Next day we went to school as usual, before noon we have an English cla.s.s with the pro hero present Mic,

"Alright cla.s.s, tell me where the mistake is in the next English sentence, for example, " All the faith he had had had had no effect on the outcome of his life", ~who knows the answer? everybody hands up, Raise them high!!..."

*cla.s.s stunned*

"Sir It has too many "had" in the sentence," said mina

"wrong, anybody else, raise your hand up high!!"


"The answer is... It has no mistake, why? let"s find out in the next cla.s.s!!..."




After that mind-numbing cla.s.s, we went to the grand mess hall to try the cooking of the pro hero, lunch rush.

"Ah!... the cake is so fluffy," said momo, puffing her cheeks like a squirrel. I poked her cheek making her pout.

And finally, In the afternoon we have our daily foundational hero studies.

" I AM HERE, through the door like a normal person!!!"

"I can"t believe it, allmight"s really gonna be teaching us..." the cla.s.s got very excited

"foundational hero studies, for this cla.s.s we"ll be building your hero foundation through various trials, and for today we have the trail of battle!!" said showing a card on which battle was written.

Everybody got excited, I can see bakugo already cracking his knuckles.

"But before that, You gotta look like a HERO!, So here are your custom battle gear. get changed and meet at ground beta..."

"...And don"t forget! from here on, you all are officially HEROES!!"

Looking at the battle gear I nodded in satisfaction, I thought about many possible costumes like one punchman"s original costume, superman, Batman, perman... no, scratch that, and finally decided to go with something I personally like, It"s a dark red trench coat with long collars and a deep "V" cut that shows my chest muscles and light red pants. It"s the costume of Ban, the fox sin of greed from the seven deadly sins.

After changing into our battle gear we arrived at the ground beta, Everyone looked good except for izuku, he looked like a clown. Seeing izuku, All might tried to control his laugh with fake coughs.

"This will be, an indoor battle trial! for this battle, you"ll separate into "villain" and "hero" groups. For a two-on-two team battle "

"For this training, we"ll have villains guard the nuclear weapon and heroes must stop them before it"s late...If the heroes capture the villains or reach the nuclear core before time runs out, they win or if the villain"s capture the heroes or protect the core till time runs out, they win"

"To decide the team"s, we"ll go with the lots..."

Momo and I ended up as a team, the first battle was between Bakugo and Iida as villains Vs Izuku and Ochako as heroes. Izuku won the battle but was seriously injured. Allmight sent him to recovery girl.

We are up against Kirishima and Sero who are heroes. Momo looked at me and asked,

"So what"s the plan, You will go alone or I should help?"

Thinking for a bit, I whispered the plan to her. As the battle started. I went down the floor and waited for the duo to come. They came in soon and got into battle-ready stance as soon as they saw me standing in front of them. I looked at them and said

"omae wa mou shindeiru!"



smoke and dust filled the area around us, I arrived at their back and knocked them down with a chop. I took out the rope that momo gave me and tied them up, The smoke cleared and the result was pretty obvious.

"Team Alex and momo wins..."

For the next battles, nothing interesting happened except todoroki covering the whole building with Ice.

All the students were pretty amazed by the power of the recommended students and hyped themselves to train more.

"Good work, everyone!. Apart from young midoriya, there were no big injuries. for the first time full training exercise, you all did wonderfully!!. Now change the clothes and return to the cla.s.sroom"

*In the cla.s.sroom*

students were talking about the battles. Mina, Toru, Kirishima, and sero surrounded us.

"What was that explosion?, You knocked us out in no time. I didn"t even get the time to react"

"We used some smoke bombs to disrupt you guys, It makes easy, to knock down the opponents"

"We should have been more careful!"

We talked for some time and formally introduced ourselves to the cla.s.s, Everybody got along well, except for the silent todoroki who keeps taking glances at me (*shiver*) and bakugo who was still quite shocked that he lost to izuku. and so the day ended.

At night I took out my gun and went for some rabbit hunting!. As they tasted delicious, I want more!

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