I woke up the next morning to find Eri chan using my arm as a pillow, I let her sleep like that for some time, And started thinking about today"s plan.

It"s 9 AM now, Sitting on the chair and my arm is numb from staying in the position for too long. Eri chan is happily eating the bread without any care. I ate my breakfast and called momo at our house.

She arrived at 11 AM and we watched some movies and played hide and seek with Eri chan, Eri chan was very happy today. It has been a long since we played like this.

We ate some lunch, that we cooked, Eri chan also helped by washing some vegetables and setting up plates on the table. She was full after lunch and fell asleep. Now it"s just momo and me alone...

I took eri chan to her room and made her sleep there covering her with a blanket.

We went to my room...

u003cLemon... Incoming...u003e

As soon as we enter the room. I was pushed to the wall and Momo started kissing me furiously. I too responded pa.s.sionately. we moved toward the bed while kissing aggressively.

we literally ripped open our clothes and I started kissing her neck, ears and came to the b.r.e.a.s.t.s while shaping them I sucked her nipples, making her moan loudly with all the pleasure, I then took her in my arms brought her to the wall. Making her back touch the wall and penetrated with full force making her scream with pleasure. we kept at it for some time and tried many different positions. Soon she pa.s.sed out from all that intense session.


I made her sleep on the bed after cleaning her up. I then took a bath and went down to make some snacks. After an hour Eri chan and momo came down. we ate some snacks and played again.

At 8 PM I dropped momo to her house and bought a take out from the restaurant, Eri and I went to sleep as soon as we ate our dinner, We were very tired after all the activities.

The next day, the lady came on time and I left for school.

For the morning"s homeroom period Aizawa sensei looked at us and said

" Don"t think that the battle has already ended for you guys..."

"The battle has not ended?...." asked bakugo with a serious expression.

" Do you mean villains will come again?..." asked midoriya.

" It"s not about the villains... UA"s sports festival is approaching soon boys and girls! "

Everyone was pretty excited about hearing that and started talking about the sports festival. UA "s sports festival replaced the j.a.pans Olympic games and so was very popular all over the country. the students who perform well in the festival will get recruited by a pro hero. So it was a big stage for all the students to get recognized.

" Alex go to the principles office, Princ.i.p.al nezu, and allmight wants to have a chat with you "

" Ok then, I"ll take my leave then" I got up from my chair hearing that and went towards the principles office. I knocked on the door.

" Come in"

I opened the door after hearing that, to see nezu and allmight sitting on their chair talking about something. Seeing me Come in, Nezu told me to take the seat. After taking the seat I sat quietly. Not speaking anything. We sat there for quite some time without talking. Seeing the awkward mood allmight coughed.

" Ahem... So how are doing Young Alex, You must have been tired after taking down all those villains..."

" I am fine thank you, But allmight you can relax and go back to your normal form..."

"So you do know... did anyone know this apart from you?" said as he shrank back to his normal form.

"No, I didn"t tell anyone"

"That"s good, please keep this secret "

"Student Alex, I have read your information and know that you have a telekinesis quirk, Then how are you so strong. We tested the Nomu and found that he had a strong durable body with super regeneration. But you blasted that thing to pieces. May I know how?" Nezu started interrogation.

" Yes my quirk is telekinesis but it"s somewhat mutated, My body always grows stronger as I break its limit over and over, I trained my body since I was 5 and followed the regime every single day, thus I became so powerful."

"I see, Can I ask a question what is your limit now?"

I scratched my head in embarra.s.sment and said " I can easily beat all the pro heroes that are not in top 10"

" Hmmm... pretty strong, I guess it"s true seeing that you took out the villains and nomu..."

" What type of hero do you want to be when you graduate from this course?"

" Just by hearing my name, My enemies will lose all their will to resist and give up. I want to be that kind of hero "

" Hmmm... y..." as he was saying something my phone rang. Nezu saw that and said

"Student Alex you should at least keep your phone in silence"

"My phone is silent, but it will only ring if my parents or sister calls me. It must be urgent as they would never call me at this time... Can I please pick it?..."

" Go ahead, we"ll continue after the call..."

I answered my phone to hear my mother crying " Alex!... Your father has been missing, *sob*. we can"t contact him, I asked some heroes for help, they are looking for him... I just wanted to inform you about this... "

" Mom are you ok!? How did he get missing, did he say anything to you before he left?..."

"he just said that he will go to meet his friend and talk about something... I contacted his friend but he said that your father didn"t go to him...*Sob* I don"t know what to do..."

" Don"t worry mom, I"ll be there tomorrow, we will find father, nothing will happen to him, Just you wait and hire some protection around you, just in case..."

" Ok... I"ll be waiting, but what about Eri chan then?"

" I"ll ask momo to take care of her for the time being, she will agree to my request. I"ll ask permission and be on my way, just wait in the hotel and don"t go out"


After hanging up the phone and I told principle nezu about the situation, He gave me permission for the leave and warned me not to do anything stupid like fighting villains directly. I nodded my head in understanding and left the office.

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