There seemed to be something wrong with this development_(:зゝ∠)_ The small sand leopard child thought for a while but was still unclear about what a video was, nor what this hero intends to do.

Only the demon king, of course, had a better understanding of this eccentric hero, having already "cohabitated" with Xu Jun for a day! He was extremely clear on the fact that this hero would definitely not kill these people directly. This extremely thick-skinned, greedy hero would only think about how he could squeeze out every drop from these pitiful fellows. Afterwards, he would also make a "this precious one is the most just under the sky" kind of expression; it really was… something that left people at a loss for words.

If he were to reprimand the hero"s actions, it would be difficult to do. After all, their opponents had made the first move. If he were to praise the Hero… forget it, one cannot praise this kind of person. Just look at how he was acting already. If he were praised, he would just soar to the heavens.

Therefore, the demon king wisely said nothing.

Xu Jun simply murmured in his heart: "Actually, I didn"t originally plan to do such a thing."

Xu Jun went before the bandit leader, raised up the other"s chin, and found the other was actually a dashing, handsome young man. The bandit leader looked at him with eyes that conveyed he would rather die than surrender.  Xu Jun smiled slightly: "Do you know what I"ll do next?"

The young, handsome, bandit leader had an arrogant and fearless expression: "You"ll kill me? Or will you torture me? Do you even know how to torture people? Hmm?"

Demon King Rozenke felt sorry for this young man in his heart. Child, you have no idea what is about to befall you →_→

Xu Jun had a half smile on his face. He wasn"t that angered by the other party. Instead, under many stares, he opened up the bandit leader"s breastplate.

Bandit leader: "…"

Demon king: "…"

The small, sand leopard boy who doesn"t know what"s going on: "???"

What kind of development is this?! The bandit leader couldn"t comprehend it! He thought of how he had traversed the desert for nearly ten years, smashing and robbing countless businessmen, defeating innumerable knights! Even then, he had never seen such an opponent! It is still acceptable that this knight has drugs, which can instantly paralyze people. However, this paralyzing drug could actually paralyze a high-level fighter like him; now that is just cheating! It wasn"t that he had never tripped up in the past, but that he had never tripped up this badly before!

If it wasn"t for his desire of splitting up the Ester family…

He clenched his teeth, his mouth filled with the taste of blood. His life might have to be exchanged here, but it doesn"t matter. When the heartless Charlie Ester had extinguished his entire family, his sole purpose in life became vengeance against the Ester family. It was just a shame about the people who followed him; they"re all still young…

Death isn"t that frightening, it"s just that he couldn"t get revenge. Regarding that, he still had some regret.

If the other, who used cleverness instead of brawn, wants to use torture to obtain some other benefits, then let him do it. A person who has seen h.e.l.l would not be afraid of any person or thing in this world.

However, he did not think the other"s hand would actually reach into his breastplate.

In this dark night, of black clouds and sickly yellow gra.s.s on the black earth, even the wind seemed black. Only the moon hangs brightly upon the treetops, a testament to the existence of light.

Thus, now, as long as they weren"t blind, everyone could see what this knight was doing.

It is known far and wide that knights represent justice and glory. Regardless of how filthy or shameless they are in actuality, they would always appear upright on the surface. But the knight, who indeed seems upright, with a face full of smiles, said to the bandit leader: "Your breastplate isn"t bad, it"s forged from silver light stones,  it probably cost a lot right? A name"s even written on it…hmm, let me see, your name is Li Bao Luo?"

The bandit leader felt that his current plight was even more dangerous than death, since he has no idea of what the other planned to do!!! Everyone able to reach his level all knew, regardless of how bad their situation is, as long as the other party follows the standard routines, then one can make it out. However, if the other strays completely from those routines…who the h.e.l.l knows what this madman is planning to do?!

However, one cannot drop their imposing att.i.tude. The bandit leader smiled coldly. Originally, he was already quite good looking. He just wasn"t the typical handsome male, but rather one surrounded by a cold atmosphere. With this smile, the feeling he gave off changed completely. His originally cold eyes turned fiendish, like some sort of cold-blooded animal lurking in the dark.

He was using practically all his effort to maintain this att.i.tude. Who knows what he experienced—Xu Jun"s hands caressing his breastplate and also his body at the same time. F*ck, it was itchy as h.e.l.l.

He really wanted to laugh_(:зゝ∠)_

The bandit leader fiercely held in his laughter and feigned indifference: "My name is Liao Fu-Sha Ke Man."

