Today is Sunday and our family planned on going out for a movie, reason? It was requested by none other than our innocent little angel Eri chan. n.o.body can say no to those big eyes of hers.

We decided to watch a movie about a hero that saves a city from the villains, It was a movie that even kids can watch so there was no problem. I don"t like movies like that, where everything is too mild, I will get bored as f.u.c.k.

As we were getting ready, I got a call from momo.

" h.e.l.lo Alex, do you have any plans today, if not we can go on a date, or I will be bored at home"

"I do have plans, we are going to a movie, Eri chan requested for it, my parents are coming as well... If you are bored you can join us if you want"

" Can I, really?"

" Yes get ready, we are going to leave soon."

"Ok I"ll be there in a jiffy"

keeping my phone, I informed my parents that momo will be joining us. Eri was happy about it. momo and Eri got along very well. Momo treated Eri like her own little sister, she would always bring chocolates for her, spoiling her.

After some time Momo arrived at our house and we sat in the car, My Dad was driving and mom sat on the front seat. momo, eri chan and I were sitting in the back. we soon arrived at the destination.

we checked in and sat on our seats, we are in a VIP room, booked only for our family. Momo sat on my left side and eri chan on my right, my parent"s were sitting right side to Eri chan. the seats were pretty big just like a recliner.

The movie started and after 10 minutes, I got bored, watching shin chan is more fun than watching this movie. I looked at eri chan who was focusing on the movie, my mother was watching it as well, my father was dozing off. "that"s pretty fast" I thought.

I turned to my left to see momo seeing the movie and thinking about something, a mischievous grin appeared on my face as I placed my left arm on her shoulder and I slowly moved my hand toward the rabbit catching and squeezing it. Momo moaned softly and glared at me.

I placed my hand on her thigh and slowly started moving towards the forbidden area, just as I was about to reach it,

" Onii chan! "

"OH MY f.u.c.kING DOLL!!, that scared the life out of me, Eri chan got some bad timings." I turned towards Eri robotically and asked

"what"s up eri chan?"

"Stop teasing momo onee San, look at her face, she looks like will cry anytime now."

*Awkward silence*

I saw my mother laughing and father glaring at me, momo"s face was as red as a tomato. she was hiding her face with her hands, I then explained eri chan that I was not teasing momo. wiping the sweat from my forehead I sighed and we continued to watch the boring movie.

after the movie, we went to a restaurant and had some lunch. we dropped momo at her house and continued back home. mother took eri chan to her room. father left me saying

"learn to control yourself, young man!"

I walked to my room thinking that it was a bad idea to do those things when a child is near. I sat on my desk and started designing my hero costume.

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