Our Glamorous Time

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

To be a superior’s “right hand person”, first of all one must understand their superiors best, better than anyone else.

Lin Mochen had been immersed in the business world for many years, much longer than Lin Qian, understood this principle best. Therefore, that evening, when Lin Qian returned home, she saw mail already waiting from him in her mailbox.

It was personal information about Li Zhicheng. There were only a few lines, his life experiences were very simple.

Li Zhicheng was Ai Da Chairman Xu Yong’s second son,  as well as the youngest grandson of the Southwest Military District’s commander. When Lin Qian saw this, it was evident to her that no wonder the child of the noveau riche[1] had joined the army. It was that household’s original family business.

In a few short years, he already had many brilliant experiences. In his college he won the “military modelling compet.i.tion, first prize”, “Global Military Leadership Award for College Students”, not to mention he was formally enlisted under a bunch of achievement terms such as “third order of merit”, “Falcon Battle Strategies outstanding contributions award” etc etc.

In addition, there was some fragmented information, which Lin Qian didn’t know where Lin Mochen learned.

For example, he used his army salary to fund school children, even though he refused to meet the children. This reminded Lin Qian of when he offered her his berth on the train, wordlessly. So he hated communicating with people… Ah jiong 囧[2].

Or for example, that he never had a girlfriend. Lin Qian is secretly speechless. This 25 year old guy, not only in the military, but life was ascetic and monotonous… a monk…

Until the next day on my way to work, Lin light was still thinking about this information: he was a single man, so awesome, he didn’t seem to need some ordinary secretary or a.s.sistant, so was he going to ask for someone to help him fix his utterly messed up personal life?


Lin Qian when arrived at the office at dawn.

She’d done this deliberately. The a.s.sistant came earlier than the boss, of course, Li Zhicheng is a former soldier, he was used to get up early, who knows what time he would arrive.

Yesterday he had spoken with her, the human resources department sent a notification to her to immediately come up. Lin Qian quickly packed all her things and moved to the top floor, where the President’s office and cubicles were. The two young girls in her department were both sad and a little envious to see her go.

Light opened the office door, the room was dimly lit, cold and deserted.

Lin Qian turned on the light.

When the former CEO left office, it had been refined, luxurious and elegantly decorated and lighted. But now for the new master, there were tall black-lacquered shelves that were almost empty, one side of the silver-white geometrically modelled filing cabinets were empty, the huge rooms seemed empty.

The desktop had several open newspapers scattered across. Lin Qian tidied up a little so that you could see the desk again, then went behind the boss’s chair to look for the tea, and then the teacup.

Hey, where were the tea cups? Yesterday when she’d come, she’d seen on the table … … hehe, an extra-extra-large size green military thermos mug.

Humming around the room looking for one, Lin Qian opened the door leading to the terrace.

She raised her head and was stumped.

The terrace which the former CEO had built had two sides. One side was a green mini-golf course and the other side held a parasol table with dark rattan chairs.

Li Zhicheng was sitting in one of the wicker chairs, dressed in a crisp suit, no tie, shirt collar open slightly. He sat with a book in one hand, a hand on the armrest. His whole being seemed at a sort of peace which normally wasn’t present.

Hearing her, he put down the book, and turned.

Lin Qian watching the spectacle had several thoughts, the first thought was: I’m done! At what time exactly did he get up? So she must rise at c.o.c.kcrow to keep consistent pace with her boss?

The second thought was quickly to quickly take in her surroundings in one glance.

Well … … The XXL green military mug was set aside on a small coffee table, the colour of the contents indicating intense tea flavor, he drank aged Pu-Erh; the book in hand … … Was the Art of War by Sun Tzu? It looked like it was either a very thumbed-through copy, or a Shangwu Yinshuguan edition[3].

In his lap lay a number of blank papers, using a pen to write notes. Lin Qian’s eyes quickly swept across the writing, the characters they were strong, resolute and cold, a number of idioms were written: Please sir, get into the pot; to lend murder with a borrowed knife; make declarations for the east and strike for the west; to erect a wooden stake at the city gate[4].

Lin Qian lifted her eyes, and saw his steely black gaze.

He kept his eyes on her while he slowly closed the book on his hand, then gathered the papers, and then stood up.

Lin Qian gauged his actions, calling to mind how he was always reading various articles to research.

Could it be… he was delving into historical arts of war to use in the business world?

By this time, he was coming towards her, Lin Qian smiled instantly: “Li Zong, morning.”

“Morning.” A calm, cool voice, he seemed indifferent to her as he went past.

Lin Qian immediately turned around and followed him into the office.

As for this boss, he appeared to be pinning their hopes on the art of war to save their business, Lin Qian could only silently light a candle of prayer in her heart for him.

If you knew Lin Qian, you would know her philosophy of absorbing the best of from all streams of knowledge while discarding the dregs. Thus, when she had first gone out into the world, she had also brought many such books, such as “The Art of War: 36 Decisive Ways to Victory”, or even the original Art of War book written by Sun Tzu. After reading them all, they had all been abandoned in a mountainous pile, and the only thing she had retained was: Ah, what a fun bunch of war stories. As for the original Art of War book, it was quite long-winded. She thought that just because someone read many of these books, they still wouldn’t become military geniuses overnight. Moreover, these strategies from a thousand years ago, pertaining to small battles, were inapplicable to today’s business world. It was like bringing knives and grappling skills to a gunfight, you simply wouldn’t reach the enemies before you were killed.

However, being a newly appointed subordinate, Lin Qian couldn’t bluntly oppose and point out the shortcomings, there would be time enough for that later.

Right now, she was more worried about which problems she ought to be worried about first.

