Proofreader: Jesse

Wu Han Ying glomped down his food and did not even lift up his head as he was too lazy to listen to the others calling him sister-in-law this and sister-in-law that. Next to him Xiao Shang was also eating very happily, well more like he was happily spoiling the food; which made Xiao Wu feel quite bad for the food.

"Brother, when are you intending to take him home?" Xia Yan looked at Xia Chen and Wu Han Ying, "Anyway, now that you"ve acquired the Qi group, the old man cannot force you into anything."

"Wait a second." Xia Chen smiled, "How about going to my house for the New Year?" This sentence was obviously directed at Wu Han Ying.

Wu Han Yiing used his chopsticks to pick up a piece of ginseng, but it was too slippery, so he had to roll it with his tongue. Then he directly swallowed it down, but it got stuck right in his throat at the question.

"I...I have to be home around the thirtieth."

"We have two weeks before the Spring Festival, Lao Da how about taking advantage of this free time to take him home." Jun Zhe also followed to join in the fun.

Wu Han Ying"s eyes started to twitch, then he quickly pulled on Xia Chen"s arm. That was not a joking matter, they should at least give him ample time to mentally prepare for it. How could he just go "see the parents" in this state?!

"No! You said you would take me traveling first!"

Wu Han Ying was getting anxious and nervous, although he tried to lower his voice, everyone around him could clearly hear it. They all had that "so it"s like that" smile on their faces, then they started to question them back and forth.

"Big Brother, where do you want to go ah, I"ll go with you to make sure Xiao Chen Chen is not bullying you!" Xiao Shang poked his bowl of rice with his chopsticks as he said that solemnly.

"Poof---" Mo Rui heard Xiao Shang"s soft and solemn tone, he immediately spat out his mouthful of food, as his face got simmering red.

"Oh~" Xia Yan winked at Wu Han Ying sitting across from him, "Xiao Shang is right, sister-in-law you are going on a trip with brother. Aren"t you afraid he is going to bully you?"

Wu Han Ying really wanted to bury his head in the plate in front of him, he bowed his head down as if he didn"t hear anything and put all his effort into eating all while his face turned red.

"Have some water." Xia Chen pushed a cup of water to him, "After the offline on Tuesday and Wednesday, I"ll take Xiao Wu on a one-week trip. During the Spring Festival, we will go home when we have time."

They finished their lunch at around 2 o"clock, Xia Chen drove Xiao Wu back in his car. Wu Han Ying sat in the pa.s.senger seat and felt somewhat relieved. If he was to stay there any longer, he was not sure how he would hold up.

"Where will we go?"

"Hm? ...I don"t know." Wu Han Ying heard the older man asking out of nowhere, it took him awhile to understand the older man was asking where he wanted to go on their short trip.

"Then let"s go on a road trip and we can stop wherever we like on the way."

"Okay, I can also drive you! So you won"t get tired." Wu Han Ying"s eyes lit up at the word "drive". Although he has a driver"s license, besides driving the car at the driving school, he hasn"t driven a car since.

"Okay, we will go after the offline. Want to come out tomorrow to buy something for the trip."

"Tomorrow is not good." Wu Han Ying was about to agree when he suddenly remembered he had to go to the company that he is interning at, "I have to go to the company tomorrow, I might have to start work on Monday. If that happens I won"t be able to go on a trip."

Xia Chen looked at Wu Han Ying"s dejected face and found it amusing, he stretched out his hand to rub the boy"s hair, "Tomorrow, I"ll send you there, don"t worry."

In the afternoon, Xia Chen took Wu Han Ying out and about, then they went to the supermarket to buy some dessert for the boy to bring back home for afternoon tea. He also bought lots of expensive fruits, they looked really nice but he was not sure about the taste.

Wu Han Ying helplessly carried the heavy bags, Xia Chen said to give these to his grandmother. ...openly bribing....

However, Xia Chen only drove Wu Han Ying to his complex and dropped him off at the stairs, he did not go up.

Wu Han Ying heard loud talking coming from behind the door, it seemed to be very lively, maybe they are having guests over. He just simply inserted his key and unlocked the door.

"Xiao Wu is home." His grandma heard the door open so she came out from the living room and took the things in his hands, "This bag is quite heavy, what did you buy?"

"My friend told me to bring the fruit back, these are for you."

"This apple looks really nice." His grandma looked at the items in the bags, "These are really expensive. Why did you buy them? How come you didn"t invite your friend to our home? Ah right, your aunt"s nephew came, he"s inside."

