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Chapter 67
Before the Storm

Ying and the crew weren’t familiar with Travest, Ikana’s imperial capital . They never formed any connections with her . However, n.o.body expected her to kidnap Vera . The s.h.i.+p cut through the waves and resolutely forged toward Travest at top speed . Ying stood on the deck and intently pinned her gaze on the end of the ocean . She wanted to immediately rescue her Princess from Travest . There was one fortunate note from Ikana taking Vera . At least, she wasn’t a violent pirate, implying she wouldn’t harm Vera .

The three remaining sisters sat in a room . Nona gently wiped her tears, while Liu Yue tightly clenched her fists on her knees and gritted her teeth in silence . The fur on her tail stood up . Furious, Liu Yue’s body shook; her regret and rage tormented her .

“I saw them . I saw them take my sister . Why am I so incompetent? Why didn’t I shout? Even if I couldn’t defeat them, had I shouted, Vera might not have been taken away,” Liu Yue reproached herself .

Daisy wiped her sword deliberately . There was no confusion or light in her eyes . She looked practically the exact same as her mother, but no wise man would bother her . Vera always disturbed her when she was with her dad, and she’d always reveal her inner thoughts to mock her, but she was always a good elder sister, one who cared for her . Daisy actually liked Vera a lot . The pain of having Vera kidnapped was one that she couldn’t tolerate . She had a genuine desire to kill deep down this time . She silently swore, “I’ll kill… all of them . ”

Previously, Daisy wanted to prove herself . At the time, she felt killing somebody just to prove herself was what a brat would do . So accordingly, she couldn’t convince herself to deal the fatal blow . She, however, genuinely wanted to kill those who kidnapped Vera . She repeated in her mind, “I’ll kill them . I’ll kill them!”


Nona decided to be the first to break the prolonged silence . She declared, “I’m going to go rescue Vera . I won’t hide on the s.h.i.+p the this time . I’ll go save Vera even if I’m powerless and useless . I won’t hide on the s.h.i.+p . ”

Liu Yue rose to her feet: “I’m going, of course . I’m definitely going! It was my fault . Had I screamed, had I gone to Vera a little sooner, had I transformed and pounced, Vera wouldn’t have been kidnapped . It was all my fault . I swear to bring Vera back! I can transform right now . I can swim much faster than the s.h.i.+p! I want to go there sooner . I’ll tear their imperial palace apart if that’s what I have to do to bring my sister back! n.o.body, and I mean n.o.body, is allowed to bully my sister! n.o.body!!!”

Daisy was shockingly calm . She took in a deep breath and sheathed her long sword . She coldly explained, “Calm down, Liu Yue . If you transform now, you’ll sink the s.h.i.+p . Additionally, if you transform and swim over there now, you’ll only make yourself a big and conspicuous target . Charging head first into a nation at them isn’t wise . Nevertheless, I support everything else you said . It doesn’t matter how many I have to kill . n.o.body is allowed to hurt my family . n.o.body . I’m mad this time . Very mad . I won’t cower . I’m taking my sister back!”

Current time at Robertsna navy base .

Troy ascended the steps by the side of the boat and scanned the area below . His navy dressed in white uniforms stood below . Standing in straight and neat lines with an imposing look, they saluted him . He returned the salute and then aggressively whipped his cloak . He announced, “Soldiers . Other than the team staying behind at base, everybody else is to arm themselves, and prepare to set out with me . This is not a rehearsal . It’s war, one that we must win . Now, set out with me!!”

“Your Majesty… what war is this…? Who are we fighting…? Also, is this not a little too sudden? If we are going to war, we would need a month for preparations, alone, would we not…?”

“How much longer do you need? Let me correct myself . I’m not fighting a war . I’m annihilating . I’m not after land, strategies or any of that . Your strategy this time is to destroy everything that you see . We’re heading to a scorched piece of land . You don’t need to prepare . Grab your loyalty and ammunition . That’s all you’ll need . Our target is Travest . Blast it to smithereens!!”

Two loud roars came from the sky up high . The wild gust of wind blew the tens of thousands of white cloaks . The white cloaks fluttered as loud as tens of thousands of war flags blowing in the wind . A white and a black dragon circled the sky above their King and angrily roared . Their gazes were fixed on Travest . They waited to fire away .

Current time at Travest…

Vera sluggishly rolled over . The soft and warm bed, as well as the gentle fragrance at her noise, was so soothing that she moaned . The fire in the fireplace in the distance burnt joyously . Everything was so comfortable . It was the same as being in the comfort of her home .

“I must have arrived home,” thought Vera .

Vera subconsciously continued sleeping, but her rationality suddenly screamed at her . Something felt wrong . She hazily opened her eyes . In spite of lying on a soft bed, her body ached . She had a fair number of bruises on her . She looked at her posh sleepwear on her . It wasn’t hers, and neither was the room . She was confounded .

“Oh, yeah, I was kidnapped . Would I be provided with such a nice room after being kidnapped?” wondered Vera .

Though she was kidnapped, Vera wasn’t the type of kid to start screaming and shouting because she was kidnapped .  She meticulously scrutinised her surroundings . The place was quite similar to Queen Vera’s room, but she certainly wasn’t there .

“Now, where in the world have I been taken to?” pondered Vera .

Vera reached out and pulled the bell . She then went up to the window . She could open the window without any ha.s.sles . Below was a sea of purple flowers in addition to a well-kept lawn .

“This must be a ruler’s palace or a luxurious abode’s flower garden . However, there are only purple flowers; it looks a little monotonous . It’s not a long way down . I could jump down and escape with my agile elven physique . There are no guards down there . It doesn’t look as though I was captured here,” a.n.a.lysed Vera .

Somebody gently knocked on the door . Two maids came in with a smile and trays in their hands . There was an amber drink swis.h.i.+ng around inside a clear pot . Vera looked over her shoulder . The maids spoke out in synchrony: “Good morning, Princess Vera . Please have breakfast . ”

“Good morning . Before I have breakfast, tell me where I am right now . ”

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