_bro_, Rt. Hon. Richard Burdon HALDANE, P.C., M.P., LL.D., a distinguished politician; author of books on philosophy.--["Who"s Who."]

_si_, Elizabeth Sanderson HALDANE, auth.o.r.ess of "Life of Ferrier,"

translator of Hegel"s "History of Philosophy"; promoter of education and of reforms in Scotland.

_fa bro son_, Alexander Chinnery HALDANE, LL.D., Bishop of Argyll and the Isles.

_fa bro son_, Lieutenant-Colonel James Aylmer Lowthorpe HALDANE (b.

1862), D.S.O., served with distinction in Chitral, Tirah, and South Africa, and has won rapid promotion; author of "How we Escaped from Pretoria."--["Who"s Who."]

_me fa me bro_, John SCOTT, first Earl of ELDON (1751-1838), famous Lord Chancellor of England.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_me fa me bro_, William SCOTT, first Baron STOWELL (1745-1836), Judge of High Court of Admiralty.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_fa fa me bro_, Adam DUNCAN (1731-1804), cr. Viscount DUNCAN of CAMPERDOWN 1797, after the Battle of Camperdown, in which he defeated the Dutch Admiral, De Winter.--["Dict. N. Biog.," and "Life," by his great-grandson, the present Earl of Camperdown.]

_fa me me bro_, Sir Ralph ABERCROMBY (1734-1801), General; served with distinction in Flanders, 1795; commanded expedition against French in West Indies, 1795; commanded troops in Mediterranean, 1800; defeated French at Alexandria, where he died of his wounds.--["Dict.

N. Biog."]

_fa me me bro_, Sir Robert ABERCROMBY (1740-1827), General; Governor and Commander-in-Chief, Bombay, 1790; reduced Tippoo Sultan, 1792; conducted second Rohilla War.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

William Abbott #HERDMAN# (b. 1858), D.Sc., F.R.S., P.L.S., General Secretary of British a.s.sociation, Professor of Natural History, University of Liverpool, since 1881; has worked particularly at marine biology; was one of the founders of the Port Erin Biological Station, and of the seafish hatchery at Piel; was sent to Ceylon 1901-1902 to investigate the pearl oyster fishery for the Government (results published by the Royal Society, 1903-1905); author of numerous zoological works.--["Who"s Who."]

_fa me_, Sophia HERDMAN, great ability and strength of character shown by the way she brought up her four sons, after having been left a widow early in life.

_fa_, Robert HERDMAN (1829-1888), R.S.A., well known in Scotland as a portrait and historical painter; also a good Greek scholar, an antiquary, and student of Shakespearian literature.--["Dict. N.


_fa bro_, William HERDMAN, Presbyterian minister at Rattray; an antiquary, good botanist, and geologist.

_fa bro_, James Chalmers HERDMAN, D.D. (hon.), Presbyterian minister of Melrose; a popular preacher and convener of foreign missions.

_fa bro son_, James Chalmers HERDMAN, D.D. (hon.), occupies a leading position in the Scottish Church in Canada.

Sydney John #HICKSON# (b. 1859), F.R.S., D.Sc., Professor of Zoology, Owens Coll., Manchester, since 1894; author of "A Naturalist in North Celebes," "The Fauna of the Deep Sea," "The Story of Life in the Seas," and many scientific memoirs.--["Who"s Who."]

_fa bro_, William Edward HICKSON (1803-1870), educational writer; author of "Time and Faith," etc.; editor of "Westminster Review,"

1840-1852.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_me bro_, Sir Sydney Hedley WATERLOW (b. 1822), K.C.V.O., first Bart., Lord Mayor of London, 1872-1873; M.P. for co. Dumfries, 1868-1869; Maidstone, 1874-1880; Gravesend, 1880-1885; very active philanthropist.--["Who"s Who."]

_me bro son_, Sir Ernest WATERLOW (b. 1850), R.A., President Royal Society Painters in Water-colours.--["Who"s Who."]

_fa si da_ and _me bro da_, Mrs. Ruth HOMAN, educationalist; member of London School Board; co-opt. member Education Committee L.C.C.