"Grandma, I want to go out to eat tonight!"

They were talking to the side when Wu Ning came running from the living room, she saw the big bags in her grandma"s hand and poked her head in to take a look, "What"s this? The apple is so big, I want to eat it now. Mom go wash it!" She immediately s.n.a.t.c.hed the bag after she said that and ran into the living room with it.

{Translator Input: What kind of manner is that =.= well, I have no comment on this, it"s clear that this family has a really f.u.c.ked up parenting method, that"s all. I feel bad for society to have another idiot and b.i.t.c.h in the future. Well, that"s what I usually think when I meet with bad mannered kids LOL}

"I"ll go in to change first." Wu Han Ying looked somewhat annoyed, its not that he was being stingy and did not want to share the stuff Xia Chen had bought with the others. He just found it a little amusing, usually when his grandma wants to give him an apple pie, she has to do it secretly; like a thief as if she was afraid that the other people would see her. When he takes something home, he has to smile and let the other people take it away from him?

Wu Han Ying did not say anything as he listened to his grandma"s nagging, "Ok ok, let your mom wash it first. Ning Ning walk slowly, the bag is very heavy." He could not say anything.

Right when he opened the door, he was shocked and quite confused. When he went out this morning his room was very organized, how come there were a heap of bags on the floor when he got back?

"Ah right! Xiao Wu!" His aunt was holding a huge gla.s.s bowl, along with the washed apples and peaches and walked out of the kitchen. She saw Wu Han Ying standing at the door, "Your cousin is in the living room, come and greet him. He is about your age. He came alone, so I told him to put his luggage in your room; you two should share a room, after all it is just for two days."

Wu Han Ying became shocked. There is only one single bed in his room, how are two people supposed to squeeze onto it?


"That"s not a problem, you can make a bed on the floor. If you don"t want to sleep on the floor, then let him sleep on the floor. Boys shouldn"t be so squeamish." His aunt did not let him to say anything before she rushed into the living room with the bowl, she looked back at him to say, "These apples are very tasty, Ning Ning may like it. You may also come and have some."

{Translator Input: Uh, woman! Who cares about your child? Who said that they bought those apples for your kid? >.> I know this type of person, they want other people to "take care and love" their child as if it were their own, that"s just blatantly stupid =.=}

Wu Han Ying felt that he must have a very good temper, as he did not take off his coat. Without hesitation he walked to the cabinet, grabbed his laptop and shoved it in his backpack. He also packed the suit that he would wear for tomorrow and then directly walked out of the door. Unfortunately, no matter how good of a temper he had, he still closed the door with a loud "bang" behind him.

Wu Han Ying went downstairs, fished out his phone and subconsciously pressed on Xia Chen"s number. Just before the call had connected his finger moved and accidentally pressed on the hang up b.u.t.ton.

He was silent for a moment before the phone in his hand started to vibrate, which scared him and caused him to jump up a bit, it was from Xia Chen...


"Xiao Wu, you called me? Why did you hang up?"

"It"s nothing." Wu Han Ying carried his laptop and suit in one hand and then paused for a moment, "...Can I come to your place?"

"Where are you at? I will come pick you up."

The voice on the phone had a smiling tone, before it suddenly sounded solemn. Wu Han Ying quickly said, "It"s ok, I can walk over, it"s only a few steps away."

"Then first, come here."


Wu Han Ying hung up the call and directly headed to Xia Chen"s place, when he got upstairs, he did not get to knock on the door before it was pulledopen.

"Not going home tonight?" Xia Chen helped him take the stuff into the study room and looked at the suit in his hand.

"Uh...I will stay for one night." Wu Han Ying frowned but then saw Xia Chen"s faint smiling expression while he looked at him, he suddenly felt a bit embarra.s.sed.

"You aren"t afraid that I will bully you?"

Wu Han Ying was being teased, so he just glared at the older man, "Obviously, it should be me bullying you."

"That"s good." said Xia Chen with a serious face as he suddenly leaned down to kiss his forehead, which caused him to blush even deeper.

Wu Han Ying really could not stand it, so he fled into the study room and took out his laptop, "I, I want to play the game."

"I"ll play with you." Xia Chen came into the room, moved the boy"s laptop next to his own desktop, pushed a chair over next to him and patted it, "Sit here."

