A few hours later the plane landed at the airport and I went to take a taxi and told the driver the address of the hotel where my mom was staying.

"Do you know anything about local gangs and their leader?"

"Are you new to this area? Because everyone knows about them, I"ll Warn you to not mess with them..."

Taking out some dollar bills, I asked the same question again,

"Hehe..., seeing that you are that curious, I"ll tell you some inside news as well, There are 3 gangs that control this area, the Shark gang, the lion gang, and the snake gang, They have some sort of treaty and do not interfere with each other. There were some skirmishes but that can be overlooked in the bigger picture."

" Lion gangs are the most prideful group and do things in moderation. Shark gang is the more violent and they beat others over small reasons, they are straight forward and do things openly, they have a lot of support from the politicians, and even some heroes help them."

"The snake gang is the evilest one and they will do anything for their goal, they don"t have a shred of humanity left in them, even the other two gangs hate them but they let them go because the leader of the snake gang, the snake king is very powerful and he killed many famed heroes and villains... That"s all the information I had"

Lion gang, shark gang, and the snake gang... By choice of elimination, the chance of snake gang being the culprit is high, but I can"t overlook the other two as well.

"I"ll tell you, boy, don"t go poking your nose into there business. Even the heroes fear them. I am saying this for your own good"

Nodding at him, I got off the taxi and paid the bill. Looking at the grand hotel, I sighed in admiration, I went inside, toward the receptionist and asked,

"Excuse me do you know in which room my mother Lisa hart is staying?"

The lady looked at me with a blush on her face and said that my mother was in room number 13 on the 11th floor. Taking the elevator I went to the 11th floor and arrived at room number 13, I knocked on the door.

My mother opened the door, she looked at me with the puffy eyes, probably she cried a lot, and hugged me tightly.

"Alex you arrived! Come in...We still didn"t find any clue about him. I am so worried that something might have happened to him."

"Don"t worry mom, he will be safe, If anybody captured him, with his quirk he can outsmart them and be safe for a while"

"Hmmm... But we need to find him soon..."

"Before that have you eaten anything?"

"I don"t feel like eating, all this tension made my hunger go away"

"You should eat something, I ordered some food, they"ll bring it soon, we will find father but, you have to eat something if you fall sick how can I fully concentrate to find father"

After eating the food, I made her sleep and went out. I went to take a walk on the business street and can see some thugs, I approached them and asked,

"Guys which gang do you belong to?..."

" Huh, why asking little f.u.c.ker, we belong to shark gang, now take out your wallet as the protection fees or You "ll get beaten..."

" I can give you the wallet but I need you guys to do something "

"It depends on the thickness of your wallet..., what do you want?"

"I want to meet your boss, I have some business for him..."

"Our boss you say... before we can take you to him..., show us if you are capable of doing business with him"


"Simply beat us three in a fight and we"ll take you... Are you ready, there is no backing down from this, guys let"s teach him a lesson..."

Before hearing my response the other two guys used their quirks and tried to beat me, a second later they were knocked out. The main guy looked stunned at his sidekicks and looked at me with some fear.

"Ok... You pa.s.s, come follow me..." He made them wake up with some kicks and we went our way to a pub...named "twinkly cherries".

I followed them in, the place was lit in red and purple lights, I can see some strippers dancing near the poles, ugly fat guys throwing their money at them, we went upstairs and there was a hulking man with shark tattoos on his arms, drinking wine poured by a hot chick.

He looked at guys in front of me and asked "Why did you bring this kid here?"

"Boss he is very powerful and said that he has some business to do with you"

"What business does a kid like you have with me, If you waste my time with some nonsense then I"ll break your legs".

" I want you to find this man," I said them pa.s.sing my father"s photo to him.

"and how are you going to pay for it!..."

"By sparring your lives..." I said while smashing my leg in the ground that caused an explosion, cracking the building. And sending everyone in a panic. The boss patted the dust of his shoulder and said,

"You"ve got guts kid, to actually threaten me! Know your place..."

He opened his mouth wide like a shark showing his razor-sharp teeth and rushed towards me wanting to take a bite out of me. I chopped his shoulders making it crack and he fell down pa.s.sed out. I slapped him to wake him up, his face looked like a monkey"s b.u.t.t.

He looked at me in horror and tried to flee but I caught his shoulders making him sink on the floor. I looked at him in the eyes and said,

" count yourself lucky that I am busy right now and have no time to kill, or you guys will be a meat paste by now. Gather your men and search for him, Maybe I will give you some rewards if you do your job correctly "

"Ok..., I"ll find him as soon as possible, leave me your number so that I can contact you..."

After giving him my number and asking about the lion gangs headquarters I left them, speechless.

I went towards the lion gang headquarters, arriving at a building that was meant to be a real estate company, I went near the receptionist and said

"the lion king"

The man nodded and took me underground to see a man with a lion face who was wearing a business suit. He looked quite dashing with his golden hair.

"What do you want? kid. I don"t have much time..."

"I want to know about the man in the photo..." I asked him, pa.s.sing my dad"s photo to him.

"Hmmm... He should be lion hart a businessman from j.a.pan, why do you want information about him?"

"He is someone important to me and was missing for quite a while, do you know where he is?"

" I don"t know where he is but I know that the snake gang is behind his disappearance, they always want to extend their tail, over to other places, seeing that lion hart is from j.a.pan they might use him to open a branch at j.a.pan..."

"Thanks for the info, No problem but the information needs its cost, so pay for it..."

" I don"t have money..."

"Ok then let"s have an arm-wrestling match if you win you can go if I win leave your arm behind"

"...Are you sure?"

" Yes I need to show everyone else that we don"t do charity and you need to pay up for our service... Bad luck boy!"

We sat opposite each other, ready for the match...




*boom* *crack*

A loud noise followed by bone-cracking sound can be heard, the king looked at his hand in disbelief and roared in pain. Seeing him like that, I got up and said,

"Nice doing business with you, let"s meet again sometime"

Other wanted to stop me but the king told them to stop, he looked at me and said " I"ll get you back for this," furiously.

I walked away without looking at him, thinking." So it"s Sanke gang, after all, I should have directly gone to them."

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