His Majesty the Demon King, He…

In the past two years, the dark elements had become increasingly saturated.

With light, there is darkness. This world"s holy light element, or rather, light element, had always opposed the dark element. They were elements essential to the growth of life and the composition of matter. To the sapient races, these two elements were "enemies," but elements without a formed consciousness could not possess hostility. When elements of different attributes encountered each other, they would compete against each other; however, this was just their natural instinct, like how paramecia avoid harm and seek food.

In Shen Juan continent"s world, having only light and no dark would not do. Having only dark and no light would also lead to instability. The elements must be maintained in a state of equilibrium. The Sacred Highlands are a great teaching example of the negative effects. Because the Holy Light Elves require great quant.i.ties of the holy light element, the Sacred Highlands possess a much higher concentration of the holy light element. Some people might believe that the holy light element isn"t very aggressive, that it was mild in nature, like the water or wood elements; such people had been completely brainwashed by the Bright G.o.d Church… The Sacred Highlands had elemental storms every year: large ones could turn entire forests into wastelands, leaving them as if a dog had gnawed upon them. An elemental storm of this level appearing within a human country could collapse a small kingdom. However, the Holy Light Elves were few in number, and were quite powerful on average, so they were not afraid.

They weren"t a race that blindly worshipped the holy light element and were different from the human"s Bright G.o.d Church. The Elves didn"t put their faith in any G.o.d, but rather believed in power itself. Humanity"s Bright G.o.d Church was not so much a religious group as it was a political party fighting for power; the internal power disputes were not much better than those in countries and regions.

Just take a look at Daeniste"s experience; if things really were so simple and good in the Bright G.o.d Church, how could the Elder"s Circle have found reasons to suppress him for so long? They were all supposed to be a part of the same organization.

The Holy Light Elves had a smaller population of only ten or twenty thousand. After all, they were unable to breed naturally and could not birth litters every year like prairie rabbits. 

Therefore, although the slight increase of dark element was problematic back then, most of the Holy Light Elves had been optimistic. The dark element had only increased by 0.1 percent and there had only been half as many elemental storms that year compared to the past. Therefore, the young Elves could use this chance to hide within the embryos sprouting from the Tree of Life and not have to worry about being expelled by an elemental storm.

Even the Holy Light Elves back then had jokingly lamented, "If it continues to remain the peaceful, what are we to do? The fighting prowess of us Holy Light Elves will gradually decrease."

That was something that had occurred twenty to thirty years ago. 

The Ellie of then had still been a princess; although it had already been certain she was the next queen, she wasn"t under much pressure as there was still a Queen Aikar up above, shielding her. She had been quite a carefree girl. At the time, her knowledge of the dark element had really just been that it might tarnish her hair. Now, however, she has come to realize the horror of the dark element and what this sort of power would bring to the Holy Light Elves. 

Originally, she had truly believed this situation would be over after the Demon King"s death.

However, although Xu Jun had told her that he had already killed the Demon King…rather than decreasing, the dark element had become even more unstable. 

She had thought of many methods, the elders had also thought of many methods, to suppress the dark element"s presence in the Sacred highlands. Despite seeing success whenever they implemented their plans, a resurgence of the element always followed.

In the end, the Holy Light Elves" upper echelon were forced to recognize a single truth: they had no way of dealing with the dark element"s increasing presence. It wasn"t just them either. Other Elven races were also at a loss–the Moonlight Elf King was losing hair with worry and had already become half bald; however, their moonlight wells were still gradually being covered by black mist. The situation was not optimistic.

The Holy Light Elves" elders thought of a certain person, Xu Jun.

However, Queen Ellie didn"t want to go to him. Why? Why was it Xu Jun who went to kill the Demon King and not others? This world contained numerous races, nearly all of whom were hostile towards Demons. However, when the Demons invaded, what did they do? The Bright G.o.d Church preached every day about righteousness and glory, but why didn"t they, for the sake of righteousness and glory, challenge the Demon King? The beastmen were known for their bravery and tenacity, yet one had yet to see them all actually push to the front lines. Then, how about the Elves? Did the Elves actually like the dark element? If not, then why did they entrench themselves, unwilling to be heroes?

The reason was that all of the people in power knew, such acts would bring them little benefit. 

Because anyone with a brain knew this was suicide. 

Xu Jun had been heading towards death.

Luckily, he had not died. However, he must"ve neared death countless times; he hadn"t been born into some great power, yet still managed to complete what the forces of light only dared to say, but not do. 

Did Braves possess high standing in human society? When Ellie was still a princess, she had heard that Braves were all stragglers. Only people without families or backing would become a Brave. What was the difference between them and mercenaries or adventurers?  Although it was prophesied that a Brave would kill the Demon King–would anyone actually hold Braves in a good light?

Normally, they enjoyed zero benefits, yet whenever a situation arose, they were turned into a suicide squad. Ellie often felt ashamed of such actions.

Unfortunately, the Holy Light Elves were just one of the many races in this world.

Yet, no matter how lavish the speech was, this still remained an indisputable reality.

