Noblesse S

Chapter 1

Frankenstein’s bas.e.m.e.nt laboratory, 9th floor specially prepared room: D-Room.


He wore that he had personally manufactured, and as a designer who lived and breathed a gentle chic, he had drafted his laboratory coat as well.

Sensing the texture with his fingertips, he slowly touched the cloths one by one, and after cautiously feeling several fabrics, Frankenstein said while nodding,

He selected a white cloth and carried it to the center of the room where he sat down at the table. A small box laid on the table, and he opened the lid. Exquisite needles of various sizes orderly lined the inside, and a few sharp knives glittered up at him.


- Flas.h.!.+

- Shug shug shug shug.

The needle sometimes moved intensely, sometimes softly, and sometimes as if falling into a rhythm. Despite movements detached from common sense, the composure in Frankenstein’s face remained inexhaustible.

Under these swift movements, the meager cloth transformed into the shape of a jacket that radiated a delicate elegance.

Frankenstein’s handwork grew faster and faster as he approached the finnish. Now breaking out of this invisible speed, Frankenstein suddenly cast the apparel he was making high into the air.

Slowly, the jacket levitated in midair, and he reached toward it with his fingertips.

Then, as all the minor of cloth that clung to it tidily fell off, the floating garment dispersed and revealed its shape.

The jacket landed on the fingers of Frankenstein’s right hand. It was no longer the cloth from before - it was a perfectly executed, lovely, elegance-emitting work of art in the guise of a white jacket. All of this had transpired in a split second, and his movements had been as smooth as those of a maestro performing music.

- Flas.h.!.+

 “Oh my, this seam... an error of one millimeter!!”

 “That I could make such a grave mistake...”

 “I’ll have to terminate this. I can’t let Master wear such a thing,”

As someone who wors.h.i.+ped the master, Frankenstein could never allow him to wear flawed clothing. Drearily, he flicked his fingers.

The ground opened beside the stool he sat upon, and without hesitation, he flung the clothing into it. The moment the jacket disappeared inside,

Huge flames shot up and burned it instantaneously.

The door closed as abruptly as it had opened.

 “Ah, it’s this late already?”


Beautiful, delicately polished marble blanketed the floor of the enormous room, and lights in the ceiling illuminated it so that it was neither too bright nor too dark. Ornaments from an archaic style of architecture embellished the interior of the room, causing the plain, rectangular shape to look outstanding.

- knock knock ~


Hot steam permeated the atmosphere with the flavorous aroma of tea. With an affable smile, Frankenstein said,


 ‘So Master has still not been able to choose.’

White jackets and grey trousers.

Although their semblance appeared the same, Frankenstein had fas.h.i.+oned these himself, giving them minute distinctions. The clothing claimed variances in the quality of the material, the fit of the cut, and the method of sewing, ect. ect... These differences were not just one or two.

 ‘Master is always so attentive.’

The sound of the doorbell could be heard from outside.

Dipping his head respectfully, Frankenstein went outside. He headed for the living room and viewed the video phone’s monitor.

Ikhan stated with a lively laugh and drew his face near to the main gate’s monitor. Standing in the center next to him, Yuna and Suyi wrestled with their hair. s.h.i.+nwoo, who had fallen behind, looked groggy as he gave a long yawn.

 “Wait a second, please.”

- creak ~


With his right hand lifted to his chest, Frankenstein bowed slowly.

Nodding slightly, Rai also pa.s.sed by him without an answer as Regis and Seira followed behind him.

The entrance door slowly opened, and the children waited in front of it. When they saw Rai’s group emerge through the door and come outside, they started to welcome them.

Ikhan cheered brightly, fixing his thick nimly with one hand.

s.h.i.+nwoo scratched his head, looking exhaused as he said h.e.l.lo.

Acting fl.u.s.tered, Yuna addressed them while secretly pressing back some unruly hair, and Sui ceased applying gel to Yuna’s hair just long enough to hastily say hi.

 “Hm. You all swarmed in so early this morning.”

 “Today, I managed to wake up s.h.i.+nwoo, and we met Yuna and Sui on the street. We’ll all go to school together eventually,”


Although they were not speaking with particularly loud voices, merely being together made the children boisterous. Their expressions, behaviors, and ways of talking each emanated life.

After observing them for a while, Rai stepped forward, and as he began walking, the kids also started to set off for the school.

Yuna asked Sui while fingering her hair.

Sui soothingly comforted her friend that it would be alright, but Yuna sighed deeply.

After she said it, Yuna looked over at Seira.

At Yuna’s words, Sui as well cast a glance at Seira, and her gaze immediately turned to jealousy. 


Paying no attention as they two gaped, Seira straightened her back and, staring forward, continued to walk pa.s.sively. 

Following Yuna’s inquiry, Sui could not keep herself from asking as well.

