Otoko Darake no Isekai Trip ~BL wa Okotowari~

Chapter 6 ☆I Never Heard that this is Actually an Ero Skill

First R18 starts at this chapter☆
I translate mostly literally but there’s a lot of parts too where I take liberties coz the joke just doesn’t blend well when translated. Like the notes below.
This chapter gave us a headache.. So much typos from sensei ToT

BTW, I added teaser page of bl novels and short reviews for ppl who wants to find sth to read lol.

Shizu: Yesss finally R18  I am excited wwwww

Adventure Arc: Chapter 6 ☆I Never Heard that this is Actually an Ero Skill

In the previous episode! During my first subjugation quest, I was hunting cheerfully using my skill, Egocentric DefenseE G O N I S T   and my cheat weapon,  Crimson Thief CutterB L O O D Y   S T E A L   D A G G E R  but then the representative of Adventurers-Who’s-Faces-Should-Explode, Grey, dubiously asked “Just who the h.e.l.l are you?” when he appeared!
Thisisbadthisisbad! He definitely found out that I am the strongest ikemen OP cheat Hero-sama!

Well, of course I thought it would be alright for it to get revealed someday, you know? Like, “I actually have an awesome skill. I can carry as many weapons as I can, I can see the other party’s status in just one look, and I will only receive 1/10th damage of my opponent’s power if they attack me, you know? Praise me!¹” I want to brag like that. I want people to say “TOO OP PLS NERF²!!” to me.

But not now. Now is still not possible!  Because the me right now is still a level 1 adventurer! Even the strongest species are weak when they’re still a chick! I’m worried that people will view me as a threat to the future and then crush me while I’m still vulnerable. Just as they say, the nail that sticks out gets hammered down³.

But I cannot get defeated here! I’ve got to fool him somehow!

“Y-y-y, ya! If it isn’t Grey-san! May I ask what you are doing in this kind of place? I don’t think there is any monster that is a suitable prey for Grey-san in this forest though?”

“I heard that you accepted the goblin subjugation quest that’s why I followed you. It’s impossible for beginners to defeat a goblin so I thought I’d steal the best part if you get done in.”


I’ve been wondering why an S cla.s.s adventurer is in this kind of place but it turns out it’s because he followed me. I’m appalled at the straightforward stalker-like remark. Moreover, you can even see his ulterior motive through his words.

Long story short, Grey wanted to appear and act like a hero if I happened to be in a pinch. He’s aiming for “Thank you for saving me when I was in peril. Please tell me what I can do for you&h.e.l.lip;”  kind of development perhaps? Surprisingly, he’s a dreamer. Well, I also love cliche developments. Like saving a princess who’s getting attacked by a demon then being told “I owe you my life&h.e.l.lip;” and then start a romantic-comedy story with the princess&h.e.l.lip;

But I refuse to be the one being saved. It’s okay if it’s free of charge but this is definitely not! You’re going to make me feel like I owe you a favor from saving me then eat me whole, right? A man without ulterior motives does not exist!

This also means that, Grey saw my actions from beginning to the end. This and that and those have all been seen. How can I fool him like this then? Can someone call G○○gle-sensei for me.

“You’re definitely not just an ordinary fellow to be able to defeat the goblins in one hit. You even received a few hits from the goblin, right? I never saw you drink a potion and it seemed to me that the attacks didn’t have any effect at all, so you’re at least level 15 and above. Just who are you. Why are you acting like a beginner?”

Ah, so you really call the liquid medicine, a potion&h.e.l.lip; I thought as my mind drifted away from the conversation. No, I’m not acting like a beginner though! I AM a beginner, it’s just that I have cheat measures!

What to do? Should I just reveal everything? Actually I came from another world and I got a bonus from it and as a result, it made me a cheat?

This dude will probably think I’m a lunatic if I did. I can see him thinking: “Something is wrong with this guy’s head.” It’s decided then! Let’s skip the route of telling the truth!

I held the Crimson Thief CutterB L O O D Y   S T E A L   D A G G E R  firmly in my hands. I can’t think of any excuse and if push comes to shove, I can only fight this out. Ahhー, what a pain. I do not have to win, but I wonder if I can escape&h.e.l.lip; As I thought of this, I tried stepping backwards to distance myself from Grey. Then suddenly, something cuts through the air and shoots past me.

