New Word-Analysis

Chapter 26

MENT: men"tal; dement"ed; demen"tia, _insanity_; ve"hement (Lat. adj.

_ve"hemens = ve_, not, and _mens_; literally, not reasonable), _furious, ardent_.


We _reject_ insincere _homage_. When the body was _exhumed_ the _jury decided_ that poison had been administered. _Legendary_ stories were _related_ by the _friar_. The _lessons_ were _selected_ with _intelligence.

Levity_ and _gravity_ are _different_ qualities. The _mayor"s_ speech was more _ludicrous_ than _facetious_. The _magistrate_ claimed _jurisdiction_ in the _locality_. We heard Hamlet"s _soliloquy_ finely _delivered_. Do you _recollect_ the _magnificent_ lines at the beginning of "Paradise Lost"?

The _lecturer_ was _lucid_ in his _allusions_. In _mediaeval_ times _homage_ was exacted of all va.s.sals. The _mariners maneuvered_ beautifully. Your _magnificent donation_ will be _gratefully remembered_. The _mermaid_ is a mere _delusion. Illegible ma.n.u.script_ is a _decided nuisance_. The eastern part of the _Mediterranean_ is called the _Levant_. Franklin"s _memoirs_ are very interesting.

119. MER"CES, _hire_; Merx, mer"cis, _merchandise_.

MERC: mer"cantile (Lat. part. _mer"cans, mercan"tis_); mer"cenary (Lat.

adj. _mercena"rius_); mer"cer (Fr. n. _mercier_), _one who deals in silks and woolens_; mer"chant (Lat. part, _mer"cans_); mer"chandise; com"merce (Fr. n. _commerce_); commer"cial; mar"ket (Lat. n. _merca"tus_, a place of public traffic).

120. MER"GERE: mer"go, mer"sum, _to dip, to sink_.

MERG: merge; emerge"; emer"gency, _that which arises suddenly_; submerge".

MERS: emer"sion; immerse".

121. MIGRA"RE: migro, migra"tum, _to remove_.

MIGR: em"igrant (Lat. part. _mi"grans, migran"tis_).

MIGRAT: mi"grate (-ion, -ory); em"igrate (-ion); im"migrate (-ion); transmigra"tion, _the pa.s.sage of the soul into another body after death_.

122. MI"LES, mil"itis, _a soldier_.

MILIT: -ary, -ant; mil"itate, _to act against_; mili"tia, _enrolled soldiers not in a standing army_.

123. MINE"RE: min"eo, min"itum, _to hang over_.

MIN. em"inent (Lat. part, _em"inens, _standing out); em"inence; im"minent, literally, _threatening to fall_; pre-em"inent; pre-em"inence; prom"inent; prom"inence; superem"inent.

124. MINU"ERE: min"uo, minu"tum, _to lessen_; Mi"nor, _less_; Mi"nus, _less_.

MINUT: minute"; minu"tiae (pl. of Lat. n. _minu"tia_, a very small object); min"uend (Lat. part, _minuen"dus_, to be lessened); min"uet (Fr. n.

_minuet_ = Lat. adj. _minu"tus, _small), _a dance of small steps_; dimin"ish (Lat. v. _diminu"ere_, to lessen); diminu"tion; dimin"utive.

MINOR: mi"nor, _n_. and a.; minor"ity.

MINUS: mi"nus (Lat. adj. comp. deg., less); min"imum (Lat. adj. super, deg., least); min"im.

125. MINIS"TER, _a servant or attendant_.

MINISTER: min"ister; ministe"rial; min"istry; admin"ister; administra"tion; admin"istrative; administra"tor.

126. MIRA"RI: mi"ror, mira"tus, _to wonder_.

MIR: admire" (-able, -ation); mir"acle (Lat. n. _mirac"ulum_, a wonderful thing); mirac"ulous.

Mirage" (Fr. n. _mirage_, a reflection); mir"ror (Fr. n. _miroir_, from v.

_mirer_, to view).

127. MISCE"RE: mis"ceo, mix"tum, _to mingle_.

MISC: mis"cellany; miscella"neous; promis"cuous.

MIXT: mix; mixt"ure; admixt"ure; intermix".

128. MI"SER, _wretched_.

MISER: mi"ser (-able); mis"ery; commis"erate (-ion).

129. MIT"TERE: mit"to, mis"sum, _to send or cast_.

MIT: admit" (-ance); commit" (-ee, -ment); demit"; emit"; intermit" (-ent); manumit" (Lat. n. _ma.n.u.s_, the hand), _to release from slavery_; omit"; permit"; pretermit"; remit" (-ance); submit"; transmit"; mit"timus (Lat.

_we send_), _a warrant of commitment to prison_.

MISS: mis"sile; mis"sion (-ary); admis"sible; admis"sion; com"missary, _an officer who furnishes provisions for an army_; commissa"riat; commis"sion (-er); com"promise; demise", _death_; em"issary; intermis"sion; omis"sion; permis"sion; premise"; prem"ises; prom"ise (-ory); remiss" (-ion); submis"sion; submis"sive; transmis"sion; transmis"sible.

130. MODERA"RI: mod"eror, modera"tus, _to keep within bounds_; Mo"dus, _a measure or manner_.

MODERAT: mod"erate (-ion, -or); immod"erate.

MOD: mode; mood; mod"ify (-able, -er); modifica"tion; accom"modate (-ion); commode" (Lat. adj. _com"modus_, convenient). _a small sideboard_; commo"dious, literally, _measured with_; commod"ity, literally, _a convenience_; incommode"; mod"ern (Lat. adv. _mo"do_, lately, just now); mod"ernize; mod"ulate (Lat. n. _mod"ulus_, a measuring of tones); modula"tion.

131. MONE"RE: mo"neo, mon"itum, _to remind, to warn_.

MON: admon"ish; mon"ument (Lat. n. _monumen"tum_); premon"ish; sum"mon (Lat. v. _summone"re_ = _sub_ + _mone"re_, to remind privily), _to call by authority_.

MONIT: mon"itor (-ial); admoni"tion; admon"itory; premoni"tion; premon"itory.

132. MONS, mon"tis, _a mountain_.

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