Leonard #HILL#, F.R.S. (b. 1866), Hunterian Professor Royal College Surgeons, previously Demonstrator of Physiology, Oxford, and a.s.sistant-Professor of Physiology, University Coll., London; author of books and memoirs on physiology.--["Who"s Who."]

_fa fa_, Arthur HILL, headmaster of Bruce Castle School; reformer of education.

_fa_, G. Birkbeck HILL, author of many books on eighteenth-century literature.

_fa bro_, Edward Bernard Lewin HILL (b. 1834), C.B., retired as senior a.s.sistant-Secretary-General Post Office.--["Who"s Who."]

_fa bro_, Sir John Edward Gray HILL (b. 1839), President of the Incorporated Law Society, and of the International Law a.s.sociation, 1903-1904; author of "With the Beduins" and papers on various subjects connected with maritime law, etc.--["Who"s Who."]

_me bro_, Sir John SCOTT (b. 1841), K.C.B., judge in the High Court, Bombay; appointed to reform administration of criminal law in Egypt.--["Who"s Who."]

_bro_, Norman HILL, Secretary to the Shipping a.s.sociation; a distinguished Liverpool lawyer, and writer and authority on the Economics of Shipping.

_fa fa fa_, Thomas Wright HILL (1736-1851), school-master and stenographer.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_fa fa bro_, Sir Rowland HILL (1795-1879), inventor of penny postage; as Chairman of the Brighton Railway introduced express and excursion trains, 1843-1846.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_fa fa bro_, Edwin HILL (1793-1876), inventor and author; supervisor of stamps at Somerset House; with Mr. De la Rue invented machine for folding envelopes; exhibited 1851.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_fa fa bro_, Matthew Davenport HILL (1792-1872), first recorder of Birmingham; reformer of criminal law and of the treatment of criminals.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

Sir Joseph Dalton #HOOKER# (b. 1817), G.C.S.I., F.R.S., President Royal Society, 1872-1877, eminent botanist and traveller; director of the Royal Gardens, Kew, 1855-1865; naturalist to H.M.S. "Erebus" in Antarctic expedition, 1839-1843; botanical travels in the Himalaya, 1847-1851; Morocco and Atlas in 1871; California and Rocky Mountains, 1877; many botanical publications, including "Genera Plantarum."--["Ency. Brit.,"

xxix., 324; "Who"s Who."]

_me fa_, Dawson TURNER, F.R.S. (1775-1858).--See PALGRAVE.

_fa_, Sir William Jackson HOOKER (1758-1865), F.R.S., eminent botanist; director of the Royal Gardens, Kew, which he greatly extended and threw open to the public, and where he founded the museum of economic botany; Regius Professor of Botany, Glasgow, 1820; knighted 1847; many botanical publications.--["Dict. N. Biog."]

_me si sons_, the four brothers PALGRAVE.--See PALGRAVE.

Sir Victor A. Haden #HORSLEY#, F.R.S., M.D. (b. 1857), eminent surgeon and operator; Professor-Superintendent of Brown Inst.i.tution, 1884-1890; Professor of Pathology University College, 1893-1896.

_fa fa_, William HORSLEY (1774-1858), Mus. Bac. Oxford, musical composer, especially of glees, and writer on musical topics.

--["Dict. N. Biog.," and Grove"s "Dict. of Music."]

_me fa_, Charles Thomas HADEN, a rising London physician, who initiated a treatment for gout, much noted at the time (d. young in 1823).--[Unpublished information.]

_fa_, John Callcott HORSLEY, R.A., distinguished painter.--["Who"s Who."]

_fa bro_, Charles Edward HORSLEY (1822-1876), composer of oratorios; best known in America; author of "Text-book of Harmony."--["Dict. N.

Biog.," and Grove"s "Dict. of Music."]

_me bro_, Sir F. Seymour HADEN (b. 1818), surgeon. Founder and President of the Royal Society of Painter-Etchers. A well-known sanitarian, especially in respect to the disposal of the dead. Grand Prix, Paris, 1889 and 1900; many publications.--["Who"s Who."]

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