
Chapter 8

Halian carried Jules closer to the lake. Jules enjoyed Halian"s warmth. When he got put down, he stood against Halian"s side.

"Does the lake ever freeze over?" Jules asked.

"Yes. In January we can ice skate. The staff love it. Contained fires are built on the ice, and we enjoy ourselves." Halian put his arm behind Jules"s back. "I"d hoped my parents would stay that long. It would have been nice to have Christmas with them."

"You mean Yule?" Jules asked.

Halian smiled. "Another word for it," he said.

Jules looked at that handsome face, sensing mysteries and secrets. He let that go for now, though.

The dog began barking, and bounded off into the snowy brush. Halian held his arm out so Jules wouldn"t move. "Ruto is investigating. Stand quietly. Let me listen to how he makes noise."

The crashing around continued for some time, then the dog began whining.

"Bring it back, Ruto," Halian ordered firmly but calmly. "Alive, please."

The big dog returned with a ball of fuzz dangling from his mouth. The fuzz ball let out a screech.

"We don"t kill lynx, boy," Halian said as if reminding him. He took the kitten from the dog. "Were there any more?"

Ruto sat down.

"Abandoned, then," Halian said, holding the frightened kitten up to his face. "She must have had too many to feed. It happens sometimes."

"Can I?" Jules asked, holding out his hands. "I"ve never seen a lynx."

Halian nodded. "Just a moment. I need to calm her down. She"s very scared." He tucked the kitten under his coat and spoke to her quietly, making soothing sounds. A few minutes later, he pulled her out and gave her over to Jules.

"Wow, how cute," Jules said. "Will she die without her mother?"

"No, because you"re going to raise her," Halian said. "I"ll cancel my orders to give you a dog. You won"t need one now."

"But, it"s just a cat," Jules protested.

"That cat will be just under a hundred pounds when fully grown," Halian said. "The more you and I handle her, the more she imprints upon us. Believe me, I can convince the cat to protect you." He put his hands behind his back, staring at Jules with quiet focus. "Would you really rather have a dog?"

"No." Jules put the kitten inside his coat. "How will we feed her, Hal?"

"I"ll get some goat"s milk and an eyedropper," Hal told him. "I"ll just have John bring a goat here. It can stable with the horses." He held his hand out suddenly. "Come on. Let"s take her to the house where it"s warm. She"s not very vulnerable to cold, but she"s been out here alone for a while, and her resistance is weakened."

Silently, they walked back. Jules sat down at the kitchen hearth with his new pet, and put her down at his feet to see if she could even walk. He barely heard Halian telling him he"d get a sand filled box for her to use. He watched the tiny, dark colored cat with stripes and big eyes slowly begin to explore, enchanted.

When Halian returned he made Jules take the cat with them upstairs. They set the sand box in a corner. Halian gave Jules an eyedropper, and very small pan of milk. "Heat it up a little at the fireplace," Halian suggested. "I"ll hold her while you do. She needs to be able to identify us both by smell."

All the while Jules carefully heated the milk, Halian whispered to the kitten. Jules couldn"t hear the words, just the calming, a.s.suring tones he used. Jules thought of the bluebird, and figured Hal really just had a way with animals. He had control of his enormous horse, right? The dog listened to him, too.

"I think I can give this to her now," Jules said.

Halian handed the kitten over. "Her name is a scent, so if you want to give her an audible name, she"s amiable," Halian said.

Jules coaxed the kitten to drink, which she really enjoyed once she knew what was going on. "You"re kind of strange sometimes, Hal," he said. "You know that, right? Most people don"t easily tame wild animals."

"I don"t tame animals at all." Halian opened his bureau and got a blanket out. "I"m going out to see Lucien now. Be sure you don"t let the kitten settle down too close to the fire."

Jules enjoyed the peace with his kitten. After her feeding he took her to bed with him, and let her crawl all over the place. He dozed lightly by the time Halian returned.
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"Early night for us all," Halian said, starting to undress. "Have you thought of a name for her?"

"Not yet," Jules answered, sleepy. "Is your brother okay?"

"Well enough to hurl insults," Halian said. He built up the fire, returning to put on a pair of sleeping trousers made of cotton. "I covered his hands. He won"t lose his fingers and toes tonight. I told Sam to build a fire close to him. That will keep him from freezing to death while leaving him very, very uncomfortable."

"Thanks, Hal," Jules murmured, barely keeping his eyes open.

Halian extinguished the lights and got into bed. He scooped up the cat, and put her on his chest. She turned around on him three times before plopping down with her b.u.t.t pointed toward his face. "I don"t know why they do that," he said thoughtfully. "Something to do with identifying each other with a.n.a.l glands, I think. I wish she wouldn"t give me the courtesy."

Jules snickered. He wound his arm around Halian"s waist. "I guess ?? ??? is the only one you"re interested in."

"You have a very fine a.s.s, Jules," Halian said, smiling and closing his eyes.

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