Although the table was quite big, the two computers were placed right next to each other; as Wu Han Ying sat down, he was thinking that if they were to play the game like this, their arms would touch each other. Xia Chen came over with a cup of coffee and sat down, the older man lifted his arms to hug them around the boy"s shoulders.

Wu Han Ying was about to say something, when he saw a cup of coffee being placed right under his nose.

"Want some coffee?"

"...No, thanks." Wu Han Ying shook his head, "You get to the side, how are we supposed to play the game like this? Our arms will get in the way of each other."

"You play, I"ll just watch." Xia Chen took a sip from his cup of coffee, "Also, you"re sitting next to me, why do I need to log into the game?"

"Saying that..." Wu Han Ying stopped midway in his sentence, Xia Chen had clearly stated that the older man was playing the game to be with him.

Xia Chen helped him click on the game icon and completed the login process, "You"re in, go ahead and play."

Wu Han Ying let out an "oh" sound, then saw the little girl with the name Ying Han on the screen. The guild channel was also notified that Ying Han had logged in, Xiao Xiao Xiao immediately greeted him.

{Guild}[Xiao Xiao Xiao~]: Sao Zi, you"re on T-T you guys are done with your gathering? How was it?!

{Guild}[Ying Han]:"s like that {Translator Input: Wu Han Ying told Xiao Xiao about the gathering here, but the author wants to save all those trivial matters, so she skipped it and ended with this sentence in Wu Han Ying"s explanation. We are not missing out on anything ^^}

{Guild}[Xiao Xiao Xiao~]:*exciting* I also want to go ah T-T

{Guild}[Xiao Xiao Xiao~]: Sao Zi is very cute, right?! Xiang Zuo Beauty is very beautiful ah(﹃)

{Guild}[Ying Han]: ......

{Guild}[Xiao Xiao Xiao~]: Lao Da said you are adorable (^o^)/~

Wu Han Ying became silent; where does he look cute, he just has an average look ah. Plus, why are they using the word cute to describe a man ah, if the other had used handsome then he would not mind. He looked up and silently scolded Xia Chen who was hugging him.

"Your angry expression also looks cute." Xia Chen said as he leaning down to kiss the boy"s exposed nape.

Wu Han Ying got a shock and moved his hand to cover up his nape. He felt the back of his hand get itchy as well as kisses landed on every one of his fingers, it made him unable to bring his hand back to his front, even if he wanted to or not.

{Guild}[Xiao Xiao Xiao~]: Sao Zi????

{Guild}[Xiao Xiao Xiao~]: Why isn"t anyone there

The guild channel was soon filled with Xiao Xiao Xiao"s spamming, Wu Han Ying quickly replied that he was still on.

{Guild}[Xiao Xiao Xiao~]: Sao Zi, come to YY, we"re singing in there

"Not going?" Xia Chen said with a smile.

Of course he did not intend to go there, not that Wu Han Ying did not want to, but Xia Chen kept causing trouble next to him.

{Guild}[Xiao Xiao Xiao~]: Hurry and come here, I haven"t heard Sao Zi sing ah

{Guild}[Ying Han]: Okay...

It was difficult to decline such an invitation, Wu Han Ying had to log into YY and as he did he looked over at Xia Chen, "Don"t cause trouble."

"I will not speak up." Xia Chen very readily agreed.

Soon he heard a female singing voice came through the speaker, Wu Han Ying did not know what song it was, he had never heard it before.

"Sao Zi is here. Hahaha I dragged him over."

Xiao Xiao Xiao"s voice was very loud and she laughed very heartily, then Da Suan said, "Hey, old hag, can you be a bit more dignified. You scared us to death with your monstrous voice ah."

"Old hag your a.s.s, you"re an old hag; your whole family is an old hag!"

{Translator Input: This is the Chinese style way of cursing, it sounds odd to an English speaker, but it"s very natural in the Chinese culture. When they have to cuss out someone, they will bring the whole family into the cursing, the reason is simple: in the Chinese culture, their ancestors and family tree are highly respected. So whatever they do, they will not let their family name be stained; so if someone cussed out their family, then that is a shame for them. I asked my parents to understand this and they told me that for youngsters nowadays, this has become a habit to cuss out someone"s family tree as a "light" cursing, or sometimes as a joke; and they have no comment on that XDDDD but they told me to never do it. If we have to cuss out someone, just curse that person out, don"t bring their family members into the cursing zone.}

"Poof haha, Xiao Xiao got angry." Oh Oh Oh"s voice came through the speaker and she seemed to be laughing quite heartily.

