Proofreader: Jesse

Wu Han Ying cluelessly followed Xia Chen around the company. Xia Chen also asked whether he was angry or not. Angry...he did not look like it.

Actually he did not have time to think about whether he was angry or not. Mostly he was stunned, such a big surprise. Thinking about the time before the interview, he was filled with anxiety. After he received the acceptance phone call, he was so happy that he told Xia Chen all about it. The other man had known the result already, he must have thought that he was a fool.

Under no special circ.u.mstance and the other man suddenly transferred such a big company under his name...such a good opportunity was bestowed upon him. It was not like Wu Han Ying did not want such a good opportunity to be given to him, but he still has not finished school yet plus he does not have any particular ambition toward anything. Suddenly a big company was being forced on him, he has no clue what to do and how to operate it.

"Don"t worry, you still have me." Xia Chen patted his shoulder and opened the car door to let him get in.

Wu Han Ying got into the car, "Then it"s better that you run it, you are just adding more work for me and I don"t know anything about it...I feel it"s better to not let me have it."

"You can"t reject it." Xia Chen let out a chuckle after hearing what he said, "This is a betrothal gift, so it"s not good if you reject it."

Wu Han Ying got confused then he quickly reacted, "Obviously, it should be a dowry!"

"That too."

{Translator Input: betrothal gift - the groom gives this out to marry the bride; dowry - what the bride brings over to her husband"s home. So either way, it"s like Wu Han Ying is agreeing that they are a married couple XDDDD}

Wu Han Ying felt quite annoyed, yet the person sitting next to him did not seem to refute anything and he still had that smile. He felt like he was looking for trouble on his own.

Originally Wu Han Ying wanted to follow Xia Chen back to his home, but on the way he received a call from his house, it was from his grandmother. She was saying that the guest had left and asked when he would come back. She also said it was almost Spring Festival time and she wanted to take him to the supermarket to buy something.

Wu Han Ying hung up the call and promised he would be back soon. He felt somewhat helpless regarding that; honestly taking him to buy things at the supermarket, he is no longer a little kid. Searching deep into his memories, all he could remember was every year his grandmother would take him to the supermarket to buy a lot of stuff. She would buy pack after pack of snacks, which are very expensive and not as good as the wrapping makes it look. Even so, she bought so much that they could fill his entire bed. Although he is now in his early 20s, this tradition with his grandmother has never changed.

He did not know whether to sigh dejectedly or to feel overly happy. Jiang Tan and the others had always been telling him to break away from his family and live on his own. After all he is a grow up now and the money left to him by his parents would not be used by people who looked at him like a nuisance. Wu Han Ying really wanted to do it, but what should he do about his grandma?

Wu Han Ying did not want to go back, but he really had no other choice. He packed up his things, left the suits behind and only took his laptop.

Xia Chen walked him back since it would only take them a few minutes. The man was in a suit with leather shoes while carrying Xiao Wu"s backpack containing his laptop on his shoulders, he looked somewhat funny.

"I thought you were going to stay until the Spring Festival."

"How"s that possible? The guest only stayed in my room about a day or two. How could they stay for such a long time?"

"Then when will you come to my place?" after saying that Xia Chen pulled him over, and leaned over him a bit, "I mean when will you move in with me?"

"Co-co...cohabitation..." Wu Han Ying"s tongue got twisted, at suddenly hearing the word he had thought about last night, then he shrank his neck in, " would I know." His face got a little hot, actually nothing happened last night; it was just that this word "cohabitation" sounded very pure...

Xia Chen stretched out his hand to touch the boy"s ear lobe, it got quite red, "Then I"ll decide. After the Spring Festival, come to stay at my place; I"ll let you run away for two days."

His ear was being pinched causing it to feel a bit itchy, Wu Han Ying bluntly shoved the man"s hand away, " running away, I am going in!" he obviously showed zero courage, when he quickly grabbed his laptop and ran into the corridor. He ran up to his house in one breath.

