aHey, donat touch the afro!a: Soetoro-Ng interview with author, August 2004.

aOn the basketballa,a: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

aI used to knowa,a: Dunham interview with author, August 2004.

adabbled in drugsa,a: Obama discussion with author, February 2004.

aThis was reallya,a: Dunham interview with author, August 2004.

aJust call me Barrya,a: Eric Kusunoki interview with author, August 2004.

aI recall his sincerea,a: Chris McLachlin interview with author, August 2004.

aI got into a fighta,a: Obama interview with author, October 2004.

aThereas still somethinga,a: Julian Green discussion with author, October 2004.

aHe would have beena,a: Arne Duncan interview with author, January 2006.

aI recall thata,a: Suzanne Maurer interview with author, October 2004.

aWe agreeda,a: Ibid.


aIall admita,a: Dunham interview with author, October 2004.

achildhood dreama: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

aIt could seema,a: Soetoro-Ng interview with author, October 2004.

aWeare disenfranchiseda,a: Dunham interview with author, October 2004.

aJust an all-arounda,a: Obama discussion with author, October 2004.

aMayaas justa,a: Nora Moreno-Cargie discussion with author, October 2004.

aI just lovea,a: Ibid.

aHawaii has ideasa,a: Soetoro-Ng interview with author, October 2004.

aShe just didnata,a: Ibid.

aAt best, thesea,a: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

aThey werenat defineda,a: Ibid.

aCalifornia blacksa,a: Don Terry discussion with author, November 2003.

aObama is aa,a: Scott Fornek discussion with author, February 2004.

aWhen we ground outa,a: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

aI noticed that peoplea,a: Ibid.

aThe schoolsa,a: Obama discussion with author, February 2004.

aHe seemed to have gottena,a: Dunham interview with author, October 2004.

aMoving to the mainlanda,a: Soetoro-Ng interview with author, October 2004.

aDo you minda,a: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

aput down stakesa,a; Obama interview with author, October 2004.

aI had twoa,a: Obama interview with author, August 2005.

aBarack put himselfa,a: Green interview with author, November 2004.

aMy philosophya,a: Roger Boesche interview with author, June 2005.

aNietzsche callsa,a: Ibid.

aI knew thataa, aThere were people whoaa, and aThose two yearsa,a: Obama interview with author, August 2005.

aI would imagine myself asa,a: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

aCould this bea,a: Jerry Kellman interview with author, March 2006.


aOne of the thingsa,a and aAll I hada,a: Kellman interview with author, March 2006.

Roseland material adapted from aRich 90s Failed to Lift All,a Chicago Tribune, David Mendell/Darnell Little, August 2002.

Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky (New York: Random House, 1971).

aOnce I found an issuea,a: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

aIt wasnat untila,a: Obama interview with author, October 2004.

aThe first daya,a: Jeremiah Wright interview with author, November 2006.

adisastera,a: Obama interview with author, October 2004.

aIam here to doa,a and aBaby Face,a: Kellman interview with author, March 2006.

aHe was oura,a: Callie Smith interview with author, October 2004.

aJerry Kellman isa,a: Obama interview with author, August 2006.

aBarack wanted to servea,a and Kellman material: Kellman interview with author, March 2006.

aSo I figureda,a: Obama interview with author, August 2006.

aI came to realizea,a: Barack Obama, The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream (New York: Crown, 2006).

aTrying to holda,a and Wright material: Wright interview with author, November 2006.

aItas a great booka,a: Obama interview with author, August 2006.

aFaith to hima,a: Wright interview with author, November 2006.

aslumbering gianta,a and continuing quotation: Barack Obama, aAfter Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois,a Illinois Issues, University of Illinois at Springfield, 1990.


aAinat nothing gonnaa,a: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

aEverywhere black peoplea,a: Ibid.

aI just canata,a: t.i.tcomb interview with author, October 2004.

aHe was maturea,a: Michael Froman interview with author, January 2007.

Some Harvard material from aIn Law School, Obama Found Political Voice,a Jodi Kantor, New York Times, January 2007.

acommand centrea,a: aPinkos and Pistols,a The Economist, April 2002.

Laurence Tribe material: Kantor, New York Times, January 2007.

aBut you know, oncea,a: Ca.s.sandra b.u.t.ts interview with author, December 2006.

aDiversity is enrichinga,a: aThe Rudeness of Race,a Chicago Tribune Magazine, February 11, 1996.

aYou know, whether wearea,a: b.u.t.ts interview with author, December 2006.

aConservatives and libertariansa,a: The Federalist Society mission statement, 1982.

awas populated byawould-bea,a: Brad Berenson quoted in aIn Law School,a Kantor, New York Times, January 2007.

aBarack always floateda,a and aHe did show greata,a: Berenson interview with author, January 2007.

aOn the Law Reviewa,a: Obama interview with author, October 2004.

aHe wanted to be mayora,a: b.u.t.ts interview with author, December 2006.


aHe sounded too gooda,a and aI thoughta,a: Mich.e.l.le Obama interview with author, January 2004.

athis kind of stabilitya: Kellman interview with author, March 2006.

aWe always feltaa and aDad saida,a: Craig Robinson interview with author, November 2005.

aI call hima,a and aI told hima,a: Mich.e.l.le Obama interview with author, January 2004.

, 100, 101 aMy mom and Ia,a aHe was talla,a aBarackas gamea,a and aBarack was likea,a: Robinson interview with author, November 2005.

aBarack treateda,a: Mich.e.l.le Obama interview with author, January 2004.

aIf you are biraciala,a: Kellman interview with author, March 2006.

aThere are timesa,a: Obama interview with author, October 2004.

aWhat I noticea,a: Mich.e.l.le Obama quoted in aHer Plan Went Awry, But Mich.e.l.le Obama Doesnat Mind,a Ca.s.sandra West, Chicago Tribune, September 2004.

aYou always thinka,a: Obama, Dreams from My Father.

aLeave your namea,a: Judson Miner quoted in aObama Got Start in Civil Rights Practice,a Mike Robinson, a.s.sociated Press, February 2007.

aThe courts area,a: Obama interview with author, October 2004.

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