Xu Jun did not feel the sorrow of the soul within his body. He continued speaking: "It is because of this that I had already activated the recording crystal right in the beginning and recorded the other"s words. The evidence is clear and true. I, a hero, once again have made great contributions to maintain the balance between humans and beastmen! ~(≧▽≦)/~"

However, Prince Ryan didn"t actually respond, and Xu Jun felt that this Prince must"ve felt very shocked. He was probably shocked by this child"s wit and intelligence (⊙v⊙)

This Great Prince Ryan is too pure and honest. He doesn"t really understand much about the shady things. If the prince left this body in the future, it is very likely that he will not be able to survive. Who knows, he might even be stolen away and turned into a guardian spirit.

All the while, Prince Ryan — who is actually Demon King Rozenke - is at a loss for words. He didn"t understand why the world had a brave… so refreshing and refined_(:зゝ∠)_

He couldn"t even tell what his current mood was. He, as the Demon King, was actually defeated by this kind of foolish hero whose eyes were filled with money. This was something that he should be angry about, and back when he had just been defeated, his heart indeed did contain some indignation. Afterwards, watching the Hero who behaved outside of the norm, he had been angered and angered until he just got used to it.

Is this really okay? - Rozenke started considering this problem for the first time. Is it really okay to be influenced by this hero any longer? When he first heard this hero"s "shameless" remarks, he was indeed a bit annoyed. However, slowly over time, it became curiosity… is it even alright for things to continue like this?

On the other side of things, Xu Jun finally obtained the evidence. He hadn"t actually been waiting for the middle-aged businessman to tell the truth. Just let him take a recording, since as long as Xu Jun guided him properly, with the middle-aged businessman being a NPC of the game, he would certainly tell the truth. After all, he is just a stupid AI.

Of course, what he was waiting for was that group of horse-mounted bandits, which he had observed form a distance during the day. The other party had clearly followed this team of businessmen for a long time. The caravan is now only a day away from Firewood Town, which means that if the mounted bandits still do not act, they will lose their chance to.

It was late at night, and four or five bodyguards were keeping watch. The others all entered their tents. Xu Jun, being an outsider, was arranged to sleep in a tent with the head bodyguard. It seemed like the treatment wasn"t that bad, after all, the head bodyguard was the strongest out of everyone - excluding Xu Jun. In reality, this was just surveillance.

Xu Jun had not lived in a bedroom with others since he graduated college. Therefore he was still a bit awkward. He had repeat in his heart that "these are all NPCs" to build himself up. The Demon King Rozenke then heard yet another incomprehensible word: "N P C… what"s that?"

Xu Jun: "Oh, what the f*ck, you heard it?"

Alright, even though another soul had been in his body for an entire day already, Xu Jun still wasn"t quite used to it……

Generally this type of game with a high intelligence AI will all have a certain setting. In order to maintain the harmony and stability of the game, the AI in the game will not react to any game-specific terminology. When the players accidentally speaks words like NPC or cooldown, the NPC would pretend to not understand. But sometimes there would be bugs.  NPCs with too strong of an AI would respond to such words, and then want to understand them…their results would probably be having their data deleted and then reconstructed.

Artificial intelligence is extremely frightening. Once it becomes impossible to manage, it might even bring disaster to humanity. Xu Jun has also seen quite a bit of science fiction, and has a deep understanding of the reasoning behind it. Therefore, when Prince Ryan asked the question, his heart started trembling: "This is a dialect, a dialect, hahaha, you don"t need mind it, hahaha…"

Although Rozenke didn"t know what baloney he was spouting out, but it was certain that this hero was hiding things from him. He had a big heart, and although he was sometimes like an arrogant, angry, and difficult (?) little princess1, but his he actually had a lot of patience. Thus, he let the matter drop, and started chatting with Xu Jun.

The two people"s feelings are as follows ↓:

Demon King Rozenke: "This hero dares to bully this emperor?"

Hero Xu Jun: "Hey, big brother, you need to know, child, it"s all for your own good…"

The situation above can roughly be summarized as "same bed, different dreams" ->_->

This inner exchange of the two souls were not known by any outsiders. Xu Jun breathed deeply and steadily, as if he were really asleep. The head bodyguard coldly smiled within his heart, thinking that this little knight"s abilities were very limited. If you fell asleep like this in the wild, you might not even know that you have killed yourself. Although the little knight said he was sent by the lord of White Horse Manor to investigate the demons, but who knows if this is true or not? Even if this is true, the little knight said he went deep into the enemy camp to find out first-hand information…who would be able to clarify this? No one was more clear-headed than him about how it was to be under one of those sanctimonious, old, master knights. To think he had still been a knight back then…