After he returned to his room, he immediately logged into the game, but of course no one was online. He waited till evening when he knew there would be more people logging in. Xiao Xiao Xiao was not online, it looked like the girl was already on her way here. Everyone had agreed to meet in Beijing Tuesday morning.

{Guild}[Oh Oh Oh~]: Sao Zi, you must come to the airport to pick us up!

{Guild}[Ying Han]: Okay

{Guild}[Oh Oh Oh~]: So excited, Lao Da you will also come as well!

{Guild}[Qian Qian Junzi]: You dare to make Lao Da go

{Guild}[Oh Oh Oh~]: Humph, if Sao Zi is coming, I"ll bet that Lao Da will also come

{Guild}[Oh Oh Oh~]: Sao Zi, you must wear couple clothes with Lao Da! So we can recognize you two with one glance!

{Guild}[Ying Han]: (Sweating Expression)

{Guild}[Wo Ben Chunjie]: Then I"ll book a flight now, so I"ll be in time with everyone!

{Guild}[Ying Han]: When will Xiao Xiao arrive? Does she need to be picked up too

{Guild}[Oh Oh Oh~]: Don"t mention that shameless girl! She kept on saying let"s book a flight together and all, yet today she ran off with someone else!

{Guild}[Xiang Zuo Kan]: *touching chin*, what is this situation, really suspicious. Who did she runs off with?

{Guild}[Oh Oh Oh~]: Da Suan said he was driving, Xiao Xiao immediately followed him! They"re going together!

{Guild}[Qian Qian Junzi]: Are they from the same city?

{Guild}[Oh Oh Oh~]: Of course not! But Da Suan said it"s on the way! On the way his a.s.s!

{Guild}[Ying Han]: Very suspicious, we have Xiao Xiao"s weakness on hand

{Guild}[Ying Han]: You all should be here around 7 or so; then where do you want to go?

{Guild}[Wo Ben Chunjie]: Forbidden Palace, Old Summer Palace, Fragrant Hill Park, Badachu, and the Great Wall

{Guild}[Oh Oh Oh~]: I don"t want to go hiking! I want to row a boat! I want to go shopping!

{Guild}[Xiang Zuo Kan]: =.= you want to drill a hole through the ice to row the boat

{Guild}[Ying Han]: =口= We can go ice skating at Houhai, hehe, it"s free

{Guild}[Oh Oh Oh~]: I say...where is Lao Da, why isn"t he saying anything

{Guild}[Ying Han]: ......

At this time...

{Whisper}[Love You 59 Seconds] said to you: Let"s go on a drive, tell Jun Zhe to drive as well, we should have enough s.p.a.ce

{Whisper}you said to [Love You 59 Seconds]: Okay

{Whisper}[Love You 59 Seconds] said to you: The morning after tomorrow I"ll come pick you up, don"t be late

Forbidden Palace

Old Summer Palace

Fragrant Hill Park


HouHai during winter


Early Tuesday morning Wu Han Ying woke up, the sun had not shown itself as of yet, when he moved the curtain he saw that it was still dark outside. He sleepily cracked his eyes open, there seemed to be lights downstairs, but he couldn"t be sure.

Wu Han Ying suddenly thought that maybe that light was from Xia Chen"s car.

When he finished his morning routine, he received a call from Xia Chen asking whether he was up yet. Wu Han Ying quickly grabbed his coat, put it on and ran downstairs; as expected the other man was already there.

The nights always seems to be longer than days during the winter season, so since it was still dark outside, Wu Han Ying felt that it was hard to keep his eyes open. Although he was in full spirits when he first got into the pa.s.senger seat, moments later the flashing lights on the street had made his eyelids start to droop down, he was fighting with all of his might against them.

"Get some sleep, I"ll wake you when we get there." Xia Chen patted his shoulder, "Cover up with my coat, then sleep."

