Dragons" Melancholic Song (Part 29)

It was the first time I bore witness to such a brutal war. The dragons soared in the skies. They were so densely packed together that the sight resembled dark clouds covering sky. Following their incensed roars would be a rain of b.l.o.o.d.y scales as well as wounded dragons grimacing as they smashed into the ground. Blood poured from the sky. The dragons" battle was simple, yet savage. There was no chance to spit fire or ice because they didn"t fight a long distance battle. Dragons were also wild beasts. Their fighting method was biting and ripping with their claws.

Irina fearlessly charged at the horde to fight them, while all I could do was quake at the entrance of the cave. I very much wanted to help her, but their fight was nothing short of a battle between G.o.ds to me. My dragon scales that I took pride in were frail to them, as my scales could only be considered half complete; they lacked the density of a true dragon"s scale. My magic couldn"t hurt them and neither did blades. Furthermore, it couldn"t be any simpler for them to kill me. It wasn"t a battle I could partake in. It was a battle between dragons; not a human war.

I couldn"t even talk them out of it, as they wouldn"t even give me their attention. I kept my eyes on Irina, who was in the middle of the horde, the entire time. Irina was different to other dragons. She was more transparent than they were in terms of appearance. That said, she wasn"t her usual gentle and soft self in battle. She was akin to a crazed soldier. She roared as she attacked the dragons around her. They were all her former neighbours and friends. On the battlefield, they were her nemeses.

Irina bit the dragons around her without caring about the fact that she, too, was bleeding from injuries. She was smothered with blood. It was impossible for her to tell if she was looking at herself or her opponent.

Irina bit the neck of another dragon. Irina ignored her opponent"s cries and chomped her neck off. The dragon let out one final cry of pain before collapsing to the ground. Her blood sprayed as if a tornado hit, leaving a sickening stench into the air. A dragon bit Irina"s leg from behind. Irina mercilessly kicked the dragon in the eye, stabbing her claw through her eyes. Irina pulled her opponent"s eyeball straight out of her head. However, the dragon didn"t release her despite crying out. Soon enough, a second dragon bit Irina"s other leg. Irina desperately attempted to break free, but the horde didn"t let the opportunity slip. They approached her from two sides and bit her wings. Irina struggled with all her might as she cried out, but it was a simple matter for them to bite one of her wings off with their sharp teeth that cut as smooth as b.u.t.ter. Irina lost her balance in the air. A dragon next to her mercilessly wounded her with her sharp claws before another group smashed her down to the ground.

As one would expect, Irina couldn"t defeat them. She launched off for my sake and managed to kill three, but nonetheless, ended up being knocked to the ground. She pathetically landed on the ground. Owing to her wing being bit off, blood was spraying all over the place. The horde let out a victory cry and then dove down to go after Irina.

"Don"t! Stop! Noo!!" I don"t know where I got the courage from, but I rushed over to Irina"s arms and shouted.

Irina shouted out to me with a mouth full of blood, "Don"t come out!! Don"t come out! Don"t! Troy! You"ll get hurt if you come out!! Hurry and run!"

"I can"t watch you be ripped apart!"

The horde landed down next to us. The leader spat out a mouthful of blood and a few scales that came off Irina along with it. Her blood and scales landed down in front of me. Irina desperately tried to get up, but a huge chunk of flesh was missing from her legs. Thus, standing was impossible. The wounds were so deep that her bones were visible. Her wing had also been torn off. She, therefore, had no means of standing. Despite that, however, she faced the horde and belted, "If you dare touch him, I"ll kill the lot of you! I swear I will! If you dare touch my husband, I"ll kill all of you!"


The dragons wouldn"t be intimidated of a dragon who could no longer stand. The leader stomped onto Irina"s wound. I distinctly heard the sound of her bones breaking. Irina convulsed and winced. The dragon coldly looked at me and then pressed me down onto the ground with a single claw. She turned her head to face the horde and said, "Since he can"t transform into a dragon, we will need to revert to our elven forms. This mother and daughter pair tricked us and hogged our resource. We, consequently, have no obligation to respect her love. This male dragon is our hope. Let"s try him. It"s been a long time since we last experienced it. Let"s enjoy ourselves this time."

