After the meeting with principle nezu and allmight, I went toward the cla.s.s. Aizawa sensei was talking with other students about the sports festival, Seeing me come in he gestured me to take a seat, but I went to him and said

"Sir I am going back home and here is my leave letter, I am going to America for some days and I will be back before the festival..."

"Hmmm...principle nezu signed it, there must be the reason that he gave you this permission..."

"My parents are in America and apparently my dad went missing and my mom is alone so I need to be there for her and search for dad..."

"Is that so...I know that your power but your still a student so follow the protocol and let the heroes handle it, don"t go fighting villains on your own..."

"Hmmm...I"ll keep that in mind..."

After having a brief chat with sir Aizawa I went to find momo and explained the situation, She was very worried about it.

"Be safe and come fast..." Saying that she hugged me.

"Don"t worry man! It will be alright, Be safe out there. I heard there are many notorious villains out there, but with your strength, I think you can handle this..." Said kirishima

"Hmmm... Don"t worry about it, this will be over soon, and you guys should train hard cause at the festival, I am not going to go easy on you guys..." I said patting his shoulder

"Tch... f.u.c.king exhibitionist showing off again... Just come back soon, I"ll beat your a.s.s down in the festival and become the strongest in the cla.s.s..."

"Yo! Chilly flake being tsundere again..."

"Who the f.u.c.k are calling a little s.h.i.t! I can"t wait to beat you down in the dust."

[ A/N: writing this sentence made me want to puke blood, imagining bakugo act like tsundere girl]

"Yeah yeah... Like that will ever happen...anyways see you guys later, take care and train hard!"

Saying the farewell to the cla.s.s I left for home. At home, Eri chan was doing her thing and lady was dozing off, I coughed to wake her up, she woke up alarmed and was embarra.s.sed to see me.

"You don"t need to come from tomorrow..."

"I am sorry, I won"t sleep again... Please don"t fire me!..."

She started crying. I hurriedly stopped her and said, " It"s not like that, I am going to America and Eri chan will be in the care of my girlfriend so you don"t need to come, I"ll pay your full fees..."

Hearing that she felt relief and we talked about some time and she left, eri chan came running to me and hugged me in surprise,

"Onii chan, you came early, come let"s play hide and seek again..."

"No eri chan, onii chan have something to say, I will be going to where father and mother are, you will stay with momo and her parents ok..."

Listening to that eri chan started crying and said " No... Don"t leave me alone, I want to be with onii chan... I"ll come with you..." Looking at me with her big puffy eyes.

" Listen to Onii chan, There are some bad guys that are making things difficult for mom and dad, Onii chan is going to slap them away and we will come back soon. Until then you have to stay with momo and behave, I"ll bring you a lot of sweets Ok..."

"Mmmm... But you have to come back soon... Promise me... Or else I won"t talk to you"

"Ok ok promise my sweet little angel, momo will come in the evening to pick you up, you"ll be staying in there house so be respectful and listen to them, understood"


I went in my room to pack things up and in the evening momo came and took eri chan away, I wanted to run/fly to America and with my power, it"s totally possible but, Nezu and others are keeping an eye on me, I don"t want unnecessary attention and meet them again. Booking my ticket on the same day, I went to the airport and boarded the plane.

Thinking about the people who are disturbing my peaceful life, I got annoyed and Whoever is behind this incident are going to "GET THESE HANDS"

[A/N: Braun Stroman ref...]

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