people were all cursing that the game was s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g them over; afterwards, Gale dad expressed that you wanted the highest difficulty, this is the highest difficulty, have fun playing. The players immediately protested.

Gale dad has always been this overbearing, is this point not explained clearly from the dad in the name –>_–>

Because the hero cla.s.s" highest difficulty was excessively difficult, and is not comparable to the reputation of the church that comes with the priest cla.s.s, the ability of the n.o.ble cla.s.s to mobilize troops from the Golden Flag Empire, the hero cla.s.s sounds powerful and cool, but it actually has nothing, only a majestic t.i.tle……therefore, the hero cla.s.s" hardest difficulty mode is known as h.e.l.l mode; all sorts of gamers begged for a guide, but even until now no one has pa.s.sed.

However, after today, everything will change! Xu Jun thought with a heart full of expectations. As long as he killed the Demon King……

This game will no longer be difficult for him.

After that, he can choose like a casual gamer, only when he wants to reminisce about his career, or when the times when he will occasionally miss this game"s environment, strolling around in it is enough.

Xu Jun felt slightly sad, after all, he spent an entire two years to clear .  But at this time he had already entered the game, and used up the minute of prep time given after entering and exiting a battle, he tightly gripped the Sword of Laenkes in his hand, lifted up the Giant Dragon Shield, and got into fighting posture. The Demon King stood twenty yards across from him, raised his hand, a black mist swirling around his body, creating an eerie look. The Demon King"s voice was also deep and pleasant to the ear, according to what young girls say is "Su su su, kneel – lick!" Xu Jun is a man, but he also was once shocked by this voice.

This—isn"t this! The voice of the emperor in Gale dad"s previous online game! Although the voice changed some, the voice actor is definitely! It is said to get that person to make a grand appearance requires an enormous price ah!

Is it fitting to spend so much money on the villain! Why can"t you spend it on the protagonist"s body!

His opponent, Demon King Rozenke, opened his mouth: "Hero, I[4] admire you. Hence, I shall use my full strength to defeat you. Perhaps the deceased you will be happy to be added among my ranks."

Xu Jun: "……." Please wait until you have become a beautiful female demon king before having this kind of dream_(:зゝ∠)_

But obviously, he will not actually waste the chance of having this conversation, it needs to be known that his own condition is really not good, medicine was still in cool-down and could not be drunk, and when in the process of fighting , eating and drinking is definitely impossible, he only had half of his health left, looks like there"s still quite a bit left, but it is only enough to receive two more hits from the Demon King. Right now, although the Demon King only has a sliver of health, to grind away at it slowly would still need ten minutes.

The Demon King has five minor skills and three major skills in total, the three major skills each have half an hour cool-down times, as long as one remembers the time, it is very easy to use one"s own skills to escape, but the five minor skills are a bit more troublesome, each only has a cool-down time of a few minutes, Xu Jun fought until know, is unable to say for sure if he completely remembered them. Usually, the Demon King will be relatively calm when casting his spell skills, when in this state, he is the most difficult to engage, but Xu Jun has methods to counter this.

He faced the Demon King Rozenke **oss[5] directing his strength towards his dantian[6], loudly shouted:


Same as before, the Demon King Rozenke"s temper burst when receiving the ridiculing words.

A word of thanks to Gale dad"s spirit in developing the game, thanks for the people in the game being so life-like, as well as thanks for the Demon King for having an AI that can identify different swears, thank the heavens, thank the earth.

The lord Demon King, insulted by the offensive words, raised his scepter, on which a few of its inlaid gems had already cracked, faced towards Xu Jun"s direction and started to wildly fire spells, not only that, his ability is far from only being able to use spells. Could only see that he did not move much, then from the sky, lightning fell angrily onto Xu Jun"s location: that small piece of earth was immediately blown apart, leaving behind a pit five yards in diameter,  and does not look like it is very lethal, but whether it is the Demon King or Xu Jun, both know that this entire piece of land was completely finished, its life energy was completely consumed; from now on this place, for tens of millions of years, will never be able to breed life.

"Xu Jun, you should be annihilated and fly away as ash along with your rudeness" Rozenke stated arrogantly, but that the same time, the back of his head was attacked—it"s Xu Jun! Xu Jun had immediately placed a subst.i.tute dummy at his original location, when the he was blinded by rage; the game officials were not joking when they said the Demon King"s IQ will drop 50 points when under the influence of anger, it is obvious that the game"s officials made this setting after studying about the human nature,  is a shame that His Majesty the Demon King can only be angered once an hour, it really is too fraudulent……in short, Xu Jun snuck behind the Demon King, and started a round of attacks, longsword cutting the side of the Demon King"s neck, making him fall into a short, stunned period. After ten seconds, the Demon King awoke, and the two grinded at each other for another nine minutes. Finally, Xu Jun carrying an injury, stubbornly charged forward, his longsword and shield have also been sent flying, but it did not matter.