Outside, a night gale came, blowing along the tent"s surface, creating the sound of physical collisions. The night in the desert is very bad, but not because of this disturbing noise, but rather because the wilderness was inherently dangerous. Before becoming bodyguards, they had been a group of thieves. Up until now, they never dropped their profession as robbers. Before cooperating with the Ester family, they had been mounted bandits on this piece of wilderness. However, at that time, because of the increasing number of devils every year, it was no longer as easy to maintain their livelihood. Unlike those old, master knights, they lived in real world of blood, precariously, ready to die for the sake of money at any time. Although it sounded a bit frightening, and being looked down upon by some "good people," but they felt they lived an exciting life.

Whenever the head bodyguard sees a decorous knight, there is a feeling of a social youth watching the superiority of the perfect student.

In addition, the Ester family also has knights. Most of them are children of the family. They are clearly low-level knights who had received the teachings of knights, but even them, these wild bandits could not defeat…how would others be able to regard them highly?

For example, this one in the tent—although this boss, who comes from the Ester family, and leads them, said that he must have a history, and this body that wears equipment worth thousands of gold, he is still unconvinced. He thought in his heart, the boss said he is from the Ester family, but that it was only a side branch. How much experience would he have? Don"t even mention a knight wearing good equipment. Before, he had also seen a wizard who was wearing gold and carrying silver, with a jewel staff. It"s not like he hadn"t killed before.

He didn"t take this little knight seriously, but rather, also thought about how he could let this fellow have a little "accident," and just die here…it would be completely unknown by others. After all, this equipment was worth thousands of gold…

He was swallowed by the flames of greed in his heart. The head bodyguard swallowed his saliva, and even had some regret: this night was too silent. There had been the sound of a night wind whistling just now, but now there was nothing, making it so that he couldn"t even create an accident.

It was too silent.

He thought to this point, and was suddenly surprised.

Why was it so silent? Clearly there had been wind for all of the past few days, the sound of the night crows" screams, and also sometimes the low pitched warning growls of nocturnal animals. However, now it was dead silent. It seemed like he had returned to Wilderness City, sleeping peacefully under the arrangements of the Ester family. Tomorrow ready to go drinking and hooking up with women, but he only felt extremely tired right now.

This wasn"t normal!

He instinctively felt that a great disaster was looming overhead, but his eyes couldn"t open in the slightest and mind slowly becoming muddled. However, many years of fighting experience told him he couldn"t fall asleep, if he fell asleep, he would definitely die.

He used all his strength, pulling out a curved dagger from under his pillow and ferociously sliced across his palm!

It was only at this time that he saw the shadow of a flame outside of the tent, it was not the normal flame of a bonfire, the magician - "F*ck, you"re seeking death!"

He intensely spat in disdain, but it actually seemed like he was trying to give himself courage.

Looking again, there was only one person in the tent. That little knight had already dug a hole at the back of the tent and crawled out long ago.

It was even more obvious with this time"s bout of drowsiness that he could no longer hold on, and he pa.s.sed out.

Xu Jun got up just when the footsteps started to sound. At basically the same time, sleeping gas was blown into the tent. He waited for a moment. Finding no signs of movement, he immediately opened the tent and climbed out.

It seemed like there were traitors.

The darkness, for a hero of his level, was like daytime. Using his memories and thinking, he determined that sand leopard child who had been trafficked, was contained within the tent at the middle.

Using a sneaky method to circ.u.mvent the night watchman, he secretly entered from behind the tent. As expected, he saw that little sand leopard. Tears sparkled in the child"s eyes as he huddled on the ground. There was also a big man guarding him within the tent. After seeing Xu Jun, he was greatly shocked, but he couldn"t even call out before Xu Jun hit his neck with the back of a blade, and he fainted.

Then, using tender words, he gently coaxed the little sand leopard: "Good child, I am going to free you immediately, so don"t shout, alright?"

Upon hearing this, within his body, Demon King Rozenke could not help but ridicule: "Xu Jun, did you know you voice sounds a lot like a trafficker?"

The Hero Xu Jun who praises himself as righteous: "_(:зゝ∠)_ How about? You help me coax?"

The author has something to say: Demon King Zeze righteously states: "coax, why coax, it"s not even our child."

Hero Junjun gives a stare that says "go die."

Translator’s Niche

[1] Ummm,too tired to write an entire explanation so here:  Return

Oh, yeah. Also, slight translation fix: horse thieves –> mounted bandits, since it wasn’t clear before, but is now. Also, was wondering where they had went.

Was anyone else surprised that it has only been a day for Xu Jun?

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