Chapter 113

Chapter 113 Secret

The door to Long Chen’s room was pushed open . Long Chen’s mother and father walked in . Seeing that Long Chen was already able to sit up, they were extremely overjoyed .

“How’s your recovery?” Long Tianxiao walked up to Long Chen and examined his complexion .

“I’m pretty much healed . ” Long Chen shrugged . After his FengFu Star had advanced to become a true star, his recovery rate had grown to a shocking level . His body had already healed itself by the time he had woken up .

“Right, dad, how are your wounds?” Long Chen asked, concerned . Although Long Chen had experienced the most intense battle, his injuries weren’t that severe . On the other hand, it was Long Tianxiao whose injuries were the most worrisome .

Long Tianxiao smiled slightly . “They’re already nothing to worry about . The alchemist guild sent me quite a few medicinal pills . The new guild head treated my wounds . I should be fully recovered in just a few days . ”

Saying that, Long Tianxiao was filled with pride . For an existence like the alchemist guild to treat the Long family so well was all because of Long Chen .

“Chen-er, mom was worried to death these past few days . Let mom see if you’ve become thinner . ” Mrs . Long only now had an opportunity to b.u.t.t in and she came up to rub Long Chen’s cheeks .

Long Chen didn’t quite know how to react to that . His father also had a strange expression . Long Chen laughed, “Mom, if you want to know if I’ve lost weight, you’ll probably have to lift me to tell . ”

Long Tianxiao and Chu Yao both laughed heartily . Mrs . Long indignantly said, “This child, when did you get so cheeky? You dare play jokes on your mom? You’re no longer a baby . How is mom supposed to be pick you up?”

Their small group laughed and conversed harmoniously . Long Tianxiao saw that Long Chen’s complexion was excellent, not at all like someone who had just experienced a great battle and was injured .

While he was gratified by that, he was also shocked inside . That recovery ability was too astonis.h.i.+ng, practically comparable to Magical Beasts .

“Right, how are Little Snow and Aman?” suddenly asked Long Chen .

“Aman, that child, is practically a freak . Even having endured that many Bone Eroding Needles, he only slept for a single night before waking up . And as soon as he woke up, he was ravenously hungry and ate everything that could be eaten in our home . We already had to send him out to the pastures outside to get more food,” said Mrs . Long .

After this great crisis, Mrs . Long now already considered Aman as her own child .

Long Chen smiled slightly . He knew it was because of the effect of the liquid given to him by the Spirit World expert . That liquid possessed an extremely dense life energy and was exceedingly precious .

If Long Chen’s guess wasn’t wrong, that was most likely a trace of that expert’s life essence . That kind of gift was definitely not a light one .

With Aman’s body, having obtained such a powerful nourishment, his recovery speed was still within reason .

Although his body was recovering, having been tortured for so long, he definitely needed to replenish a great deal of energy . He was probably crazily devouring meat .

“As for Little Snow, we don’t know how he’s recovering . We set him up in a room and he won’t let anyone get near,” explained Mrs . Long .

“Haha, let’s go take a look . ” Long Chen tidied up his clothes and arrived at an outer room of the Long family estate . One of the room’s walls was torn down .

That was because Little Snow’s body was too big and he couldn’t fit through the door . They could see Little Snow lying there even from a distance .


Long Chen had yet to even get to close when the dozing Little Snow blinked his eyes and charged over .

Mrs . Long was given a fright and almost screamed . Facing such a huge beast, everyone would instinctively feel fear . Even Long Tianxiao felt a powerful pressure .

Long Chen laughed and hugged Little Snow’s head . “Looks like you’ve also recovered . ”

His powerful Spiritual Strength swept out and entered Little Snow’s body . Little Snow’s broken bones had already fused back together . But there were still places that it hadn’t fully grown back and so there were many cracks .

But Long Chen’s medicinal pills were all high quality, and so their effects were extremely great . Adding on Little Snow’s powerful recovery ability, there was already not much to worry about .

“Your big wounds have only just healed . You have to take it easy and not make any intense movements, understood?” Long Chen affectionately rubbed Little Snow’s head .

“Wu wu!” Little Snow rubbed his head against Long Chen’s chest .

Mrs . Long looked at that obedient and cute Little Snow that was practically acting like a puppy and couldn’t help curiously asking, “Chen-er, can he understand what you’re saying?”

“Yup, pretty much . He grew up with me from the size of a hand, so he understands my meanings,” explained Long Chen .

In reality, Little Snow was unable to understand Long Chen’s words . But due to their spiritual connection, he could sense and understand Long Chen’s thoughts .

At the same time, Long Chen could also sense Little Snow’s emotions . But this communication wasn’t through words and so it wasn’t that precise .

“Where did you get him? How come I didn’t know about it?” Mrs . Long was startled .

“Haha, this was sent to support me by Meng Qi . ” Long Chen replied without thinking, but as soon as he said that, he saw his mother doing her best to signal him with his eyes .

Obviously she was warning him not to mention Meng Qi in front of Chu Yao . Mrs . Long already regretted her big mouth .

“Mom, big sister Meng Qi sent such a precious Magical Beast to Long Chen . That is enough to prove that big sister Meng Qi has deep emotions for Long Chen . This is a good thing,” said Chu Yao .

“Mom? You’ve changed the name so fast?” Long Chen felt it was inconceivable .

But as soon as he said that, Chu Yao’s face turned completely red and Mrs . Long pulled her over to her side and fiercely told Long Chen, “Child, let me tell you, Chu Yao is the first daughter-in-law . If you make her feel wronged, I will not forgive you . ”

Mrs . Long’s words were extremely clever . That ‘first daughter-in-law’ was used remarkably well, causing Chu Yao to feel much more comfortable . Long Chen definitely admired his mother’s skill in this area .