"It"s ok, it"s ok, I"m not sleepy." Wu Han Ying said that with Xia Chen waking up even earlier than him in mind. The man stayed up last night playing the game with him and now he had to drive a long distance, the older man must be very tired, "I will accompany you..."

Although the boy said that, it wasn"t too long after when his head crooked to the side and he was fast asleep. Xia Chen could not help but produce a small chuckle, at the next red light he put his windbreaker over the boy.

In fact, he was not sleeping like a log, he was vaguely sleeping. When the older man stopped the car, Wu Han Ying suddenly woke up. The patch of hair that was rubbing on the seats headrest became all messed up, luckily no one was there to see; it looked like Oh Oh Oh and the others had not arrived just yet.

"We are not at the airport?" Wu Han Ying became a bit confused, he could tell that the parking place they were sitting in was not at the airport.

"We will wait here for Xiao Xiao and the others. Xiao Yan and Jun Zhe are at the airport, they will get here soon." Xia Chen helped him fix his slightly messy hair and straightened out the boy"s clothes. He obediently sat still since he was not fully awake yet. His eyes stared straight at the older man, with a layer of moisture in that stare.

Xia Chen looked amused as he hooked his arm around the boy"s shoulders and gently nipped on the boy"s lips.

Wu Han Ying was still drowsy so he did not move. When he felt something nipping on his lower lip, he stuck out his tongue to lick it.

"Already this enthusiastic?" Xia Chen playfully raised his eyebrows.

"Wha..." Wu Han Ying felt an electric shock shoot through his spine, his body started trembling all over and his mouth also hummed a small cry. When he finally woke from his sleepiness, he tried to push the man away.

Xia Chen rubbed the boy"s chin, "Your look from earlier is much better."

Wu Han Ying touched his lips, the tingly itchy feeling was still there. His heart thumped loudly, while he patted his cheeks and chanted, cool down cool down.

"That"s not good! The little uke should jump on the seme! I want an alluring uke!"

Wu Han Ying froze for a moment, he thought that he must still be sleepy because he was convinced that he was hallucinating. As he turned his face to the window, he was met with another big face staring at him from outside. After seeing this he became so shocked it caused him to flinch, the girl outside saw and pa.s.sionately waved her hand at him.

Xiao Xiao Xiao? Wu Han Ying was uncertain getting out of the car with Xia Chen, then he heard that little girl casually say, "hahaha, I was thinking it would be hard to look for Lao Da and Sao Zi, because I forgot to ask for a photo. I didn"t think I would witness a live kiss the moment I got here, so really there was no need to guess!"

Wu Han Ying"s face started to convulse, then he started to move so he could stand behind Xia Chen, he was feeling really ashamed.

"Sao Zi, I"m Xiao Xiao Xiao!" Xiao Xiao Xiao"s eyes lit up as she kept staring back and forth between Wu Han Ying and Xia Chen.

Wu Han Ying could feel cold sweat rolling down his spine, Xiao Xiao Xiao is very nice looking and not too tall; she is more like the "pet.i.te" type, but that word didn"t quite seem suitable to describe really cannot judge someone based on their appearance. He was being stared at by the little girl, it was one of those stares that made him feel uncomfortable; he could feel his hair standing up on his back.

"h.e.l.lo, I"m Xiao Wu."

"Hahaha, shy uke!" Xiao Xiao Xiao laughed showing his row of white teeth, she even clutched her hand to her mouth for a long time, "Sao Zi, your lips are a little swollen."

"Alright, stop teasing him." Xia Chen felt Wu Han Ying pulling on his sleeve, so he spoke up to help the boy.

Standing behind Xiao Xiao Xiao had to be Da Suan, he has a very tall build. Although he always speaks in a ruffian way, his appearance did not show anything like that.

"Hey hey hey, what are you doing standing so far away?" Xiao Xiao Xiao beckoned Da Suan to come over.

