Ceroxylus laceratus, 36.

Cetacea, 42, 83, 105, 108, 174.

Chances against few individuals, 57.

Characinidae, 146.

Cheirogaleus, 158.

Chetahs, 234.

Chickens, mortality of hybrids, 124.

Chioglossa, 165.

Chiromys, 107.

Cholera, 192.

Choroid, 76.

Chronic rheumatism, 183.

Circ.u.mcision, 212.

Clarias, 146.

Climate, effects of, 98.

Climbing plants, 107.

Clock-thinking ill.u.s.tration, 249.

Cobra, 50.

c.o.c.kle, 79.

Cod, 39.

Colloidal matter, 266.

Conceptions, symbolic, 251.

Connecticut footsteps, 131.

Connecting links, supposed, 107.

Conscience, cases of, 201.

Conscientious Papuan, 197.

Cope, Professor, 71, 130.

Coracoid, of birds and reptiles, 70.

Cornea, 77.

Cornelius a Lapide, 265.

Correlation, laws of, 173.

Corti, fibres of, 53, 279.

Coryanthes, 56.

Costa, M., 88.

Cranial segments, 172.

Creation, 245, 252.

Creator, 15, 252.

Creed, Apostles", 245.

Crocodile, 43.

Croll, Mr., 137.

Crustacea, 79, 160.

Cryptacanthus, 146.

Crystalline matter, 266.

Crystals of snow, 186.

Cuttle-fishes, 74, 75.

Cuvier, 109.

Cyprinoids, 146.

Cytheridea, 79.

[Page 291]


Dana, Professor, 149.

Darwin, Mr. Charles, 2, 10, 12, 14-21, 23, 27, 34, 35, 43, 45, 47, 48, 55-57, 59, 65, 88, 94, 98-100, 107, 118-126, 129, 138, 142, 145, 149, 150, 181, 188-190, 196, 208, 209, 214-216, 218, 223, 233, 234, 252, 254, 258, 259, 275, 276.

Datura tatula, 101.

Delhi, days at, 98.

Delpino, Signor, 212, 213, 215.

Democritus, 217, 275, 288.

Density of air for breathing, 99.

Dent.i.tion, carnivorous, 110.

Derivation, 238.

Derivative creation, 252, 282.

Design, 259.

Devotion, 193.

Dibranchiata, 74.

Difficulties of problem of specific origin, 1.

Digits, supernumerary, 122, 181.

Digits, turtle"s, 106.

Dimorphodon, 71.

Dinornis, 70.

Dinosauria, 71.

Diseased pelvis, 182.

Dissemination of seeds, 65.

Doris, 170.

Dotheboys" Hall, 272.

Dragon, the flying, 64, 158.

Dragon-fly, 77.

Droughts, 25.

Duck-billed platypus, 175.

Dugong, 41, 175.

Duke of Argyll, 14, 276.

Dyspepsia, 201.


Ear, 74.

Ear, formation of, 51.

Early specialization, 111.

Echinodermata, 44.

Echinoidea, 44.

Echinops, 148.

Echinorhinus, 172.

Echinus, 43.

Economy, Fuegian political, 192.

Eczema, 183.

Edentata, 174.

Egyptian monuments, 138.

Elasmobranchs, 140.

Elbow and knee affections, 183.

Empedocles, 288.

Eocene ungulata, 110.

Eolis, 170.

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