Now that the Elves have come across disaster, they will look for Xu Jun and make sure that he will not refuse them…what shamelessness.

Inside the treehouse, Xu Jun, having played enough, sent the young prince home. This child was truly much too energetic and was terrifyingly bratty. He seemed more like a little rogue than a young prince. He appeared very arrogant, but if one didn"t listen to him, he would start bawling and throwing a tantrum. He had even taught himself how to sell cuteness without a teacher. His small round face, paired with innocent eyes…the killing power was too strong. Xu Jun wouldn"t be able to hit him even if he wanted to.

…If only this boy were as skinny as Ti Na. 

After the child had been coaxed away, Daeniste became noticeably more relaxed. It was clear that the esteemed Holy Son had not been frightened by the endless amounts of trap spell formations–he had faked most of his previous fear–but had instead been heavily scared by the child. He had seen Xu Jun"s hands itch out of annoyance because of Prince Loya, only for Xu Jun to put them down again. Daeniste"s heart had followed along, rising from and falling back into his stomach with the motions of Xu Jun"s hand.

Xu Jun, you need to endure. This child isn"t someone you can beat up on a whim_(:зゝ∠)_ 

Finally, the prince was gone and the sun was setting below the western horizon now. It was still the same two maidservants who brought over their meal–Holy Light Elves usually didn"t need to eat human food, but occasionally they would adjust their lifestyle. At least, after Xu Jun had arrived two years ago, bringing with him a variety of spirits other than fruit wine, as well as meat products, the Holy Light Elves secretly gained some newfound meat eaters. Perhaps they would not display such things in front of outsiders, but Xu Jun was not an outsider!

"This is made from the roasted meat of a Spotted Spirit Deer. It"s delicious. The Spotted Spirit Deer is a product unique to our Sacred Highlands, you won"t be able to eat it anywhere else. These fish fillets are made from Water Origin Fish, which are also unique to here."

There was also fruit wine contained within a crystal bottle, atop which were engravings…usually human medicinal masters would engrave runes onto medicine bottles to preserve their potency. 

Humans used it for medicinal purposes while Elves used it purely for the sake of rich wine. 

Even Xu Jun felt this was extravagant.

"…Next time, Yours Truly will do the same. The vegetable soup I make goes bad if it isn"t eaten within half a year. Truly f.u.c.king wasteful," he said to Prince Ryan within his heart.

According to Prince Ryan"s usual personality (…), Ryan would naturally refute him after hearing such things. Otherwise, after a few seconds of silence, he would reply with, as long as you"re happy. However, even after waiting for quite a few seconds, Xu Jun still didn"t hear a reply. 

"Is something wrong? h.e.l.lo, h.e.l.lo? Prince, prince? Lord?" He shouted a couple more times before finally hearing a voice, sounding as if it had just awoken, reply, "What?"

Xu Jun repeated what he had said. This time, Prince Ryan replied, "…As long as you"re happy."

What Brave Xu Jun didn"t know was what kind of choice "Prince Ryan" had just been given–no, calling it a choice wasn"t quite right. Just now, His Majesty Demon King Rozenke had ended his conversation with Ice Lord Weize. 

"Your Majesty, the Sacred Highlands" Tree of Life has already been contaminated by the dark element and has already gathered the essence of darkness. You can use this opportunity to be reborn…"

Demon King Rozenke"s body was contained within Ice Lord Weize"s storage s.p.a.ce. By all accounts, as long as his soul could return to his body, he would be able to immediately revive. However, lacking in decisive power and enough essence of darkness–although the Ice Lord could create this, the Demon King could not use its power to return to his body. What he needed was an unfamiliar, neutral power. 

He really didn"t think that the Holy Light Elves" Tree of Life had been so seriously corrupted…naturally this was a good thing. Looking at it now, it was also a rare opportunity.

Although the Ice Lord had not spoken out directly, his emotions had been conveyed to His Majesty, Demon King Rozenke. As a Demon, as a Demon subordinate to the Demon King, he very much! Did not want to see! His Majesty the Demon King"s grand soul! Dwelling in a human"s body!

This sort of thing…if the previous Demon King Rozenke had heard it, he would probably agree unhesitantly. Just one month ago, when he had just entered this Brave"s body, his mind had been full of ideas about dominating the world. However, during this period of time, he had become used to things he once found intolerable. He also often felt happy and relaxed, almost as if he was on vacation. 

Thus, he had told the Ice Lord he would consider it, and had then unilaterally cut off their soul connection.

The author has something to say:

Demon King Zeze: Actually, at the start, when I first arrived in Xu Jun"s body, I was against it. After all, you can"t just tell me to come, and then I"ll come. First of all, if I arrived and I didn"t like living here, I would still leave. However, after staying here for so long, I"ve abandoned myself to pleasure; I feel happy and relaxed, like I"m on vacation. If you were to tell me to leave now, that would be a bit immoral.

Ice Lord Weize: …Who are you, you aren"t the Majesty I know_(:зゝ∠)_

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