"I don"t dare to stand so close to you. People would mistake me for being crazy if I was to stand next to you." Da Suan walked over and nodded at Xia Chen and Wu Han Ying, "I parked on the other side, how are we going to go after this?"

"Wait a bit for Xiao Yan and the others, they should be coming."

"Xiang Zuo Beauty, I"m already drooling. I really want them to hurry so I can see him!"

"They"re here." Xia Chen looked at the silver car coming their way.

"Xiang Zuo Beauty!!" Xiao Xiao Xiao rushed over and clutched the car window to look inside, she was getting really excited.

"Yo~, Xiao Xiao. Xiao Yan is mine, don"t make a move on him." said Jun Zhe as he got out from the car, "Qian Qian Junzi."

Xia Yan got out of the car and glared at Jun Zhe, he did not say anything to him as he walked over to Xiao Xiao and Da Suan smiling a greeting.

Xiao Xiao Xiao immediately became captivated, "OMG, The Beauty is smiling."

"Lao Da, Sao Zi." Wo Ben Chunjie got out of the car and warmly greeted everyone.

"Xiao Xiao! This ungrateful person! I"m going to catch you! I"ll find out where you will elope! Wait until I catch you!"

Wu Han Ying did not have to guess, the person that just spoke obviously is Oh Oh Oh.

"Oh Oh~!"

Everyone had been talking for half a day and yet they still could not agree on where to go play first, after a while longer they simply decided to eat breakfast first and decide the rest on a full belly. They drove around Hu Guo Si Street to look for an open breakfast vendor because Xiao Xiao Xiao said she wanted to eat an authentic Beijing breakfast.

Their group of people took up two tables, they filled the top of the tables with baked sesame seed coated cakes, deep fried doughcakes, jellied tofu, meatball soup, goat intestine soup, deep fried ring dough dipped in hot soy milk, yellow mung bean sweet dessert and a bunch of other dishes.

Baked sesame seed coated cake

Deep fried doughcake

Jellied Tofu

Meatball soup

Goat Intestine Soup

Deep fried ring dough dipped in hot soy milk

Yellow mung bean sweet dessert

Wu Han Ying looked at their table full of food and felt a bit embarra.s.sed, this really is...

"Oh?! I just remembered. How come Xiao Mo didn"t come?!" asked Xiao Xiao Xiao as she bit down on the deep fried cake and was gifted with a mouthful of greasy oil.

"You are only remembering now." Xia Yan said, "Xiao Mo has something to do today, but he will join us this evening."

"Oh oh, then what will we eat for lunch and for dinner?"

"You are already thinking about eating again, you haven"t even finished chewing your food."


"You"re full?" Xia Chen t.i.tled his head, asking Wu Han Ying next to him.

"Uh, too full."

"Wipe your hands." Xia Chen handed over a napkin to him.

"Oh." Wu Han Ying nodded and took the napkin to wipe his mouth, then he saw something stuck on Xia Chen"s chin so he used the napkin to wipe it away. Once he was finished he regretted it at once because two pairs of glittering eyes were staring at him from across the table.

After they finished breakfast, Oh Oh Oh said she wants to go to Qianmen {front door} to look at Dashilan {big fence}, plus she would be able to eat some old style Beijing snacks; several people flatly refused. The ones that refused argued that there are usually too many people during the day, they really did not want to hold onto their noodle bowl and eat their food at the door. They suggested going at night since there are far less people and there is no need to wait for a seat.

Qianmen Street and Dashilan Street - so qianmen means front door, ad Dashilan means big fence, it"s like going to the front door to see the fence. And the intersection of this so-called fence is Qianmen Street and Dashilan Street; irony much? XD

They spent the morning walking around Old Summer Palace, then accompanied Xiao Xiao Xiao and Oh Oh Oh to Xidan to do some shopping. Around 5 o"clock, they reached Dashilan and were ready to have dinner.


End of Chapter 63

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