Proofreader: Jesse

What husky voice ah, Wu Han Ying decisively grabbed the mouse and closed the YY. After that he did not log into the game because he did not want to deal with Xiao Xiao Xiao and the others teasing him in the guild channel.

Throughout the afternoon, he did not log into the game; having Xia Chen accompany him through the afternoon, he did not feel bored at all. They ate a lot during lunch which means they did not get very hungry for dinner, so they decided not to eat.

Wu Han Ying finished taking a bath, put on oversize pajamas and then he laid out the three suit sets on the bed. He dragged Xia Chen over and asked, "Which one should I wear tomorrow?"

Looking at the boy"s serious face, Xia Chen wanted to laugh a little, but he also replied with seriousness, "You need to try the three sets on for me to make my decision."

"Oh." Wu Han Ying nodded his head, picked up the shirt to change into and when he had removed his pajama shirt halfway, he suddenly stopped. He could feel a pair of eyes staring at his back, even though the room temperature was not low, he could not help but shudder a bit.

"You go out first."

Wu Han Ying was speechless, Xia Chen leaned against the door frame with a faint smile on his face, he was staring at him so intensely that he could not decide whether to take it off or to keep it on.

"What"s wrong?" Xia Chen"s face did not change color as his brows knit together; the smile on his lips became even more vivid as he walked over, "Want me to help you?"

Wu Han Ying immediately became solemn, the tone from the other man sounded so much like a pervert trying to molest a pure innocent girl.

"What are you...doing..."

But his own tone sounded so much like a n.o.ble family girl who was being molested...the clothes on his body were halfway off and there was a cool feeling around his waist area; suddenly he was being embraced, warm hands stuck to his cool skin. The area that he touched felt like it was getting burned.

"Helping you undress." Xia Chen"s palm gently slid down the boy"s waist, he conveniently helped the boy get rid of his halfway removed pajama shirt and readily threw it on the bed next to their legs.

Wu Han Ying got embarra.s.sed as he blushed a deep red, he was blushing so much it got to the point that his ears were also red. Although in the dormitory it was not a big deal to be half naked in front of his friends, in front of Xia Chen it was a completely different story. He felt somewhat awkward, let alone the person seemed to be carefully observing each and every detail of his body.

"Do you want to put the shirt on first or the pants?"

"I"ll put the shirt on first." Wu Han Ying quickly grabbed the white shirt from the suit set, the boy seemed to be a bit rushed and confused.

"Uhm." Xia Chen did not rush to help him put on the shirt, he just took two steps towards the boy, "Then I"ll help you take off your pants."

"Ah?" Wu Han Ying was busy with the b.u.t.tons and just as he finished b.u.t.toning one, he got so scared that he tried to block Xia Chen"s hand. However, he was a bit slower than the man by half a beat, the loose pants were stripped all the way down to the ground.

"Wearing just a shirt does not look bad."

Wu Han Ying became speechless at hearing this as he blushed a deep red, he bet that even his fingertips also got red from those words. Xia Chen suddenly made a hard pull, he stumbled on the pants lying on the ground and directly fell onto the bed.

Xia Chen leaned on top of the boy, "Xiao Wu is very enthusiastic today."

"Get up, you." Wu Han Ying had not finished b.u.t.toning up his shirt, plus he was not wearing anything on the bottom. He could clearly feel Xia Chen"s clothes rubbing on his skin, which caused him to tremble a bit and his heartbeat to become faster. His face was flushed but he pretended to be very calm, he raised his hand to push up the older man; however, his tongue was stammering in shame, "You...are crushing me, get up."

Xia Chen just laughed and did not say anything. He moved his hand to touch the boy"s waist through the shirt, then he lifted up the shirt and directly stroked on the bare skin.

Xia Chen"s hand had a relatively high temperature, the places that he touched felt like they were burning up. However, Wu Han Ying shivered a few times, as his body was starting to get gooseb.u.mps all over.

"I"m...cold..." he wanted to bite his own tongue after saying those words, they sounded really ambiguous ah...

"Cold?" Xia Chen raised his eyebrow.

Wu Han Ying hurriedly said, "You need to get up, I want to get under the blanket."

Xia Chen did not stop him, instead he reached out his hand and grabbed the quilt on the side to cover the boy up. Then he kissed down on the boy"s lips, "I"ll stop teasing you, wear this suit tomorrow." He stood up and waved the suit then said, "I need to work on a few files, you go to sleep first. Tomorrow we need to get up early."

"...Oh, then you should hurry and finish it." Wu Han Ying shrank into the quilt and made a nest as he watched Xia Chen turn off the light and then half-closed the door.

It was very dark in the room, it was like nothing could be seen. The curtain was pulled up and he could vaguely see the light outside, he was not sure whether it was the street lights or the neon lights from those high buildings. Occasionally he could hear the sound of a car driving on the road, he was on a very high floor, yet he could hear it clearly.