The horde of dragons reverted to their elven forms and restrained me on the ground. A dragon"s strength wasn"t your average idea of "strong". Irina desperately wriggled and cried out. There were still a few dragons who didn"t revert to their human form. Instead, they stepped on Irina and forced her to look in our direction. Irina despairingly watched.

I resisted with all my might in an attempt to push the dragon off. She resembled an ordinary female elf, but I didn"t enjoy her straddling me.

"Am I going to be raped by this dragon?" I worried.

Irina would get aroused, too, but she never forced herself on me. It wasn"t a nice experience. It was terrifying. Would you be happy to see someone straddle you, tear your clothes and belt off, exposing your entire body and then rubbing you up and leaving your body smothered in a sticky liquid?

The dragon on top of me couldn"t contain herself anymore. Moreover, she was a female dragon who hadn"t touched a male in a long time. My body odour was an aphrodisiac to them. In saying that, I wasn"t a woman. You can"t rape me whenever you want, I silently raged. I was about to die from fear. Was she naked? Check. Big b.r.e.a.s.t.s? Check. But there was no way I could get it up in that situation!

She licked her lips. She seemed slightly disappointed. She teased my chest with her hand. She then turned and bit me. I groaned in a stifled voice. The sudden warmth and oppressive feeling caused me to shudder. The dragon in front of me had a prominent scent, but it was different to Irina"s pure scent. The particular dragon had a strong scent that nigh knocked me out cold. Additionally, she started despite me not yet being erect. Clear drops of liquid landed on my face and in my mouth.

I didn"t know why my body was reacting in spite of me not wanting it. I could feel my body temperature rising. I suddenly realised the ingredient used in the drug that took away my conscious was Irina"s holy water. This dragon"s bodily secretions were effective on me, too.

"Don"t! No! Please… No!! You can kill me, but please don"t do this! Don"t do this to him, I beg you. Don"t do this to him… I beg you… Spare my husband. Please… Mom… Mom!! Mom!! Mom!!" pleaded Irina.

Irina couldn"t do anything, but watch me be violated. The dragon next to her firmly kept her pinned down. Big droplets of blood dripped onto the ground. She squirmed and tragically cried as she pleaded the dragons.

"You and your mom tricked us. You deserve this punishment! Watch on! Watch on as we ravage your husband! You tried to hog what was ours, so you have to bear the consequences of provoking us!"

The dragons didn"t show any hesitation. They totally ignored Irina"s cries. Irina wailed as she desperately tried to reach for me with her hand. She cried my name over and over.

"You may say you"re against this, but look, isn"t it standing up? A male is a male at the end of the day. You can"t resist."

I lost control of my body. Her liquid on me had virtually erased all of my rationality and resolve. In the end, I got an erection. Satisfied, the dragon turned around. She aligned herself and sat down on my spear. She let out an ecstatic moan and then tightly gripped my chest.

I couldn"t resist. My hands are forced to the ground and immobilised. If I dared to struggle, I"d probably have my legs snapped and then be pinned back to the ground. I turned my head to hopelessly look at Irina.

Irina looked back at me roared. That was when the dragon next her to thundered, "Shut up!! You"re being pesky!"

Perhaps it was because they saw their companion enjoying herself with delightful moans that they felt somewhat irritated, which led to her not being able to put up with Irina"s cries. They rolled Irina over and stomped on her belly.

I gripped the dragon next to me and belted, "Stop!! Stop!! Don"t do that to her!! Don"t!! Irina is pregnant! Please! I"ll comply with all your requests, so stop it!!"

The dragon atop me wore on a grave expression. She looked over to the dragons stomping Irina. She then turned back and choked me. Tone cold, she warned, "Who cares? You just need to have another child with me. Who cares about Irina? I"m warning you. Don"t make a sound, or I"ll strangle you!!"

"You… You…" I stuttered.

"Shut up!! You"re just a tool. Since you"re tool, just focus on serving me. Now shut up!!"


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