The question sounded cryptic to Seira, and she tilted her head for a moment because the only thing she knew about this substance called “Shampoo” was that humans used it when they washed their hair.

 “I do not give the maintenance special concern, and I do not like to use chemicals...”

 “That it can look like that without care... So, what you mean is that you use something like a chemical-free, natural shampoo?”

 “Really, everything in the chairman’s house is unusual, including the shampoo! That someone with such naturally good hair would also use nice things like a natural shampoo...” 

Seira tilted her head as Yuna and Sui’s lamentations grew increasingly incomprehensible to her. Ikhan, watching the endlessly yawning s.h.i.+nwoo, asked him bleary-eyed,

 “s.h.i.+nwoo, how long did you play?”

 “After we played together and you left, about three more hours?” ... smack.

 “Then you had almost no sleep!” 

s.h.i.+nwoo mumbled to himself as though he had not realized this until now. After listening to their conversation, Regis said as in a condescending tone,


 “Humans need to receive sufficient sleep since, if they don’t, their bodies are bound to end up in poor states. To put it simply, Han s.h.i.+nwoo, they end up in the very state you are in now. Today, there is an important appointment called school, and that you still could not take care of yourself? Such an att.i.tude towards studying...” 


The children could not stop chatting all the way to school, and the reaction of the surrounding pa.s.sersby went unchanged as well.

 “Good morning, seonsaengnim.”

When the kids greeted him with a bow, their teacher took notice of them, as well.

The unkempt s.h.i.+nwoo caught Pedro’s eye.

Pedro laughed heartily, and s.h.i.+nwoo scratched his head, giggling awkwardly. Suddenly, Pedro’s laughter was wiped away, and he cleared his throat.


At Pedro’s words, the kids surveyed the proximity.

Nodding in the direction of the building, Pedro gave them a signal to go inside.

Laughing, Ikhan and s.h.i.+nwoo as well as Yuna and Sui took off for the cla.s.sroom. Contrary to them, Rai, Seira and Regis, maintained their typical visages as they ambled indifferently.


s.h.i.+nwoo and Ikhan called out at the same time, and the trio’s heads turned simultaneously toward the kids.

 “Good morning.”

 “You’re here?”

Tao waved, welcoming them with his question, and Takeo gave them a warm smile. Unlike them, M-21 only carried a cold demeanor, pressing his mouth shut, but the children had grown used to his behaviour and absolutely did not care.

Tao’s face radiated cheerful exuberance as he explained Ikhan’s question.

 “And you just now came?”

 “s.h.i.+nwoo, you don"t exactly look awake.”

 “But s.h.i.+nwoo, you"re like this every day.”


 “Ah, sorry. We have to leave soon. We can"t be late for our s.h.i.+ft.”


 “See you later, Hyungs~”

Although they got caught up in a rushed swirl, Tao and Takeo turned to happily wave their hands. As soon as they turned around again hurry away, the kid’s shout came from behind.




Pedro busily wrote something on the board that the students diligently copied. Ikhan frantically moved and clicked his mouse at an inconceivable speed. s.h.i.+nwoo, strongly confident that his friend in front of him would give him cover, slept face down on his desk.


- huuiiii~


A faint sound of awe escaped from Suyi’s mouth, and she was unaware that her face burned.

Although someone’s hair being tossed by the wind isn’t exactly a marvel, the image of Rai just now would have made anyone’s heart skip a beat.

 “Hey, Yuna.”

Yuna stopped writing and turned around.


When Sui said this all of a sudden, Yuna was confused for a moment, and she also subconsciously took a side glance at Rai.

She, too, blushed when her eyes encountered him. They always spent time together, but they had not yet adapted to the sight of him. If they looked at Rai thoughtlessly, they could not help but feel their hearts flutter.

 “Seira and Regis as well... I don’t know where such kids came from. Did you notice how all the people stare at them and Rai all the time?”

 “Yes. But, well... Sui, isn’t this difficult for you?”

Sui asked as she tilted her head.

 “You’re the famous entertainer, but...”

What Yuna had omitted was to inquire whether it might have troubled Sui that people set her, the hottest, new celebrity, aside to only care for these three?

 “Actually, I’m comfortable this way. I feel less watched... And even if I weren’t, it wouldn’t matter. What’s normal about these kids, after all...”

Sui’s joking tone made Yuna burst into laughter.

Pedro, who had been writing up to now, abruptly spun around at the sound of her laugh. After their chatter a moment ago, Yuna and Sui flinched. Pedro’s eyes were gleaming as his pupils moved from here to there.

With a huge crash, a chair flew backwards and rammed the ground as s.h.i.+nwoo leapt to his feet.


Actually, Pedro was surprised, too, and he felt his heart pounding with one hand on his chest.

 “Oh, come on...”


 “W.. what shall we do...?”



Still watching s.h.i.+nwoo, Pedro said,


 “Come here.”

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