Wu Han Ying tossed around on the bed, from the door he could see the light coming from the room across from his, he did not know how long the older man would stay up. He was debating whether to wait for the man to come to bed before going to sleep or not, after all he was occupying the other man"s bed. Then he turned over, rolled around a bit, the quilt was too soft.

The room was very dark that one could not see the time clearly, Wu Han Ying a.s.sumed that it must be very late already; after a long time, he did not know whether he had fallen asleep or not. He started to think about going to the company tomorrow, which got him nervous for a long while. Then he thought about Xia Chen teasing him earlier, which in fact he could still feel his blush and his heart beating rapidly.

Thinking about this, he realized that he did not change back into his clothes. He still had the shirt on and he was pretty sure that it was getting crushed and would have a lot of wrinkles in the morning. So he quickly tried to look for the clothes in the dark to change.

He lied back down on the bed, then jumped back up and opened the door. The living room was pitch black and then "bang", he accidentally kicked something.

"What happened?" Xia Chen came rushing out from the study room and turned on the light in the living room.

"That...I want to use the restroom. No! I want to get some water." The restroom is obviously in the other direction...Wu Han Ying quickly changed his answer.

"I"ll get you some water, you should go back to the room; the living room does not have the heater on and you are wearing too little." Xia Chen watched him head back to the room first, then turned to get him some water.

Wu Han Ying obediently ran back to sit on the bed and wait, the living room was a bit cold anyway.

Xia Chen gave him a cup of warm water, Wu Han Ying took the cup and drank a little, "You"re still not done yet?" It was already 12 o"clock.

"Just a bit more."

Obviously they had a lot of free time this afternoon and the man did not do anything, but now the man is staying up this late to do it...Wu Han Ying suddenly thought, isn"t the reason because he has been occupying him? Actually, Wu Han Ying had been thinking about this and that, although the other was showing a half-joking att.i.tude, earlier he was the one that pushed him...

"Why are you sillily staring into s.p.a.ce again? Quickly lie down and sleep." Xia Chen saw him sitting in a daze, so he helped him to lie down on the bed.

"...why didn"t you do it this afternoon?" Wu Han Ying was indeed a bit sleepy, so he vaguely murmured those words.

Xia Chen became stunned for a moment, then smiled and covered the boy up in the quilt, "I finally have some time, of course I want to spend it with Xiao Wu. I will soon finish the work, maybe in about thirty minutes."

Wu Han Ying"s eyes lit up after hearing those words. His heart was fluttering in happiness, but he still shook his head, "Then hurry and finish it, it"s already 12 o"clock. Next time you don"t need to accompany me, I can sit next to you and watch while you work."

Xia Chen watched as the boy finished that sentence and then snuggled his head into the pillow. When there was no more sound he figured the boy must be fast asleep; he could not help but laugh and then closed the door on his way out.

The next time Wu Han Ying opened his eyes it was already past 8 o"clock. When he looked to the s.p.a.ce next to him there was no one, but the sheet was still warm.

"You"re up." Xia Chen looked at the boy stumbling through the door, he was unsure whether the boy was fully awake or not. He couldn"t tell because he still looked somewhat sleepy.

"You"re up even earlier than me." Wu Han Ying stood there in a daze for a long moment before those words were said.

"You go wash up, then we will have breakfast. After we finish, I"ll drive you to the company later."

"Oh." Wu Han Ying quickly ran to brush his teeth, then he sat down and ate his breakfast. He did not have the habit of eating breakfast before going to cla.s.s at school, basically no one would like to get up early to buy breakfast. Then again, there wasn"t anything good in the school cafeteria anyway. Now Wu Han Ying made up for it and got to eat breakfast to the point of overeating.

He changed into his suit then followed Xia Chen downstairs to get in the car and head to the company. Compared to the interview last time, Wu Han Ying felt much more relaxed today. He looked at the road that was pa.s.sing by outside the window, the car made a turn and then kept driving. He has a very bad sense of direction and after a few turns he had no idea which direction they were going; the only route he memorized is the way from home to school. Even though he had looked up the directions to the company, he still had no idea. Thinking that if it weren"t for Xia Chen sending him off each time, he would for sure get lost a few times here and there.

"I"m heading in now." Wu Han Ying got out of the car and leaned on the door, "You should go back first, I don"t know when I"ll be done here."

"Uhm, hurry up and go inside; it"s cold out here." Xia Chen nodded his head and watched as the boy entered the building. He then drove his car to the building"s parking lot.

"Whoa, you finally came."

Just as he parked the car, someone came over to knock on his window and conveniently left some fingerprints on it. Jun Zhe was in his suit with leather shoes and wearing big, all during the winter season. He took it off and waved, "Sister-in-law went up?"

Xia Chen stopped the car, then got out, "Don"t call Xiao Wu sister-in-law."

