aUpon my returna,a: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

Alice Palmer material: Sunya Walls, aAlice Palmer Withdraws from Race for Re-election,a Chicago Weekend, Chicago Citizen Newspaper Group, January 1996.

aSince she endorseda,a: Obama quoted in the aInc.a column, Chicago Tribune, Judy Hevrdejs and Mike Conklin, December 1995.

aIave since discovereda,a: Alice Palmer quoted in aCandidate Not What He Seems, Foes Insist,a Salim Muwakkil, Chicago Sun-Times, February 1996.

aThe political debatea,a and aAny solutiona,a: Obama quoted by Hank De Zutter in the Chicago Reader, December 1995.

avacuous-to-repressivea,a: Muwakkil, February 1996.

aat the swearing-ina,a: Illinois politico discussion with author, January 2004.

aI am thinkinga,a aI saida,a aWe are drivinga,a aHeas nota,a and aIt was just a greata,a: Dan Sh.o.m.on interview with author, January 2005.

aBuy him a blacka,a: Mich.e.l.le Obama interview with author, January 2004.

aSo I askeda,a: Sh.o.m.on interview with author, January 2005.

aMy grandmothera,a: Obama discussion with author, August 2004.


aThe fact thata,a: Kirk Dillard interview with author, September 2004.

aIt wasnat likea,a: Sh.o.m.on interview with author, January 2005.

aThe first few yearsa,a: Rich Miller quoted in aHow Obama Learned to Be a Natural,a Edward McClelland,, February 2007.

aHe didnat thinka,a: Obama a.s.sociate interview with author, 2004.

aThis sets the standarda,a: Obama quoted in a.s.sociated Press, May 1998.

ajust give Barack,a: Kimberly Lightford interview with author, March 2007.

aI have been adviseda,a: Rickey Hendon interview with author, September 2006.

aObama is interesteda,a: Don Wiener opposition research report, 2004.

aHe is idealistica,a: John Bouman interview with author, September 2004.

aI always founda,a: Joe Birkett discussion with author, October 2006.

aThe most importanta,a: Obama interview with author, September 2004.

aMembers of botha,a: Dillard interview with author, September 2004.

aBarack is vieweda,a: Donne Trotter quoted in aIs Bobby Rush in Trouble?a Ted Kleine, Chicago Reader, March 2000.

aThere are whispersa,a: Kleine, March 2000.

arising stara,a: editorial, Chicago Tribune, March 2000.

aWhat was interestinga,a: Kellman interview with author, March 2006.

aWhatas fascinatinga,a: Obama interview with author, October 2004.

aWhat Iave founda,a: Obama discussion with author, January 2004.

aIall never forgeta,a: Obama discussion with author, February 2004.

aThere was justa,a: Sh.o.m.on interview with author, January 2005.

aIam angered, franklya,a: George Ryan quoted in aRyan Comes Up Short,a Rick Pearson/Ray Long, Chicago Tribune, December 1999.

aSen. Barack Obamaa,a: editorial, Chicago Tribune, March 2000.

aThis vote wasa,a: Bobby Rush, quoted in Chicago Tribune, December 1999.

aI cannot sacrificea,a: Obama in press conference, January 2000.

aProving the politicala,a: David Mendell, aObama Defends Decision to Miss Anti-Crime Vote,a Chicago Tribune, January 2000.

aLess than halfwaya,a: Obama, The Audacity of Hope.

Congressional debate material: Rush-Obama-Trotter debate video courtesy of WTTW-TV, Chicago.

aJust whatasa,a: Ibid.


aBobby just ainata,a and aIt made me realizea,a: Obama interview with author, October 2004.

aBarack, you didnata,a: Wright interview with author, November 2006.

aIn his racea,a: Abner Mikva interview with author, October 2004.

aI was brokea,a: Obama press interviews in Boston, July 2004.

aHe is motivateda,a: Sh.o.m.on interview with author, January 2005.

aIam surea,a: Dunham interview with author, October 2004.

aThere were a rangea,a: Obama interview with author, October 2004.

aEmil is drivena,a: Obama discussion with author, February 2004.

aI am blesseda,a: Emil Jones Jr. discussion with author, February 2004.

aHe always talkeda,a: Kellman interview with author, March 2006.

aI am thinkinga,a: Sh.o.m.on interview with author, January 2005.


aI put Mich.e.l.lea,a and aSuddenly Adelsteinasa,a: Obama interview with author, December 2004.

aThe big issuea,a and aUltimatelya,a: Mich.e.l.le Obama interview with author, December 2006.

aSo I told Dana,a: Obama interview with author, December 2004.

aBarack says he wantsa,a aI guaranteea,a and aSo we all saida,a: Marty Nesbitt interview with author, October 2005.

aWe had known Baracka,a: Penny Pritzker interview with author, February 2006.

aWe were pullinga,a: David Axelrod discussion with author, December 2004.

aIf I were youa,a: David Axelrod from author interview with Obama, December 2004.

aThere was no waya,a: Obama interview with author, December 2004.

aBut the problem wasa,a: Obama confidante discussion with author, early 2005.

aShe felt that [Obama]a,a: Axelrod interview with author, December 2004.

aMy name shoulda,a: Obama from author interview with Wright, November 2006.

aHe had gonea,a: Wright interview with Manya Brachear of the Chicago Tribune, October 2006.

aI didnat grow upa,a: Obama interview with author, December 2004.


aGuys I Never Wanta,a: Ed Rollins, Bare Knuckles and Back Rooms (New York: Broadway, 1996).

aI just wanted to goa,a: Axelrod interview with the author, June 2005.

aDad never shareda,a: David Axelrod, aThe Truth about My Fatheras Death,a Chicago Tribune, June 2006.

aIt was just all abouta,a: Axelrod discussion with author, January 2004.

aDavid was in his glorya,a: lobbyist discussion with author, December 2004.

aHe was a meala,a: Axelrod discussion with author, December 2004.

aI would have madea,a and aYou know, I heara,a: Axelrod interview with author, December 2004.

aHe came ina,a and aWhen he speaksa,a: Bettylu Saltzman interview with author, April 2005.

athere will bea,a and aI knew that thisa,a: Obama interview with author, December 2004.

aThatas the speecha,a: Obama interview with author, August 2006.

aBought himselfa,a: Obama quoted in aLegislator in Race to Unseat Fitzgerald,a Pearson/Chase, Chicago Tribune, January 2003.

aMy involvement wasa,a and aIn a cla.s.sic waya,a: Axelrod interview with author, December 2004.


Jones-Obama conversation: Jones interview with author, January 2007.

aBeing in the majoritya,a: Obama interview with author, December 2004.

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