Xiao Wu: Hi everyone

"Sao Zi, why aren"t you saying anything?" asked Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Wu: This...

"Xiao Xiao..."

"Wow! Sao Zi called me, little cute uke called me!"

Wu Han Ying did not get to finish his sentence, before he was interrupted; he got all gloomy at the name.

"Sao Zi, sing a song for us, haha, with such a lovely uke voice, your singing voice must be pleasant to the ears." Oh Oh Oh also got excited, "What song?"

"This...I always sing out of tune, it won"t sound good." said Wu Han Ying quickly, ever since he was young he has always sang out of tune. He barely got a pa.s.sing grade for music cla.s.s from elementary to junior high...

"It"s ok, it"s ok, we just want to appreciate the uke voice. Being out of tune is not a problem."

"Xiao Wu, you"ve fallen into the wolf"s lair." Da Suan chimed in with that sentence, sounding somewhat gloating.

"How about Da Suan, you sing a song with Sao Zi."

"Lao Da will come to skin you alive! Xiao Xiao!"

"It"s nothing ah, Lao Da is not here, hahaha."

Not here...Wu Han Ying smiled and turned around to look at Xia Chen. Xia Chen had been very well behaved and did not utter a word, he just furrowed his brows together.

"But Da Suan"s voice is also an uke voice, two ukes singing together wouldn"t be that exciting."

"Heck! My voice is not an uke voice, it"s clearly a seme voice! No, not right, I"m not a seme or an uke or the like!"

"Hahaha, Da Suan, don"t try to struggle out of your fate; you"re clearly a ruffian uke, my dear."

"Right right, ruffian uke!"

"Aiya aiya, Sao Zi is not talking again. We should stop teasing Sao Zi. How about we let Sao Zi sing alone."

"I really can"t..." Wu Han Ying was on the verge of tears, his singing is so bad that even he doesn"t want to listen to it...

"Sing, sing, just sing whatever you want. Or you can sing about the little white bunny, that would be good as well."

"Then I"ll sing about the little donkey!"

Wu Han Ying became speechless when Xia Chen, who was sitting behind him, started to touch his hand; he then took a hold of the mouse, turned off the free talk function and causally moved the mouse to click on a song in the laptop.

"What are you doing?" Wu Han Ying was a bit puzzled, when he heard the background music start to play he felt like 囧, "Hey hey, I don"t know how to sing this song, it"s in English."

"It"s okay."

Everyone on YY stopped talking and switched to typing the moment they heard the music start.

Xiao Xiao Xiao: (^o^)/~ I won! Sao Zi, you want to sing!

Oh Oh Oh: Oh yeah~What is the name of this song, I"ve never heard of it

Da Suan: It"s an English song! I have never heard it

Xiao Xiao Xiao: Aoao, Sao Zi that is your real voice! It doesn"t sounds like an uke one bit

Wu Han Ying almost choked to death on his own saliva, looking at them spamming the public chat screen and even sending over a few flowers here and there; some even said that his voice sounded would be strange if it"s not good, the original song is playing, not his singing ah.

"That is, uphm..." Wu Han Ying really wanted to cover his face, as he turned his head his chin suddenly got pinched and no words could come out of his mouth before he was being kissed.

That English song is very short, only about 2 minutes or so. Wu Han Ying was getting kissed into confusion, so of course he did not pay attention to it. However, the people that were currently spamming the chat screen felt like something wasn"t quite right.

Xiao Xiao Xiao: I say...

Xiao Xiao Xiao: Sao Zi is addicted to singing or something. How come he keeps on singing again and again?

Oh Oh Oh: I also...don"t know

"Earlier, who said I"m not here?"

Xia Chen stopped the music, pressed on F2 and faced the mic to say that sentence, which caused the people who were spamming the chat to stop instantly.

"Lao Da!!"

"I"m hearing it right! Where is Sao Zi?! Wow, I I I I, please allow me to get excited."

"What are you doing, shoo..." Wu Han Ying quickly grabbed the mic, he told him to keep quiet ah. Right when he said those words he quickly covered his mouth, his voice sounded a bit strange.

"Whoa whoa, I heard Sao Zi"s voice!"

"Me too!"

"Lao Da, what did you do with Sao Zi? Why does Sao Zi"s voice sound so husky? Woof woof."

"Xiao Xiao, stop getting me excited, I"m already way too excited ah. Lao Da what did you do, I also heard Sao Zi"s husky voice!"


End of Chapter 61

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