In the morning on the way to school Rayner notices a tumult near the tennis ginsaio and heads toward the motive.

getting close to the crowd he realizes that the people who are playing are Sona, Tsubaki, Akeno and Rias so he begins to look around to see if he finds someone he knows and sees Koneko on the other side of the tennis court near the guardrails

"Koneko-chan do you know why they"re competing at the moment?" Rayner said as he approached Koneko with the girls.

Koneko turned to see who it was that had spoken to her and sees that it was Rayner then answers him "They are competing to see which group will be with the first servants"

"Servants?" Rayner asked

"Do not you have a servant Rayner-sama?" Koneko asks a little surprise at this

"Well, I spent most of my time training at home so I just forgot to get one for myself and the girls. But why they do not go together to get the servants?" Rayner asks

"They do not want to have the danger of finding a good servant and they go to the other group," Koneko replied, still watching the game.

Half an hour after the match finally ends with neither team winning and all begin to disperse after hearing the bell for the beginning of the lesson

In the interval Rayner decides to go to the council room to know that Rias and Sona are conversing

"Nee-chan, Rias-san have something to talk to you about," Rayner said as he entered the council room, leaving Sona and Rias surprised by Rayner"s sudden appearance.

"Rayner can wait a minute are discussing how to solve the problem of who will first get the servant," said Sona

"That"s exactly what I want to talk about," Rayner said.

"You know, I spent most of my time training at home so I did not go get a servant either for me or the girls, so I thought I could go with one of the groups of you," said Rayner

"If I win, I do not mind letting you go with me, but I do not say the same thing about Rias," Sona said.

"Well, what do you guys think to do that? My patriot has four people in total, we"re going to make two go to each team with a draw and the winning team goes. What do you guys think?" Rayner asked

"I accept," said the two after careful thought.

"So how do we compete?" asked Rias, looking at Rayner and Sona.

"What do you guys think of dodgeball?" proposes Rayner

They looked at Rayner again, "Good idea," Sona said.

After that they began to solve everything that had been like this with the Burning night game in the gymnasium of the school at 20hrs

Now Rayner appears with four chopsticks in his hand and points to Rias. "Good luck," Rayner said, motioning for her to pull two of the chopsticks

In the end the tim was: time Rias with Rayner and Kuro and the team Sona with Rose and Alicia

"Well see you tonight, Bye," said Rayner now leaving the room with a smile.

Arriving at night in front of the school gymnasium was already preparing the team of laughter when Rayner and the girls finally arrive

"You"re already here," Rayner said, heading toward Rias.

"Oh Rayner-kun you finally arrived, we arrived here about 15 minutes ago to warm us up, you should do the same" Rias said after seeing that Rayner had arrived

Everyone there at the moment were in gym uniform making the girls show their beautiful and smooth and soft legs

Until he realizes that Issei was looking at Alicia so he sends a small intention to kill to frighten Issei into shuddering this

"President, since we will not be very useful in this confrontation, I and Asia have made this bandage to serve as our support," said Issei next to Asia, handing over the tracks they both made

"Ara Ara, how generous of you," Akeno said with a small smile.

"Thank you very much, Isse," Rias said, handing over the tracks to everyone on the team.

Coincidentally there were bandannas for Kuro and Rayner, he did not care too much about it and tied it to his arm while Kuro tied it on his forehead like a bandanna like the other girls from the Rias team

After a few minutes Sona"s team arrives

Alicia and Rose go to the side of their team while Kuro and Rayner stay here with Rias

"Let"s get started," Sona said.

Everyone started to prepare in the middle of the court

"Do not think I"ll take it easy with you master," Alicia said in an amused voice, looking at Rayner.

"I say the same Alice," Rayner said.

Then the game of Burns begins

Starting with Tura the Tower of sona throwing the ball and direction to Koneko that surprises but it still manages to deviate

Akeno grabs the ball and now plays towards Momo with her narrowly deflecting and throwing back on Kiba and so it was repeated several times without anyone being eliminated

Minutes after this start of confrontation the two teams began to use spells leaving the whole place chaos for each throw of the ball to be stronger and dangerous than a gunshot until only four people were left in the field

Sona and Rose in the team Sona and Rayner and Rias in the team Rias

Rayner that was with the ball casts with effect using magic for the ball to go and a random trajectory confusing Sona

Rose appears behind Sona where the ball would hit and grabs and plays in Rias with the Shadow magic reinforcing the speed

Getting to hit Rias and eliminating her from the game, now leaving only Rayner in the Rias team

"It seems like I have to get a little serious," Rayner said, looking at the two girls with a smile.

"Hehehe I"ll show you what this big sister is made of here," Sona said.

[Body strengthening technique] Rayner said as the spell began circurlar shrouding his body and entering his veins and muscles as if it were his own blood

"Tch, he"s really going to use that stupid strengthening thing I"ve come up with right now," Alicia said, watching everything.

Rayner"s muscles tighten and become toned and soon after he throws the ball towards Sona and Rose, in the middle of the air suddenly the ball begins to multiply in several leaving the two girls desperate

[Ice Clone] shouted Rayner

The ball eventually hit Sona and then deflected towards Rose eliminating the two as they tried to divert the ice clones that Rayner had created

"HAHAHAHAHA looks like it was the big me here that won," Rayner laughed loudly as he made strange poses.

At that point Rayner had already forgotten the purpose of the game but did not care much about it

"That"s it, Rayner-kun," said Rias, hugging Rayner, putting her face and her enormous b.r.e.a.s.t.s


Rayner heard a noise coming from his side but he did not care.

"So Sona then won us the first ones we will go to," said Rias

"Yes, of course," Sona said, glaring at Rayner.

Then Sona left after they had arranged things properly and restored the place that was all destroyed with the spells launched

"So Rayner-kun, we"ll go get the servants tomorrow, is that all right for you?" asks Rias as they leave the gym towards the exit of the school

"It"s okay with me," Rayner said.

"Okay then, see you tomorrow," said Rias and they parted in front of the gate

In the middle of the way to go, Rayner saw that Alicia was a little stunned and asked laughing at her. "What happened, Alice?"

Alicia looks at him still sulking but soon is replaced by a determined look until she says "Next time I"m going to win," said Alice

Since always Alicia and Rayner liked to play several games together making the two compet.i.tive among themselves but Rayner always won in the majority of the time leaving Alicia sulking for hours

"Hahaha I hope to see," Rayner said.

So they came home and went to sleep as always together Alicia to feel of being sulky still sleeps with him making him laugh when he sees that she is in your bed too. That"s how their day is over

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