Yo! the name is Alex. I love watching superhero movies and animes the most, I mean who doesn"t?, I like, my hero academia and one punch man the most. they have a similar concept but are totally different. one punch man gives bada.s.s vibes and hilarious fights. On the other hand, we have MHA a world where heroes are all about there image.

After watching 2 seasons of one punch man, and 4 seasons of MHA, I now have to wait,... but waiting is good, you can antic.i.p.ate what will be next and hype yourself. I heard a news that one punch man may get its Hollywood adaptation by none other than my favorite real-life hero, Dwayne Johnson, or THE ROCK. Reading the news I was totally hyped up. I started posting the news on various different forums just to satisfy my vanity. I was so into it that I Didn"t notice my legs got wrapped by the power cable of the PC.

I heard someone knock on my door. I tried to get up but fall down due to the wires, the isolated layer of the wire got off and the high voltage current ran through me, making a BBQ out of me.

then how the h.e.l.l I am talking you ask? well, I found myself in a white room where a table is placed in the middle, I am sitting on the chair near the table and talking to a weird panda doll.

"So that"s my story, pretty average if you ask me. If I must then I"ll suggest the other people manage your cables well or you"ll become a BBQ like me".

The doll was placed there when I arrived here, since then I was just talking to it to relieve my boredom.

suddenly the doll opened its eyes and yawned. I sat there totally stunned looking at the doll that was stretching itself. the doll looked up to me and said

" Sorry I fell asleep due to exhaustion, You see we G.o.ds don"t have a lot of free time, I am sorry that you have to wait for so long..."

I looked at the doll that called itself a G.o.d and said: " It"s ok, so what will be next for me, and If you are a G.o.d why did you become a panda doll?"

"I lost a bet against a fellow G.o.d and I have to be a panda doll for next 700 years, *sigh* I will get back at him. As for you, from your memories I have seen, I can say that you are a good person. I have a mission to guide the souls to heaven or h.e.l.l, as you are a good person you should be going to heaven. but seeing that I made you wait for so long, I"ll give you an option.

do you want to go to heaven or do you want to reincarnate into a world of your choosing?"

"Can I get reincarnated into the world of MHA?"

"yes you can, As its a world full of superheroes, I allow you to wish for a single power of your choice"

"can I get the power of one punch man?"

the G.o.d/doll looked at me for sometime after hearing my wish.

"seeing that you are a good person I"ll allow it, but don"t go smashing and killing everything, the world needs to be balanced of good and evil," said the G.o.d in a serious tone.

I nodded my head after which, a blinding light shone and I vanished from the room.

*In the world of MHA*

In a hospital a baby was born, the parents were happy, holding the boy they cried with tears of happiness. the boy was looking at the parents, crying.

"I finally have my very own parents, One can only treasure the things, that they didn"t have or lost. being an orphan for around 20 years I now have someone whom I can call parents. this is the best, thank you so much G.o.d/doll.

I am going to live this life with no regret and make these parents of mine so happy and proud of me. with my power as one punch man, no one can pose a threat to me.

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