Publishedat 11th of August 2019 10:04:03 AMChapter 96
Dragons’ Melancholic Song (Part 30)

Irina curled up on the ground . She was in so much pain that she could barely breathe . Her body gently trembled, as she didn’t have enough strength to be convulsing . Her breathing almost came to a halt . Her scales on her were particularly clear . If it wasn’t for the blood still spilling down, you would be able to see all of the blood on her .

Her belly throbbed . The pain felt similar to scrunching up her nerves one by one and then ripping them apart . Dragons were wild beasts; when wild beasts live out in the wild, they wouldn’t fuss over such a minor wound . Therefore, kicking Irina’s gut would usually be of no significance, but for some reason, the pain was practically enough to make her pa.s.s out .

Irina panicked in her mind: “No way . No way . I can’t have a miscarriage… No way… I’ve only just gotten pregnant . My dragon egg has yet to take form . It’s just a collection of mana at the moment . Mana can’t be destroyed by something physical, so there shouldn’t be any reason to fear a miscarriage .

Why, though, does it hurt so much? Why? Why does it hurt so much? What exactly happened? It’s not just my belly that hurts, but my heart, as well . I have to watch on as my husband is violated before my eyes, not to mention that I’m pregnant with his child . I’m his wife, yet I can’t do anything when my husband is being violated . My husband is in so much despair and suffering, yet I can’t do anything . As his wife, this makes me feel as though my heart is being shattered to pieces . ’

Mom is still inside . She has no idea what happened . It takes time for Mom to make a drug . Unfortunately, Queen Sylvanas won’t be able to get up without it . In other words, there won’t be anybody who can come to our rescue . ”

“Tr-… Tr… Troy… Troy… my husband…”

Irina powerlessly extended her hand out in Troy’s direction . All that she could now see through her blurry vision were her tears, a lifeless gaze and her husband reaching out to her . He wasn’t a complete dragon . He was just an ordinary elf . The strength he possessed wasn’t worth mentioning, yet he rushed out in front of a horde of dragons for her sake .

“It’s all because I’m useless . It’s all because I’m useless . It’s all because I’m useless . It’s all because I’m useless . I couldn’t even protect the man I love . I can’t even protect my child and husband . What can I do? I’m… so useless . What can I stand alone as Mom can…? I truly don’t have the right to be a mother . ” Irina loathed herself .

“Your time is up, isn’t it? I’m next . Far out, I have to wait again every time,” said a dragon .

“Nothing we can do about it . There’s only one of him . Just make do with it . He’s not bad, though . I have to say that young men are amazing . Young men have more energy . This feels pretty good,” commented another dragon .

I lied on the ground and s.p.a.ced out . I was no longer willing to resist . It didn’t feel that good, but I was out of energy . My conscious was fading . I finally understood why Mommy Sylvanas’ young brother died from gang rape . The dragons had no self-restraint . They continued to constantly and wildly rock their hips atop me . Moreover, they got aroused and licked me all over . They even pulled my scales off . I was left bloodied, since they stabbed me through my scales using their claws . Further, dragons were creatures that could absorb more mana, so I didn’t get any rest . Normally speaking, I wouldn’t be injured by expending things within me . What caused me to be injured were mana problems . Without mana, I became weak, very weak . Nevertheless, the dragons absorbed my mana, yet my body showed no signs of tiring out due to my aroused state . Male elves could attract female elves, but it also worked vice versa . I couldn’t escape, unless I died . I was stuck there, otherwise .

How ironic was it that I managed to extend my life by receiving the blood of a dragon, yet was dying to dragons? I couldn’t feel a shred of strength left in my body . My brain was unable to function . As a matter of fact, I couldn’t even lift my head . I was relegated to looking in one direction . My tears welled up in my eyes . I looked at Irina’s look of despair and anguish . She desperately reached for me with her hand despite her only having claws that were almost utterly destroyed . The sight of her was really agonising .

My hips were finally released . As soon as the dragon straddling me got off, another came over and touched my face . She forcibly turned my face to face her . She looked into my listless eyes and then gave me a firm slap across the face . She shouted, “Look at me! Look at me! Look at me!! I’m the one on top of you right now! You soon won’t be able to see Irina again! Look at me!!”

