_me bro_, Dawson William TURNER (1815-1885), D.C.L., philanthropist and educational writer; Demy of Magdalen Coll., Oxford.

_bro_, Francis Turner PALGRAVE (1824-1897), poet and art critic; first-cla.s.s Lit. Hum.; Professor of Poetry at Oxford; editor of "Golden Treasury"; author of many critical essays and other publications.--["Dict. N. Biog.," Suppl. iii.]

_bro_, W. Gifford PALGRAVE (1826-1888), traveller and diplomatist; at twenty years of age gained first-cla.s.s Lit. Hum. and second-cla.s.s Math.; became Roman Catholic, and travelled as Jesuit missionary in Syria and Arabia, disguised for the purpose. Author of "A Year"s Journey through Eastern and Central Arabia." Severed his connection with the Jesuits in 1865, and thenceforward served as English diplomatist in various distant countries.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_bro_, Sir Reginald F.D. PALGRAVE (1829-1904), K.C.B., Clerk of the House of Commons. Author of "Oliver Cromwell the Protector,"

etc.--["Who"s Who."]

_me si son_, Sir Joseph Dalton HOOKER, F.R.S. (q.v.).

Lawrence #PARSONS# (b. 1840), fourth Earl of ROSSE, D.C.L., LL.D., Camb. and Dublin, F.R.S.; Chancellor of University of Dublin; author of "Memoirs of Heat of Moon and Stars" (based on experiments with the famous reflecting telescope made by his father), and on other subjects.--["Who"s Who."]

_fa_, William PARSONS (1800-1867), third Earl of ROSSE, Pres. R.S.; constructor of the great reflecting telescope at Parsonstown, and first discoverer by its means of nebulae and other celestial phenomena.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_bro_, Charles Algernon PARSONS (b. 1854), D.Sc., F.R.S.; notable in the development of turbine navigation; proprietor and director of electrical and engineering works.

William Matthew Flinders #PETRIE# (b. 1853), D.C.L., Lit.D., LL.D., Ph.D., F.R.S.; Edwards Professor of Egyptology, University Coll., London, since 1892. Princ.i.p.al discoveries: Greek settlements at Naucratis and Daphnae; prehistoric Egyptian at Koptos and Naqada; inscription of Israelite War at Thebes; Kings of the earliest dynasties at Abydos; has published much on these subjects.--["Who"s Who," and "Ency. Brit."]

_fa fa fa_, Martin PETRIE, Commissary-General; good administrator.

_fa fa_, William PETRIE, Commissary-General.

_me fa_, Matthew FLINDERS (1774-1813), naval captain; a.s.sisted George Ba.s.s to survey the coast of New South Wales and Van Dieman"s Land, 1795-1800; in command of the "Investigator," and afterwards of the "Porpoise" and "c.u.mberland"; made the first survey of a large part of the Australian coast, 1801-1803.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_fa_, William PETRIE, civil engineer; first exhibitor of electric light on a large scale, 1848; inventor of various apparatus for that and chemical industries.

_me_, Ann FLINDERS PETRIE, writer of some books and articles popularizing mineralogy, about 1840; learned both Hebrew and Greek without a teacher.

Percival Spencer Umfreville #PICKERING# (b. 1858), F.R.S., director of the Woburn Experimental Fruit Farm; investigator in chemical physics; editor of "Memoirs of Anna Maria Pickering," and author of 150 papers on chemical and physical subjects.--["Who"s Who."]

_me fa_, John Spencer STANHOPE, F.R.S., and Membre de l"Inst.i.tut at twenty-eight years of age; a man of considerable cla.s.sical attainments, and author of "Plataea and Olympia" and other topographical studies in Greece.

_me me_, Elizabeth, nee c.o.kE, a woman of considerable artistic ability.

_me me fa_, Thomas William c.o.kE (1752-1842), of Holkham, was created Earl of LEICESTER; M.P. for Norfolk, 1776-1806, and 1807-1832; favoured Protection and Parliamentary Reform; introduced modern methods into agriculture; a famous improver of stock.--["Dict. N.


_fa_, Percival Andree PICKERING, Q.C., Fellow of St. John"s Coll., Cambridge; Judge of Pa.s.sage Court; Attorney-General for County Palatine; author of cla.s.sical essays and works on Parliamentary law.

_me_, Anna Maria Wilhelmina, nee SPENCER STANHOPE, of decided literary and cla.s.sical ability; author of "Memoirs" recently published.

_fa bro_, Edward Hayes PICKERING, Captain of Montem, Eton; Fellow of St. John"s Coll., Cambridge; died young.

_me bro_, Sir Walter Thomas William SPENCER STANHOPE (b. 1827), K.C.B., first-cla.s.s in Mathematics, Oxford, 1848; M.P. West Riding of Yorkshire, S. division, 1872-1880, and 1882-1890.--["Who"s Who."]

_me bro_, John Roddam SPENCER STANHOPE, artist.

_si_, Mary Evelyn DE MORGAN artist.

_si_, Anna Maria Diana Wilhelmina STIRLING, author of novels and tales under the name of Percival PICKERING.

Sir William #RAMSAY# (b. 1852), K.C.B., LL.D., D.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S., F.C.S.; Professor of Chemistry, University Coll., London, since 1887; sometime Professor of Chemistry and Princ.i.p.al of University Coll., Bristol; has published numerous important scientific papers.--["Who"s Who."]

_fa fa_, William RAMSAY, manufacturing chemist; first made acetic acid from wood; discovered bi-chrome; President of the first Chemical Society, Glasgow, 1796, which was merged in the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1802.

_fa bro_, Sir Andrew Crombie RAMSAY (1814-1891), F.R.S., Professor of Geology, University Coll., London, 1847; Director-General of the Geological Survey, 1871.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_mo bro_, Robert ROBERTSON, editor of a daily London paper (about 1835).


Clement #REID#, F.R.S., District Geologist on Survey of England and Wales; author of many works on Geology.--["Who"s Who."]

_si_, Margery Anna REID, B.Sc., London; science mistress at Ladies"

Coll., Cheltenham; very successful as a teacher.

_me bro son_, Harold Leslie BARNARD, surgeon, and inventor of apparatus for testing blood-pressure.

_me me bro_, Michael FARADAY (1791-1867), F.R.S., Fullerian Professor Royal Inst.i.tution; famous chemist and electrician; started his scientific career as a.s.sistant to Sir Humphry Davy.--["Dict. N.


_me fa bro_, George BARNARD, landscape artist and author of many books on drawing and painting.

_me fa bro son_, Frederick BARNARD (1846-1896), artist and caricaturist; ill.u.s.trator of d.i.c.kens, contributor to "Punch,"

etc.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

Sir Henry Enfield #ROSCOE#, Ph.D., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry Owens College, Manchester, 1857-1887; President Society of Chemical Industry, 1881; of Chemical Society, 1882; knighted, 1884; M.P. for S. division of Manchester, 1885-1895; President of Brit. a.s.soc., 1887; Vice-Chancellor of the University of London, 1896-1902; author of many memoirs and works on chemistry.--["Who"s Who."]

_fa fa_, William ROSCOE (1753-1831), historian, poet, and philanthropist; author of "Lives of Lorenzo de" Medici," of "Leo X.,"

and of several volumes of verse; M.P. for Liverpool, 1806-1807; promoter and first President of its Royal Inst.i.tution.--["Dict. N.


_fa_, Henry ROSCOE (1800-1836), biographer, including Life of his father.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

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