As I was wondering what that was, a feeling of numbness suddenly spreads throughout my hand. My hands felt paralyzed and the Crimson Thief CutterB L O O D Y   S T E A L   D A G G E R  fell to the ground as I lost my grip on it. What?! Was I attacked just now?!

“Don’t do anything suspicious. Try to pick up your dagger and I’ll chop your wrist off. Try escaping and I’ll slice off your feet.”

I looked at Grey as I held my numbed hand. In his hands were two short swords with the same design. Those were probably the dual swords that were mentioned in the appraisal.

As I stare at the twin swords Grey was holding, I realized what hit me just now. I probably received a hit from Grey’s skill, Twin Adder DanceB R I N E  S I C K L E. From what I remember, it’s a technique where you can send off a slash which tracks it’s opponent. Don’t you think it’s unfair that it has a long-distance attack skill despite it being a close combat weapon? Too OP, I want that skill too.

Well my skill, Egocentric DefenseE G O N I S T  is also amazing! Because of it, I only felt numb even though I received an attack from Grey! Not that the current situation changed for the better though!

“A person who pretends to be harmless but hides power despite having it is definitely up to no good. Did another country send you? You look a little dull-witted but I don’t have any reason to leave a person who’s origins are unknown alone. d.a.m.n it, that was close. I was almost fooled by your cute appearance.”

“I’ve never thought of deceiving you like that, not even a little okay? And stop saying cute every d.a.m.n time! It’ll be different if it’s a girl saying that to me, but being told that by a guy doesn’t make me happy at all! You f.u.c.king h.o.m.o!”

I reb.u.t.ted Grey’s words but this situation is extremely bad.  I’m being treated as a suspicious person, if worse comes to worst, I’ll get suspected as a spy and get executed, y’know? h.e.l.l no! I’ve even managed to come to another world, I don’t want to die because of that! If I’m going to die, let it be death during s.e.xual intercourse! Like h.e.l.l I’d die a virgin!

Grey walked towards me and grabbed my hand to restrain me. At that moment,



Pleasure shot through my body. The hand that was grabbed by Grey felt pleasantly numb. Eh, wait a minute? What the h.e.l.l just happened?

“Why the h.e.l.l are you suddenly raising your voice for. I won’t let you go even if you try to surprise me as an escape tactic.”

“&h.e.l.lip;you’re wrong&h.e.l.lip;! Hya&h.e.l.lip;! Let&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;goooo..!!”

I tried to shake myself off somehow but my hand was gripped more firmly instead. As a result, the increased pressure made me feel it more.

This is weird. Why do I feel like erotic things are being done to me even though it was just my hand that was grabbed.

My hand throbbed and tingled with heat. Now that I think of it, this hand was the one that was. .h.i.t by Grey’s Twin Adder DanceB R I N E  S I C K L E attack. Don’t tell me it’s because it was. .h.i.t in that area that’s why I feel it? No, no! I’m not a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic character! I don’t have any interest in SM-play! I never thought of wanting an Onee-sam, who is wearing a bondage outfit, to step on me with heels!

Why the h.e.l.l am I this sensitive now anyway? &h.e.l.lip;.Sensitive? Sensitivity?

・・・Don’t tell me this is the ×10 Sensitivity compensation from Egocentric DefenseE G O N I S T ? Right. That’s the only way you can explain it anyway. Just as I thought it was an ero ability! Just leave these kinds of things to ero doujins, d.a.m.nit!

I’m not happy. Having an ability that makes my sensitivity go up seriously makes me upset.

I probably would have been glad if it’s something like boosting s.e.xual stamina but if it’s this, won’t that just make me e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e prematurely instead!? I seriously don’t have a need for a ability that pulverizes a man’s pride.

“Let go! Let go of my hand&h.e.l.lip;!”

“Stop kidding me, who the h.e.l.l would! Hey, stop struggling!”

“Aaaaanngh..! Don’t pullーー!!”

“Ugh, that was close!”

I tried escaping but Grey pulled me towards him instead which made me feel it more and I lost my balance. I collapsed on the ground and Grey, who’s grasping my hand, got pulled down with me. My body trembled from the shock of falling onto the ground.

Frick, this is bad. Even just the friction of my clothes rubbing on my skin is starting to feel good. Won’t this turn into a, Nooo~ My nipples feels good from being rubbed with my clothes~! -situation!

I can’t believe Egocentric DefenseE G O N I S T  was actually such a scary ability! I thought it was useful that’s why I feel so betrayed now!

