House of Sona Sitri

Rayner was lying on his bed next to him was Sona again all rolled up in his body that had arrived shortly without saying anything and simply lying with him

"What happened, Nee-chan?" Rayner asks, looking at Sona.

"Nothing," said Sona still with her eyes closed.

"Nothing really happened?" Rayner asks to confirm

Then Sona raises her face from his chest and looks into his eyes, "It"s for good luck," Sona said.

"Good luck?" Rayner question

"Yes, my Game Rating to decide whether to marry my fiancé or it will not be tomorrow so I"m here for good luck," said Rayner, returning to lay his face on Rayner"s chest

"haha, then it"s tomorrow, well good luck then and do not worry if you lose I"ll fix this boyfriend hahahaha" said Rayner laughing

Listening to this Sona gives a smile and says "Thank you"

"You"re welcome," Rayner said with a grin now hugging Sona, then they both sleep and tomorrow arrives.

Waking up in the morning Rayner gets ready to go to school with Sona and the other girls, his day was like any other in the way he does not like but today had something different to do, after and club activities ended today there would be Rating Game of Sona with her fiancé and Rayner would stay to watch

Rayner, Kuro, Alicia, Rose and Sona along with their patriarch were in the student council room waiting for the grandfather to appear

Suddenly a yellow circle appears in a corner of the room with 7 people appearing from it

In the middle of it was a man with brown hair messed up with green eyes and behind him 6 girls

Soon after another another blue circle appears in another corner of the room leaving

a maid

This maid was Tina, the head maid of the Sitri household, we always trusted her, "My father must have sent you to be a judge," thought Rayner.

"Oh, my dear Sona, the time has finally come for you to accept me as a bridegroom," said the man, looking with lazy eyes at Sona.

"Say it after I"m done with you," Sona said angrily.

Sona"s fiancé was called Marchos halphas a weak but surviving family after the war

Hearing that Mark made an ugly face and walked to Sona and put his hand on her chin and lifted it making her look into his eyes and said Marchos still with a lascivious look "Do not say that, after I win you here I will tell you too much well do not bother "

Marchos fell in love with Sona after he saw her, he did not care much for her not very developed body but he loved the way she challenged him

Rayner who was sitting listening to all this could not stand it and laundered himself without letting anyone notice him, arriving after Marchas Rayner speaks in a serious and threatening voice "You said you will do what with her?"

Marchos turns to see who spoke to him to come across a short boy with black hair and violet eyes not caring much about who he was talking to

"Oh little boy did not you hear what I said? I"ll repeat it after I win from Sonchan in this Rating Game I will discipline Sona to be perfect

Rayner, listening to his answer, is furious and he turns the face of the marches and pushes him against the wall next to make him open a hole in the wall. "I did not hear you right, you can repeat it again," said Rayner, now releasing the intention of killing towards Marchos

Everyone was surprised by the att.i.tude of Rayner but were even more shocked with the speed of Rayner with no one able to accompany with his reflex

Marchos was the one who was most shocked by all this, because before saying that he checked the boy and realized that he had only a small amount of less energy than any of his servants but now that energy of nowhere has gone up and it has been almost two times his

After not hearing replies from Marchos, Rayner speaks again in a serious tone but smiling "I hope this kind of thing does not happen again if I do not have to discipline it myself"

"Well, let"s start with the Game Tina Rating," Rayner said after dropping Marchos and telling Alice to heal him.

"Of course Rayner-sama," Tina said, bowing and then giving Rayner a smile. "Now let"s start the Rating game between Sona Sitri and Halphas Marchos," Tina said afterwards, all of them were rereleased to their proper place with Sona sitri staying in the council room and Marchos in the School Gymnasium

After the game started it was easier than Sona and Rayner had thought the March servants did not seem to know each other and had no teamwork making it much easier for Sona"s servants that in a matter of 30 minutes they defeated all the servants of Marchos just missing he that Sona also ends up defeating him finally

then they return to the student council room where everything ends quickly with Marchos leaving with shame for such a humiliating defeat

"Well Parebens for canceling your engagement but now I have to go to my house to pack my things that I had to send it to then until tomorrow," said Rayner saying good-bye to Sona


Rayner"s new mansion

His mansion was of the same average size of Sona with a large pool at the back of the house and a large room and large bedrooms as well

"Well, girls, let"s get things sorted out first," Rayner said, looking at the large luggage he asked his father to send him

2 hours later

Rayner and the girls finally finished packing their things.

"Girls, am I going to take a shower and want to come with me?" Rayner asks with a lascivious grin.

"Oh master after only two weeks is already missing our body" said Alicia with a sensual voice holding her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as if showing them to Rayner

After that they all went to the big bath that was in the mansion

Rayner was the first one to come in and see the huge bathtub and it was smashing before entering

With him sitting down to wash himself the girls come in and Rayner looks at them

Alicia and Kuro with their great seductive body and Rose despite being smaller than they still did not lose by far

Alicia and Rose went up to Rayner"s back and said at the same time "Can we wash your master back?"

Rayner responds smiling so they start the job rubbing Rayner"s back, seeing that Kuro was standing watching him the flame and says that he will wash his back also leaving Alicia with a little jealousy but Rayner ignored

Rayner soon finishes and picks up Kuro"s tail and starts wiping it off making Kuro let out a moan of exhilaration making Rayner smile with it until Rayner feels four soft things rubbing on his back suddenly

Seeing that Rayner was playing with Kuro, Alicia and Rose decided to provoke Rayner so they began to rub their b.r.e.a.s.t.s on his sh.o.r.e surprising him

Seeing this Rayner turns around and surprises Rose with a French kiss a little lingering but that still left her panting, Kuro who saw what Rayner did with Rose also jumped on Rayner and gave him a French kiss Rayner was also surprised by Kuro ter jumped on him but quickly responded his kiss with more intensity by editing Kuro all red of exitation

Alicia, who was watching this, was not getting any more excited to wait, then as soon as Kuro stopped his kiss with Rayner he jumped on him too, without letting him breathe

Rayner already knew that she would do this so she got ready and continued kissing her without rest until they stop panting a lot

The girls then start rubbing Rayner for more, he knows that if he held it with all his might and says "Girls are in the shower so I hope so later or you guys will get sick" Rayner said with a look of l.u.s.t giving one more kiss on the girls

The girls with a little reluctance stopped trying to keep beating Rayner and went to finish their baths

Moments later they were already in bed lying down with all three hugging him

Seeing this Rayner gives a smile "Aah I felt a little lack of it" thought he going now to sleep


made the characters of the girls based on the appearance of these images, so for those who want to take a look, feel free

Kuro aparence- aparence- aparece- Rayner_Inper

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