"Yes yes yes, Lao Da is so thoughtful." Jun Zhe was smiling mischievously, he held up the briefcase in his hand, "I"ve waited for a long time, yet you still won"t let me in. You see, Father really wants to cooperate with you; he is even giving out such great conditions."

Xia Chen took the folder and casually turned two pages.

"But if Father knows who the BOSS of this company is, then..." Jun Zhe made a tsk smile.

"Who did you say?" Xia Chen handed him back the folder, "Go up first."

"I say Lao Da, you still want to play with us." Jun Zhe followed as he rambled on, "When you built your own company, you did not tell me and Xiao Mo about it. You didn"t tell us that you were going against the Qi group and also planning to acquire them. If I wasn"t a clever person, then I would think that until now, I"m just like Father who knows nothing about this."

Xia Chen did not say anything, he just took him into the elevator and went upstairs; when they reached their floor, he suddenly said, "If you want the contract signed then, of course you have to ask the person inside."

Jun Zhe became confused, "Lao Da, aren"t you the BOSS here? ...Don"t play games with me."

"Now I am not." Xia Chen said that then walked through the door.

Wu Han Ying heard the door opening, he was so nervous that his back stiffened up. He was thinking what kind of person is his new boss?! Would the person be hard to talk to or not. But then...

"...?" Wu Han Ying saw Xia Chen and Jun Zhe walking in, his mouth was gaping from shock unable to say anything. After a long period he ran over to Xia Chen, "Why did you come up?"

Jun Zhe became even dizzier, he was quite confused with the words Xia Chen said outside the door; as he saw Xiao Wu he was somewhat dumbfounded. The big BOSS here is Xiao Wu?!

"Did you sign the contract?" Xia Chen did not pay attention to Jun Zhe, he just walked over and embraced Wu Han Ying in his arms and asked.

"Yeah, I did." Wu Han Ying who was still in a stupor was pulled to the side of the table.

Xia Chen picked up the paper on the table and took a look, then nodded his head. He sat down, knocked on the table and beckoned Jun Zhe to come over.

Jun Zhe understood, picked up the paper on the table and after one look he became stunned. Xiao Wu"s signature was at the bottom.

"Lao Da, this is...?!"

"What did you want to talk about? Find Xiao Wu to sign it." Xia Chen smiled and looked at his utterly shocked face, unable to say what was on his mind.

Wu Han Ying was still in the dark, he did not know what was wrong with this situation.

"I admire you." Jun Zhe put his things down, wiped his face and then spoke in a serious tone to Xia Chen, "Lao Da, you can"t be saved."

"...Why?" Wu Han Ying was stunned for a long time before he could even ask that simple question; he still had not understood the words coming out of their mouths. More importantly, why did the two men appear here?

Jun Zhe saw Xiao Wu"s confused look and started to laugh haha, "I say Xiao Wu, you don"t even know what you just signed? If that was a deed to sell your life away, what would you do then?" he touched his chin and made tsk sound, "But it is true, Lao Da let you sign your life away and it"s more than one."

"Lao Da transferred the company under your name. Mr. Big Boss, we are relying on you from now on, please let this receive your signature." Jun Zhe said half-jokingly, then held up the doc.u.ment for Xiao Wu to sign.

"What does...this mean?!" Wu Han Ying did not understand, he couldn"t help but look over to Xia Chen.

"Ah, right." Jun Zhe glanced over at Xia Chen, "Xiao Wu also did not know. I heard you came to start your a.s.sistant job today. This is the so-called leading the sheep into the tiger"s mouth, such a dangerous man. Lao Da is the big BOSS here, he has been quite the planner!"

Wu Han Ying"s eyes widened and then he started to stutter, "You, this place is...yours? Why didn"t you tell me earlier!?"

"Now I am telling you." Xia Chen pulled the boy to sit by his side, rubbed the boy"s hair, "And, this place is yours."


"Lao Da is a very well-intentioned man." Jun Zhe patted Xiao Wu"s shoulder, "Previously, Father wanted Lao Da to marry that Qi Yue Wei girl to stabilize the power of the Qi family. Now it"s well planned out, Lao Da"s company has acquired the Qi group and this company is under your name. Now he can rationally and clearly marry you. Haha, there is no use in Father not agreeing to it, we have the upper hand!"

Wu Han Ying felt like he was having a bit of indigestion, he was still quite puzzled.

Xia Chen took the file from Jun Zhe"s hand, "The file can stay, but the person can leave now."

"Oh oh oh, you"re despising me for hindering you; I"m getting in the way of you getting all lovey dovey eh. Remember we"re at the office, please pay attention to your image." Jun Zhe smiled brilliantly, "Also, Xiao Wu has the highest position here, so I"m looking for him because I need his signature, unimportant people should stand to the side. Haha, Lao Da, I just realized you are now Xiao Wu"s a.s.sistant?!"

Xia Chen directly kicked the person out of the room, closed the door and the peace had been restored.


End of Chapter 62

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