I nonchalantly looked at her . Unfortunately, before I could get a clear view of her face . A trail of hot flames set half of her body ablaze . Her burnt corpse lingered on top of me for a moment . It emitted the rancid smell of being burnt and then flopped to the side with a heavy thud . The b.l.o.o.d.y and burnt dragon emitted a high-pitched groan . The horde of dragons screamed . They quickly took off, ascending into the air and looking in a particular direction .

“How dare you hurt my son?!! How dare you hurt him?!!” brayed Sylvanas .

A humungous black dragon took flight . She faced the sky and roared . Her roar could virtually shatter the lungs of those who were caught in it . She glared at the horde of dragons with her golden eyes that looked as though they were bleeding . The horde of dragons was startled . They, in fact, almost fell from the sky . Dragon Mom was significantly physically larger than the horde . They were mere insects in the presence of a n.o.ble dragon .

“I’m going to kill you all! I’m going to kill you all!! n.o.body is to hurt my son! n.o.body!!”

Dragon Mom roared at the horde . The humungous black dragon, who appeared as if she represented the black tornado of death, began to rip them apart forthwith .

“Mom… Mom…”

Irina finally reverted to her elven form . Despite that, her arm didn’t grow back . She was left with a wound that was dripping with blood where her arm was supposed to be . I looked around . Her exquisite transparent claw wasn’t too far from me . I turned around . My empty body felt as if it wasn’t mine . My brain yelled at me to crawl over and pick it up, but my body wouldn’t conform to my command .

Camille ran over to her daughter . She tightly hugged her daughter in tears . Irina had done her absolute best . She did her absolute best against the horde of dragons that attacked us . She powerlessly curled up in her mom’s embrace, desperately tried to reach for me with her remaining hand and she continued murmuring, “Mom, Mom, save him… save him… Please… Save him…”

I mustered up every single muscle fibre in my body to move . Every centimetre I crawled was torture . I just needed to crawl dozens of short centimetres, yet it felt as if I was trying to reach the unreachable sky . Overhead were flying scales and raining blood . There was white, and there was black .

I looked up to see the horde of dragons fighting Dragon Mom with all they had . Dragon Mom, who resided in the desert all her life, was far stronger than the group dragons who transformed into elves to live in the elven forest . However, the black dragon was weaker than usual . Perhaps it was due to her being bed ridden for so long . As such, I could feel that while Mom’s attacks were ferocious and effective, the horde seemed to be able to catch her off guard to bite her . Dragon Mom’s body looked slightly stiff . There was an obvious degree of sluggishness when she turned .

“This can’t go on . Dragon Mom’s stamina won’t last . She’s currently running off adrenaline, so she’s not saving any stamina . If she continues fighting at this pace, she’ll be taken down by the horde . The silver dragon has to take care of Irina . She, therefore, can’t fight! What do I do? What else can I do? Can Dragon Mom last? She must; else, we’re all doomed . Dragon Mom has to be able to hang in there!” I thought .

Suddenly, I heard the sound of horse hooves behind me . The dragons suddenly changed . They were surrounding the black dragon and locked in battle before, but they were incarcerated by something all of a sudden . Panicking, they tried to escape the iron cage that descended from the sky to no avail . Dragon Mom, however, wasn’t affected . She stayed in the sky and looked down at the dragons below who had been contained .

I heard a familiar voice from behind .

“Hurry up and get over there!! Hurry and go hack those dragons apart!” exclaimed Mommy Vyvyan, in an anxious and angry voice .

“I don’t need you to tell me that!” responded Elizabeth .

A white lightning bolt zipped past me . A long sabre I was familiar with revealed itself from its sheath . A cold and terrifying blade rushed toward the contained dragons . Dragons were impervious to magic, but that didn’t mean that they couldn’t be contained with magic barriers . It should’ve been very difficult for Vyvyan, who virtually had perfect control of mana, to create a cage to capture dragons, as they weren’t cl.u.s.tered together . Dragon Mom had them all gathered up, though, allowing Vyvyan to bring them all under control .

“It’s all right . It’s all right now, my Prince . It’s all right now . ”

I was held in a tight embrace . I could hear murmurs . Lucia held my head up to her face and rubbed it . Nier ran up to me and knelt down to caress my face . She held my hand . I looked at my wives with surprise . I blankly asked, “How… how… . did you…”

“The White Deer King . It was the White Deer King . The White Deer King found us and led us here . I’m so glad, Your Majesty . I’m so glad we made it . We made it . I’m so glad you’re all right . Don’t worry now . Leave the rest to us . I guarantee there won’t be any surviving dragons! Not one!!”

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