Who would"ve thought that, this man, who had once been a upright and n.o.ble prince, and an honorable, proud Demon King—this kind of person, this kind of righteous spirit, would actually like gambling!?

What is with this development?!

Xu Jun"s head was already hurting. Hey dear, he just wanted to find a place to get offline now. How could you be this pitiless towards him? Playing video games for such a long period of time without rest could result in sudden death you know dear?!

However, Demon King Rozenke was not moved by this: "The other party cheated, did you not see it? Xu Jun! Kill him!"

Xu Jun eyes widened with shock: "What"s so wrong about cheating in this sort of thing?! …Wait, wait, you should calm down! Prince Ryan, how could your head be filled with thoughts of killing?! You weren"t like this before!"

So gambling could cause such great harm!

Xu Jun suddenly felt he had committed a great sin_(:зゝ∠)_

Xu Jun still maintained a beaming smile on his face. He really didn"t know if Prince Ryan was born with great apt.i.tude or if it was that his luck was just amazing. Prince Ryan was just too good at guessing! 70% of the time, his guesses would be correct! This percentage was already quite high; if Xu Jun had this kind of luck back when he still played those trading card video games, he wouldn"t have needed try to absorb some luck from people on Weibo…

Although Prince Ryan was still unsatisfied with this level of gambling, his gambling was already getting quite problematic.

The onlookers were once again praising Xu Jun: "A heavenly person! He has the hands of G.o.d!"

Everyone, even the gambling house owner, started treating him as one of their own. They started calling him little brother and asked questions ranging from "little brother, how old are you," to "little brother, what are you doing now" and "would you be interested in coming here to work with us?" Xu Jun could only keep laughing and smiling, but his inner heart was crying bitterly: "Ryan…please just let me sleep…"

He was on the brink of falling asleep! Especially since, after eating a meat-stuffed pancake, he became even sleepier!

Demon King Rozenke raged: "You"re lacking discipline! Why are you not thinking of ways to turn the tables! All you know is sleep!"

Xu Jun felt like crying: "QAQ You"re cruel, ruthless, unreasonable…"

#After many losses to the Hero, the Demon King has finally triumphed #

#You should just let me sleep—Don"t think too much into it! By sleep, I mean actually sleeping!#

Finally, late at night, "His Highness Prince Ryan,” dwelling within Xu Jun "s body, seemed to have calmed down, and the small sand leopard Ti Na was already sleeping soundly in Xu Jun"s arms. Together, they lurched and staggered up to the gambling house"s second floor.

The gambling house owner had even given Xu Jun a large bag of gold in a profligate manner and said with a large smile: "Ever since I came here to open a gambling house, this old one had never felt as exhilarated as today!"

Xu Jun had heard this and wanted to roar out, what the f*ck, are you sick! You gave me this much money and even said you felt exhilarated?! Has your brain short-circuited?

He truly couldn"t understand the minds of these Wilderness City elderlies->_->

Of course, what was even more mystifying to him was Prince Ryan"s heart.

"Big brother Prince, gambling ruins lives!!!"

Demon King Rozenke hadn"t actually said anything.

This was because after he calmed down, he suddenly felt a bit depressed.

He had been a great prince and demon king. He had self-discipline, was strict and focused, because he had been a human prince a few decades back, and had been raised to be a king ever since he had been a child. He could not make any mistakes, for a king could not make any mistakes.

Thus he needed to suppress himself, suppress his base nature that rises from time to time. The refreshing feeling when he killed—this needed to be suppressed, the warm and comfortable feeling he had the first time he drank wine—this also needed to be suppressed.

Now that he had died and only his soul remained, residing within the Hero"s body. However, he didn"t know why, but he didn"t really want to continue suppressing his base nature.

Was it because this hero was so daring and unrestrained that, no matter what he did, this hero would not ridicule him?

Or was it that he actually harbored feelings besides just appreciation for this wanton and unruly Hero?

It hasn"t even been a day since he had entered the Hero Xu Jun"s inner heart; was it possible for such a great change to have occurred?