Long Chen looked from his mother to Chu Yao and didn’t anything, only laughing foolishly . He laughed so much that Chu Yao wished she could find somewhere to hide herself .

“Ok, now that the crisis has pa.s.sed and everything’s fine, let’s properly eat a meal . After all, we’re finally all together,” proposed Long Tianxiao .

To Long Tianxiao who spent his days fighting, to be able to eat a meal with his family was an extremely rare and precious opportunity .

Their servants quickly prepared a sumptuous feast for them . But Long Chen noticed that the majority of them were all new faces, so he couldn’t help being astonished .

“Your father switched them all out,” explained Mrs . Long .


“Child, normally you’re so smart, so how did you become so dumb now? They followed our Long family for so many years, always loyal and devoted . Having been implicated into such a terror, they almost lost their lives . Our Long family owes them far too much . Your father already gave each of them a huge fortune, enough to provide for them for a lifetime . That can count as a compensation for them . But there was still a portion of them who didn’t want to leave and so they’re working for us . In any case, we must remember this favor in our hearts,” sighed Mrs . Long .

Those people had been unrelated to their Long family, but when the Long family had been down and out, they hadn’t abandoned them .

In comparison, his mother’s family which were clearly her blood sisters had decided to hurt her like they had .

Looking at his mother’s sullen expression, Long Chen and Long Tianxiao exchanged a glance and quickly changed the topic to something happier, quickly bringing her out of her sadness .

“Dad, your son toasts you!” Long Chen raised a large cup of alcohol to Long Tianxiao . “To our family’s reunion!”

Long Tianxiao laughed heartily and also raised his cup, clinking their . Chu Yao and Mrs . Long also raised their wine . The four of them were all smiling happily .

Long Chen and Long Tianxiao directly emptied their cups in one go . As for Chu Yao and Mrs . Long, they obviously didn’t have such a capacity for alcohol . Chu Yao only drank one gulp before her face flushed, making her appear even cuter .

“That child Aman still hasn’t returned in two days . ” Mrs . Long felt a bit uneasy that they were missing Aman in their group .

“Haha, Aman’s probably still busy eating . Don’t worry,” laughed Long Chen . Pouring another cup for his father, he asked, “Dad how’s the situation in the capital?”

“It’s somewhat tranquil . Originally Phoenix Cry’s biggest compet.i.tor was the Grand Xia, but now the Grand Xia has become a complete mess . The other prince was and now all the officials are busy greedily fighting for the position of Emperor . Even if one of them eventually becomes the new Emperor, their empire’s power will have dropped greatly . It’ll be impossible for them to threaten Phoenix Cry . As for Phoenix Cry, the other princes have already withdrawn from the power struggle for Emperor . The seventh prince was recommended as the crown prince and is now in charge of the imperial court . ” Long Tianxiao drank a mouthful of alcohol .

The other princes might be foolishly greedy, they weren’t stupid . They knew that none of them were able to compete with the seventh prince . That was because behind him was a Muscle Rebirth expert, his sister .

Furthermore, who didn’t know of Chu Yao’s relations.h.i.+p with Long Chen? With the backing of the Long family, no one would dare compete against him .

And since they couldn’t compete, the next best thing was to curry favor . The other princes all loudly acclaimed their praise for Chu Feng’s ascension, acting as if it was only to be expected .

Long Chen glanced at Chu Yao and suddenly laughed naughtily . “Haha, the sister of the Emperor . Come, a toast for you! Being the husband of the Emperor’s sister really is exciting!”

“You bad man!” Chu Yao glared at Long Chen prettily, causing the three of them to laugh .

“Child, you’re not allowed to bully Chu Yao!” Mrs . Long resisted laughing and lightly scolded him .

In order to not miff Chu Yao, Mrs . Long revealed some embarra.s.sing stories of Long Chen from when he was young . This time it was Long Chen’s turn to be helpless as Chu Yao laughed endlessly . Their family ate together in a peaceful happiness .

After eating, Long Chen hesitated for a while before summoning up the courage to say, “Dad, mom, I want to go take a look at the outside world . ”

Mrs . Long’s smile immediately disappeared . Chu Yao was also startled . Only Long Tianxiao had seemed to have long since expected that, his expression completely calm .

After a moment of silence, Mrs . Long’s trembling voice asked, “Chen-er, you really want to leave home?”

Long Chen lowered his head, not able to look his mother in his eyes . Their family had only just reunited . This subject truly was too serious .

But Long Chen truly did want to see the outside world . His lover was still in that outer world . The Spirit World, Pill Valley, and that figure from his dreams with the power to destroy the very world, those things all told him he had to leave Phoenix Cry .

“I’m preparing to leave with Chu Yao and Aman . ” Long Chen’s voice was so quiet that even he could barely hear it . His heart was filled with pain .

Chu Yao clearly relaxed a breath when she heard that . But looking at Mrs . Long’s heartbroken gaze, she immediately felt sad again .

“Our child has grown up . We should let him decide his own future . We have to learn to let go,” suddenly said Long Tianxiao .

He continued, “Chen-er, since you’ve decided, it’s time for me to tell you a certain secret . ”

“Long Tianxiao, you…” Mrs . Long suddenly stood up and angrily glared at Long Tianxiao, giving Long Chen a fright .

Within his memories, his mother and father had always gotten along extremely well, never showing anger to each other like this . For his mother’s reaction to be so huge at this point caused him to be at a loss .

“He has the right to know the truth . ” Long Tianxiao firmly looked back at his wife .

“You… Long Tianxiao, I hate you!” Mrs . Long suddenly began to cry and ran out .

Chu Yao saw this situation and hastily also left, leaving behind only the two of them, father and son .

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