I panted repeatedly as I attempt to free the heat from inside my body, then suddenly, my body was held down and firmly pressed against the ground. What? Even though I’m busy now! I thought but as I look up, I saw Grey looking down on me with darkened eyes. W-w-wait a minute, Grey-san. Your eyes are scary?

“s.h.i.t, you’ve been releasing erotic moans for a while. So this is your technique, huh! Are you seducing me!?”

“Haa!? What the h.e.l.l are you talking about! Why would I seduce a man!”

I refuted Grey’s frightening words with all my might. Like h.e.l.l that would happen! I’ve never even seduced a girl before, like h.e.l.l I would seduce a dude!

“Let go! Disgusting..! I don’t have any interest in guys!”

“Haa? Even though you have this kind of erotic body, you don’t have any interest in s.e.x? What are you saying? Look, it’s already standing up here.”

At that moment, my crotch was grabbed and I let out a short shriek. Certainly, my thing was already half-hard.

Why is it that when I said “I’m not interested in men” it was interpreted as “I’m not interested in s.e.x”? If it’s s.e.x with a girl I’m VERY interested, though? Aaah, right. This world only has men so saying that you are uninterested in men will be interpreted in that way. If that’s the case then in this world with only men, that interpretation is certainly not wrong!

While I was lost in thought, I felt Grey’s hand slide deeper in between my legs. Wait, cut it out! Stop touching me!

“Aah&h.e.l.lip; hya&h.e.l.lip;! Don’t&h.e.l.lip;.touch me! Nngh&h.e.l.lip;!”

“Liar. Isn’t this fully hard already. Even though it’s already standing up, it’s only this size&h.e.l.lip; Just as I thought, you’re still a kid.”

Grey’s remark really hit home. A man’s dignity depends on the size down there. S-s-s-s-s-shut up! I’m still in the midst of p.u.b.erty! It will get bigger soon!

And it’s not like I’m that small either! There wasn’t that much of a difference when I tried comparing it with my cla.s.smates! What the h.e.l.l? Is it natural for people from another world to have big d.i.c.ks!? This world should just get destroyed!

“Shut up! I’m not a kid! I’m 17, stuーpid! I’m still in the midst of p.u.b.erty! I’m still growing!”


Grey’s hand stopped and a stupefied expression appeared on his face the moment I said I’m 17. Eh, what? What’s wrong with you?

“17? You? Stop lying. With that appearance, that can’t be true. If you’re gonna lie at least tell me a better one.”

“Why would I lie about this now! I am already 17! Stop calling me a kid!”

How young do I look to these guys, d.a.m.nit. I have received a lot of advantages from being treated as a child but I’m starting to get really upset. I want to be manly.

Grey still looks stupefied. Is the fact that I’m 17 years old that much of a shock to him? How rude is this guy!

Grey murmured “Seriously?” and he suddenly grabbed my pants and removed my belt, and then pulled it down in one go. What the h.e.l.l!? EEEEEEHHHHHH!??

Even my underwear was removed so my lower body was stark-naked now. Give me back my pantsーー!!

“If you’re not a kid, then that means I can do you, right.”

“Hyaaaaaa&h.e.l.lip;! Aah.. !  Don’t touch meeeーー!”

“s.h.i.t, are you really 17? Even your moans are so erotic.”

Grey rubbed my son up and down. Even though it was supposed to hurt due to the rough treatment, because of Egocentric DefenseE G O N I S T  it felt frighteningly good.

I-I can’t, I can’t anymoreーーーー!! I’m c.u.mmingーー!!

“Aah, nngghhー! AAH.. !”


I e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed into Gray’s hands. I panted, feeling sluggish as exhaustion spread throughout my body.

&h.e.l.lip;Mhm. Can someone kill me please? I want to crawl into a hole and die.

¹He said Doyaa, it’s an expression here for feeling smug.


²Originally: 俺ORETUEEEEE, meaning I’m so stroooooong which is used a lot in anime, LN, manga for OP protags that amaze everyone around him because of his OP-ness;; yeah it’s kirito and nii-sama from mahouka koukou;;
Nerf is term for something (like skills,weapons) that needs to weaken or smth to balance out the game. OP is overpowered.

³出る杭は打たれてしまうのが世の常だ. For this sentence “It’s just normal occurrence in this world for nail that sticks out to get hammered down” is the literal translation. j.a.panese proverb that means “Standing out goes hand in hand with criticism.”

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