In the end, Xu Jun slid out a dagger from his waist, his last strike piercing through the Demon King"s heart.

"This is something His Majesty King Eisenmier of Snow Blade Kingdom gave to me, a dagger once used by Prince Ryan for sneak attacks."

Xu Jun looked into the Demon King Rozenke"s eyes, telling him the origin of the dagger for some reason[7].

The lights of Demon King Rozenke"s eyes were extinguished, it seemed he wanted to say something, but in the end, he silently entered the embrace of his death.

Even if he is a Demon King, he will still die.

"The Demon King"s birth from the G.o.ds" demise brought disaster upon the Shen Juan Continent. The death of the Demon King will let sunlight once again illuminate the Shen Juan Continent. After all, the G.o.ds favor their faithful followers……." There seemed to be an empty and distant voice praying from all directions, gradually becoming fuzzy until it was hard to hear clearly, because of a dark vortex that was gathering in the sky, instantly causing the wind and clouds to seethe. If the atmosphere just now was repressing darkness, then this was the eve of a storm. Xu Jun wanted to leave, but found that his body inexplicably could not  move, he was stupefied.

Don"t tell me! After clearing the Demon King"s child, I have to die here!!!

If I die here…… mother"s c*nt, I"d have to work hard for thirty years! Once again back to a time before liberation!!!

Gale dad!  Good dad! Can you please have pity for me!!!

–The gamer, Xu Jun, currently praying to Gale dad did not know, this was not something that Gale dad could create, it is not known if it is because he killed the Demon King, but a s.p.a.ce-time tunnel was created in the s.p.a.ce between the game and another world……Xu Jun knew nothing about this; his soul was sent to another world.

–Because Xu Jun was a child with no friends and no relatives, so no one sued Gale for compensation……but Xu Jun those waiting for the final boss guide all exploded. Afterwards, the Gale Game Company dedicated a hero statue to Xu Jun in the novice village to commemorate him _(:зゝ∠)_

In another real world, on the body of the same hero Xu Jun who killed the Demon King.

That "Hero Xu Jun" had the same appearance as the hero in the game, the equipment and condition being the same as the Xu Jun who killed the Demon King in the game, the only difference was that he wore a hypocritical smile after killing the Demon King: "Let the Holy Light protect your lost soul."

He is the real "hero" who is completely different from the gamer Xu Jun, mature, slippery[8], and also a bit of a pretentious gentleman, he looked exactly like one of the despicable n.o.bles in . But no matter how he was not able to escape from the damage of the s.p.a.ce vortex, the gamer Xu Jun"s soul filled in, but his soul was ripped apart in the s.p.a.ce-time vortex, completely torn apart.

Even more unknowable was that at the moment of Demon King Rozenke"s physical death in the real world, a dark, weak soul floated out from his heart, very carefully entering into the forehead of "Hero Xu Jun."

However, the Xu Jun who crossed over only felt a chill in his heart; at this time, a lightning bolt descended from the sky, striking onto a faraway sand dune, illuminating the handsome face of the deceased Demon King.

Xu Jun, not knowing why, subconsciously felt that his opponent was still alive, he blurted out just one mocking line: "—Child."

The author has something to say: 1. Gale dad—no, the setting of the Gale game company borrowed Blizzard dad—no, the setting of Blizzard game company, but will not borrow the settings of specific games.

Xu Jun "novice village"s kobolds" mission, this setting of kobolds came from :ocephali (Cynocephali): the head is a dog, the body is human. They are smart yet cruel, cannibals, according the sayings of Western Asia, they communicate to each other through barking, wear the skin of animals, and live within caves in India"s mountainous region. They can use swords, bows, and spears. In the legends of Alexander, they have giant teeth, and can spit fire. Marco Polo also once mentioned discovering the traces of the Cynocephali. p54.

Translator"s niche:


Popular social media in China Return


Just know that this is a swear in Chinese Return


Refer to Author’s note 2 above. Return


The Demon King is using a royal form of “I” used by emperors Return ↺


Honestly, no idea what this is, it was written in English in the raws. Does anyone know? Return


It’s a spot slightly below your navel, anyone whose read a lot of chinese martial arts novels probably knows of this. Return


The literal is something closer to someone acting so out of character it seems like the are under the control of G.o.ds and/or ghosts. Return


Hard to explain this one, literally translates as someone who doesn’t reveal their thoughts and kind of goes along with things? Like this is the type of person who would refuse to take a side, and seems like they support everybody’s opinion. Return

Extra: Truth be told, the author had some more things to say, but it was more along the lines of them stating they have a new novel out, and wanting people to support them. Was too lazy to translate it.

Also, I am trying to work on creating page jumps for the translator notes. If anyone knows anything in this area, please tell me, it would be helpful.

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