Xu Jun practically smashed into the bed. He then threw Ti Na beside a pillow near the wall. The child continued to sleep soundly. Xu Jun"s energy had been completely drained; after all, he had done many things today. He had also eaten food and drunken wine. He now felt the his blood flow reaching his stomach, his mind dulling, and his upper and lower eyelids began fighting a battle, unable to be kept open.

He wanted to sleep—wait, no, he should get offline first.

Logout b.u.t.ton…logout…sleepy…wait a second, where is this precious one"s logout b.u.t.ton?!

What happened to being able to log out through one"s thoughts?!

Xu Jun rocketed upwards into a sitting position. It seemed it was impossible to log out through his thoughts! He whispered: "Requesting to logout."

There was no response.

Only Demon King Rozenke, who was currently doubting the meaning of life, answered: "What are you trying to do?"

He felt Xu Jun"s inner heart was turbulent. Xu Jun"s entire soul was fluctuating in great waves, as if something terrible had happened… and Xu Jun really had discovered something terrifying! F*ck, he finally managed to find > GM, and the GM"s profile was grey. Only a small message icon was jumping about. He clicked on the message and saw a grandly written: "Player Xu Jun, greetings. There isn"t much time left so I hope you can quickly finish reading this message! Because of a distortion in s.p.a.ce-time, you have already crossed over into another world that is exactly the same as Shen Juan Continent. Gale Game Company gives you our apologies right here! You must never treat this world as a game! Please take good care, hugs and kisses!"

Xu Jun"s mind went blank: meow, meow, meow?!  Can you please f*cking speak  human?!

Daddy Gale, you can"t be like this! From today onwards, I will no longer call you father, you will soon lose a precious child!

Xu Jun looked here and there, but found that even the GM"s greyed out profile had disappeared along with that message. For a moment he was unable to react, and only felt his mind becoming blurred, confused, wanting to both cry and laugh.

He really wanted to deliver a "you mother f*cker" to the GM, really_(:зゝ∠)_

Then he thought it through some more, and found that if he hadn"t crossed over after he had killed the Demon King, but rather when he had first arrived in the game…it would"ve been even more dangerous. After all, back then he was still a level one noob, who was completely unfamiliar with how >, being a game made by daddy Gale, loved to screw over the players. This game really contained too many traps!

Thinking of it this way…it seemed that it was something that might need to be celebrated a bit!

Experiencing sorrow and happiness in such a short span of time, Xu Jun felt like the wine he drunk was getting to his head. His shuffled around a bit on the pillow, searching for a comfortable position.

However, he left behind a few broken words, "why do I need to be a hero…I can"t go home anymore…"

Meanwhile, Demon King Rozenke, having felt the unstable condition of the Hero"s emotions just now, truthfully, felt a bit worried. What if it had been him who had pushed the Hero over the edge… the Hero"s spirit seems to have collapsed and went mad_(:зゝ∠)_

According to reason, if the hero"s turned insane, he could expel the other"s spirit without any scruples. He could possess this promising body, which would be the best development for him. However, for some reason…when he had this thought, he actually felt some hesitation.

He wasn"t hesitating over if he should or should not do such a thing, but rather over if he actually desired for the hero to go mad or disappear.

At that moment, Demon King Rozenke felt the one who went crazy was himself.

No, it must be because it still wasn"t the most opportune time for him to take this body. He still wanted to see for himself the herRo"s fate.

He wanted to see this righteous hero, who seemed so much like himself, and what he would become after receiving the attentions of countless eyes for killing the Demon King.

The author has something to say:

Demon King Zeze: Therefore, I don"t actually like this hero! I just think that he is very interesting and just want to observe him some more! No one is allowed to say otherwise!

Author: Sure->_->

Translator"s Niche:

Finally! The time has ARRIVED! Hahaha, that GM though, seemed like a major troll. Felt sad for XJ though, he seemed pretty depressed near the end.

Rozenke"s care for him was so sweet though. Love how he feared he had driven XJ to insanity.

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