Xu Jun"s eyebrows jumped: "Sha Ke Man?"

Who cares if he"s a Sha Ke Man or a Li Bao Luo, none of it is important. Xu Jun"s head — which has been filled with the three principles: kill all, burn all, loot all - clutched in one hand the standard curved blade of a bandit, and the other seized the shoulders of the immobilized, middle-aged businessman. He forcefully arranged the middle-aged businessman into a pose on the ground and took up a recording crystal: shoot!

"Now there is evidence of the Ester family being a.s.sociated with bandits. Everything"s settled. Now all that"s left is for precious to go to the City of Wilderness to settle some things," Xu Jun proudly said in his heart. Then he suddenly discovered that First Prince Ryan didn"t seem to have spoken for a while: "Ryan? First Prince? Your Highness? Can you respond?"

Demon King Rozenke reluctantly responded: "…then, next is the City of Wilderness?"

"No!" Xu Jun was in high spirits: "our next course of actions is, obviously, out all the loot!"

Indeed, in the end under the bandit leader"s protest, was it Liao Fu-Sha Ke Man or Li Bao Luo—Xu Jun had them all mixed up—Xu Jun still plucked off the man"s most valuable possession, the breastplate, and said: "This can sell for a thousand gold coins.

As soon as he started on money, the little sand leopard boy on his chest  shivered again: "You-you-you, don"t sell me QAQ…"

It is said that beastmen from the feline family share many qualities with cats, such as being willful, and sand leopards are of the feline family. The small sand leopard beastman was originally fierce and hard to hold on to, but with a few words from Xu Jun, he was paralyzed by fear. What a delightful spectacle this was.

This is how brats should be taught.

Xu Jun carried the little boy and mounted Man Tou: "Depending on your performance, I might not sell you. So don"t cry."

The little sand leopard hurriedly nodded his head. Wearing a small hat, he looked very cute. He sniffled a bit, and a little bit of snot dripped down.  Afraid that Xu Jun would get angry, he quickly wiped it clean onto his clothes.

He wiped it right onto Xu Jun"s clothes.

Xu Jun: "…Brat! I should just sell you!"

Small sand leopard: "Ahhhhhhh, don"t!!!*QAQ* Also, my name isn"t brat*QAQ* My name is Ti Na. Please don"t beat me!"

Man Tou sped up. He was very different from an ordinary horse, even if he didn"t rest for an entire night, he could still run as fast as the wind. Xu Jun comfortingly patted him on the head: "Good Man Tou, after we enter the town, I"ll take you to eat tasty food."

Man Tou couldn"t speak. He only felt that his master was a bit different from before… if it was before, although his master wasn"t harsh, he still wasn"t this… gentle? Also, if it was before, his master would never do such a thing towards those enemies.

Although moonlight colts are high level magic beasts–and could also gain the ability to turn into humans—Man Tou was still too young. His IQ right now was not much different from that of a ten-year-old child. His awareness towards many things was still a bit blurry. Thus, he only knows that his master is different from before, however he does not know why this came about.

Obviously, he also did not know that after they had rapidly left, on the hill Xu Jun had used to observe the surroundings, stood a handsome and perverted looking man. He looked in the direction of the leaving Xu Jun and Man Tou for a long time.

"This hero…is becoming more and more interesting."

He said hero with his mouth, but in his heart, he remembered that moonlight colt, beautiful even by the standards of unicorn beastmen. This perverted unicorn beastman"s eyes once again became bottomless.

It would be nice to stroll around the humans" territory.

The author has something to say:

Er Ji: *Knocks on the blackboard!* "The main point of today"s chapter is!"

Xu Jun raises his hand: "The main point is that I can tell the shady dealings of the Ester family to the City of Wilderness" City Lord and ask for a reward!"

Small Leopard Ti Na: "The main point is that my real name comes out! This child is not called Tina! This child is also not a girl!"

Demon King Rozenke: "… the main point is that the hero stuck his hands into another man"s breastplate" ->_->

Thus, the entire audience was silent.

Translator"s Niche:

Tina and Ti Na are written differently in Chinese (showing they"re different by separating the words) but they still sound the same  -_-

Also, it’s such a pain, there are quite a few names in this novel that seem western, but also a lot that seem more Chinese in nature. I don’t even know what to do with them anymore… I’m just going to leave the new ones in pinyin for now…

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