Waking from a dream where I was smashing all for one with some tofu, I went to the washroom and brushed my teeth, took a bath, and dressed, looking at the mirror I admired myself. I went to Eri"s room and to wake her up.

" onii chan~, let me sleep for 5 more minutes!"

pulling her cheeks I said "No can"t do, wakey wakey or I"ll go eat your pudding"

"Mooo.. always teasing me, ... hug me to the washroom..."

I took eri chan to the washroom and made her brush her teeth, after some time we went to eat some breakfast.

"Good morning dad, mom"

"Morning, I have something to tell you. Your mother and I are going to America for Some business meeting, It will be 2 weeks trip so, You have to take care of eri chan and Don"t do something extreme. I know that you are powerful, powerful enough to beat pro heroes but be careful in our absence."

"And as for Eri chan, we have employed a Lady, She can teach and take care of Eri chan for the next 2 weeks. So you can rest a.s.sured and go to your school like normally"

"So you will be leaving today?"

"Yes in the afternoon. Don"t worry we will be safe, we hired some heroes for our protection"

"Ok, If anything happens, please inform me at the latest"

After breakfast, I met up with momo and went to school together, At the entrance, groups of people we"re surrounding the students and asking some questions, We barely made it into the school.

In the cla.s.s, everybody was talking about the press reporters and interviews. The teacher came in and our day started with maths followed by English cla.s.s. Aizawa came in next and said

" I took the liberty to check your performance in yesterdays battle trail and I have to say, bakugo stop acting like a brat, you are wasting your potential, and izuku You have broken your arm once again, If you keep giving excuses that you can"t control your quirk then, you will not go far... Alex, momo, and todoroki, your performance was good so keep up, but don"t become self-satisfied and continue to train harder..."

" For today, we are going to decide, who is going to become the Cla.s.s representative. I don"t know how but you guys have to choose Cla.s.s rep among yourselves before the allotted time."

Everybody was excited and wanted to become the cla.s.s rep, The cla.s.s was filled with commotion and Iida came up with a method to vote and everyone agreed.

After the voting the results were,

1. Alex 6 votes

2. momo 4 votes

3. izuku 3 votes



Looking at the results I sighed, I want to give the role to Iida, but I want to spend more time with momo, I finally agreed to become the cla.s.s rep, after that nonsense, we went to the grand mess hall, where all the students from different departments come together to have lunch. The hall was packed with students.

Momo and I took a seat on the table near the window. We can see the entrance of the school from the window. Kirishima, Mina, Denki, Jiro, and Sero joined us on the table.

We were talking and guessing about the upcoming trails. When a siren goes off saying

[ Level 3 security breach, all students please evacuate! I repeat all students please evacuate!]

All the students in the hall started to panic and rush toward the door, pushing each other. Momo and I sat there silently seeing the commotion, seeing us sitting like that, Kirishima and others also just sat there. I looked at the bunch of students that we"re pushing each other, just to escape. They are going to be heroes after this! I looked at them with slight disgust and roared in a booming voice

"STOP IT! It"s JUST A FALSE ALARM! that was because of reporters, they are causing trouble at the entrance, You guys are studying in a prestigious Academy! Behave like one!..."

the students stopped pushing each other and went back to there places while apologizing to each other.

"That was so cool man, you made them stop like that, You are a true man! " said Kirishima

"They should think about the situation more before rushing like a mindless monkey... If they can"t even manage themselves properly how are they even going to manage and the city or the whole country!?"

"Well, you are right about that..."

After lunch, we went back to cla.s.s and finalized the cla.s.s rep thing and went back home.

On the way, I told momo about my parent"s trip. She said that she will ask her parents to let her sleep at my house for a few days so that she can accompany eri chan and me. Well mostly me!

I bought some puddings that eri chan likes and went home, In my house, I saw a lady in a white top and big pink skirt, playing with Eri chan. After talking for some time she went back. Eri chan and I played for a while and I cooked dinner. we ate our dinner and went back to sleep, but Eri chan followed me to my room and said that she wants to sleep with me.

I hugged her to sleep while thinking about what is going to happen tomorrow. The attack on USJ. Should I just kill them all and be done with it? No, let them be stepping stones for Izuku and others.

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