aWe have enougha,a and aIf you want to positiona,a: Chris Lu interview with author, December 2006.

aMy reticencea,a: Tom Stoppard quoted in Daphne Merkin, Playing with Ideas,a New York Times Magazine, November 2006.

aIt was an importanta,a: Gibbs interview with author, May 2007.

Knox College speech quotes: Obama to audience at college, June 2005.

aItas hard for hima,a: Jon Favreau interview with author, December 2006.

Katrina quotes: Obama on This Week with George Stephanopoulos, ABC News, September 2005.

aFrom slave shipsa: Cornel West quoted in aWorld: Exiles from a City,a The Observer, September 2005.

ahull of a slavea,a and other Jackson quotes: editorial aKatrinaas Racial Storm,a Chicago Tribune, September 2005.

aEvery speakera,a and other Jackson quotes: interview with author, June 2006.

aI think there isa,a: Obama interview with author, December 2005.


ahumanly possiblea,a and aKenya will just bea,a: Gibbs discussion with author, March 2005.

aI canat hanga,a: Obama conversation with official, August 2006.

aBut the lawyersa,a: Axelrod interview with author, December 2006.

aItas not an issuea,a: Obama at a press conference, South Africa, August 2006.

aIt sends this messagea,a: Zackie Achmat interview with reporters, August 2006.

aYouare goinga,a: Desmond Tutu to Obama at a press conference, August 2006.

aWell, he stayeda,a: Gibbs conversation with author, August 2006.

aIt was verya,a: David Wheeler interview with author, August 2006.

aHeas a totala,a: filmmaker conversation with author, August 2006.

aIt would looka,a: U.S. official to reporters, August 2006.

aYou hear a lota,a and further quotes: Obama at a press conference, August 2006.

aThat wasa,a: Pete Souza conversation with author, August 2006.

aIf it wasnat fora,a: Obama statement outside Hector Pieterson Museum, August 2006.

aYou knowa,a: Obama conversation with entourage member, August 2006.


atake care ofa,a: Gibbs conversation with author, Nairobi, August 2006.

aYouall bea,a: Obama to reporters, August 2006.

aHowas ita,a: Mike Flannery conversation with Gibbs, August 2006.

aOhaIam likea,a: Gibbs conversation with Flannery, August 2006.

aIam not surea,a: Gibbs press briefing, August 2006. scene and quotes from press pool report by Laurie Abraham.

aChris Willsa,a: Obama to Wills, August 2006.

aPeople have justa,a: Dennis Onyango interview with author, August 2006.

aThis is wherea,a: Catherine Oganda interview with author, August 2006.

aIf the Americansa,a: John Nyambalo interview with author, August 2006.

aMay the innocent victimsa,a: Obama speech at site, August 2006.

aOh my goodnessa,a: Mich.e.l.le Obama conversation with author, August 2006.

aBe carefula,a: Jennifer Barnes conversation with author, August 2006.

aThis is intensea,a: Bob Hercules conversation with author, August 2006.

aHe is mya,a: Gregory Ochieng interview with author, August 2006.

aPart of my rolea,a and subsequent Obama quotes: Obama at a press conference, August 2006.

aWhere isa,a: Obama to reporters, August 2006.

aWhen he is nota,a: Abraham, aMr. Obama Goes to Washington (and Cape Town and Nairobi anda),a Elle magazine, December 2006.

aI feel demeaneda,a: filmmaker conversation with author, August 2006.

aKenya is not mya,a: Obama at a press conference, August 2006.


aObviouslya,a: Obama to reporters, August 2006.

aThis is a preludea,a: filmmaker talking under his breath, August 2006.

aStop pushinga,a: Obama to a crowd at a hospital, August 2006.

aI havenat digesteda,a: Mich.e.l.le Obama discussion with reporters, August 2006.

aHopefully, I cana,a: Obama in a school dedication ceremony, August 2006.

aDoes this meeta,a: Gibbs conversation with Bill Lambrecht of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, August 2006.

aAs I was drivinga,a: Obama speech to Siaya political gathering, August 2006.

aItas likea,a: Gibbs conversation with author, August 2006.

aThis isa,a: Souza under his breath, August 2006.

aDonat trusta,a: Obama to reporters outside grandmotheras house, August 2006.

aItas aa,a: military liaison conversation with author, August 2006.

ah.e.l.loa,a: Obama to a crowd in Kibera, August 2006.

aLetas walka,a: Gibbs to reporters, August 2006.

aHere in Kenyaa,a: Obama in a speech at University of Nairobi, August 2006.

aThere are peoplea,a: Onyango interview with author, August 2006.

aBarack figureda,a: Auma Obama interview with author, August 2006.

aIt was a littlea,a: Obama interview with author, December 2006.

aBarack and Ia,a: Mich.e.l.le Obama interview with author, December 2006.

aMy fathera,a: Auma Obama interview with author, August 2006.


aHow bada,a: Tamarin conversation with author, October 2006.

aWe definitelya,a: Gibbs interview with author, May 2007.

aThe Democrats shoulda,a: Maureen Dowd, aWhatas Better? His Empty Suit or Her Baggage?a New York Times, March 2006.

aMy att.i.tude isa,a: Jacob Weisberg, aBarack Obama: The Path to Power,a Menas Vogue, September 2006.

aI inhaleda,a: Obama on NBCas Tonight Show, December 2006.

aPeople have alwaysa,a: Sh.o.m.on conversation with author, June 2006.

aThere area,a: Axelrod interview with author, December 2006.

aI saw John Kennedya,a: Newton Minow recounted in interview with author, January 2007.

Iowa material adapted from aLooking Beyond Obama-maniaa: David Mendell, aIs He Ready Yet?a Chicago Tribune, September 2006.

aOh Oh Oh Obamaa,a: David Yepsen, aWhat Triggers the Buzz Around Obama? Itas Hope,a Des Moines Register, September 2006.

acommittee of scribesa,a: Obama, The Audacity of Hope.

aThere was morea,a: Obama interview with author, December 2006.

aHeas not reallya,a: Penny Reynolds interview with author, December 2006.

aThe combinationa,a: Gibbs interview with author, May 2007.

aIf Baracka,a: b.u.t.ts interview with author, December 2006.

aYou keepa,a and subsequent quotes: Mich.e.l.le Obama interview with author, December 2006.

aI thinka,a: Obama interview with author, December 2006.

Tony Rezko material: David Jackson/Ray Gibson, aRezko Owns Vacant Lot Next to Obamaas Home,a Chicago Tribune, November 2006.

aLook, I camea,a: Obama interview with author, December 2006.

aHe is in fantastica,a: Pete Giangreco interview with author, January 2007.

aFreak Showa,a: Mark Halperin/John F. Harris, The Way to Win (New York: Random House, 2006).

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