See Li Zhicheng sat down behind his desk, Lin Qian smiled and asked, “Did you eat breakfast? Downstairs dining room has opened and their millet porridge and beef cutlets are pretty good. I also didn’t eat, should I go buy it for you? ”

This opening seemed suitable. By saying “I also did not eat, so should I buy together” she appeared to be not overly eager and solicitious, but still managed to show attentiveness towards her boss. Also, he seemed to be a foodie … …

But Li Zhicheng’s eyes glanced at her: “No need.”

Then after a moment of silence, he suddenly stood up, taking long strides out of the Office.

Lin Qian wasn’t too concerned, she continued to clean up the office.

20 minutes later, Lin Qian sat at her own little cubicle, after finishing arranging her books and sorting out her filing, and she finally placed a small potted plant onto a corner of her desktop, and clapped her hands with satisfaction.

Working time was still an hour away, the managers’ offices were naturally empty. Lin Qian was about to get up and go downstairs to eat breakfast, when she heard m.u.f.fled footsteps in the corridor.

These footsteps … …

Lin Qian stood up, and indeed it was Li Zhicheng coming back. Tall and ramrod straight figure, calm unconcerned white face, with one hand in his suit pocket, and the other carrying a small plastic bag, from which hot aroma and steam wafted faintly.

Lin Qian had to refrain from laughing.

So … … Boss told her there was no need, then he himself ran out to buy.

As he entered through the gla.s.s door, Lin Qian maintained a polite smile until returned to his office. But instead he turned his body, placing the plastic bag flat on her table firmly, then turned to go.

Lin Qian: “Li Zong, this … …”

“I’ve eaten.” He answered softly.

Lin Qian really hadn’t been expecting this, so this was… …

“Lin Qian.” He tilted his head to look at her, his expression calm and cold, “I don’t need a woman to run errands for me. Even if she’s my right hand.[5]”

Nine in the morning.

After Lin Qian had a hearty meal, and was in a good mood. Someone had just submitted some research papers for Li Zhicheng to read.

Office door shut, with Gu Yanzhi inside. They talked for about half an hour, then he came out, smiling faintly at Lin Qian, and called her to his office

Gu Yanzhi stated his intentions directly, said with a faint smile: “Lin Qian, I will keep everything else aside and not say much. This is Li Zong’s first time presided over a company, by all rights he should be equipped with a more experienced a.s.sistant. But we’d like to try you. Work hard, since he sees that you’re a better person that those who are sharp but petty-minded. He sees that as your main a.s.set- the a.s.set that he needs.”

At the end of the day, Gu Yanzhi is a veteran of the business world, an old fox. His words seemed in equal parts like praise and condescension and insult. As Lin Qian heard him, her thoughts were thrown into a slight disarray, but she immediately quieted them, and smiling, answered: “Yes, Gu Zong, I feel the same way.”

Gu Yan was stumped for words, but unexpectedly smiled and waved her away.

Credit"Potatoes Croquettes" 1. Boil potatoes for half an hour or until cooked soft; 2. Dice onions; 3. Put b.u.t.ter, added onions and fry until aromatic; 4. Add meat and fry until completely white/brown; 5. Add salt and black pepper powder seasoning; 6. Mash the boiled potatoes with fork into a paste-like consistency; 7. Add salt and black pepper powder seasoning, add in milk and mix until uniform; 8. Add in meat and mix until uniform; 9. Shape the mix into b.a.l.l.s or discs with your hands; 10. Dredge discs in flour, beaten eggs, bread crumbs, and then panfry to cook. Alternatively, place onto plastic sheets and freeze, taking out when need be. Optionally, add in cheese, garam masala**, red chilli powder etc. to your liking. **If you want my garam masala recipe, leave me a note, and I"ll include it in my next post. Questions and comments welcome <3><3><3>

Chapter 10

The saying goes, “A new boss cracks the whip three times”[6]. But it wasn’t just the new president who wanted to crack the whip; the people under him wanted it too. Everyone tried to make their presence known in front of the president.

So this first day, just after nine o’clock, Lin Qian was lined up with various departments who wanted to see Li Zhicheng’s and wanted an appointment, all claiming their matter as extremely important and urgent.

It was undoubtedly improbable that there were so many important matters arising at the same time, so Lin Qian mentally decided whose matters seemed urgent, placing them ahead, and then reserving placing for the others afterwards. Thus she came up  And then with a full list of appointments, to Li Zhicheng, and let him decide.

It was a sunny winter morning, and Li Zhicheng sat behind a heavy table, looking at some of the company’s basic data: products, markets, suppliers, technology … … Hearing her arrive, he gently knit his brows together.

Lin Qian watched him to gauge his mood, and then tentatively commented, “Maybe we could choose some key departments for an appointment?” As she finished speaking, she handed him the appointment schedule that she had already faintly made notes on.

She was acting like this because, looking from Li Zhicheng’s perspective, since he had no business experience, he wouldn’t know how this stuff worked. Thus as his deputy she would help him, “flashing” about her light.

However, she didn’t know that such a move was unneeded. Because Li Zhicheng took one look at the appointment schedule and put it back on the table.

“Postpone them all.” His voice was quiet and both warm and cool, “We’re going out this morning.”

Lin Qian’s respect for Li Zhicheng rose to a new level.

Because regardless of how much capability and experience one had, there needed to be one’s own way of thinking in order to lead. If you had that talent, you could be a good leader. Seeing him get up and pick up his jacket, she also without question went back to her seat, quickly tidied up, and immediately followed behind him closely as he went down from the top floor.


First stop was the Security Department.

Although Lin Qian’s mind was quite active, but she didn’t ask a single question, either now or later. She simply immediately followed him, walking through the long corridor to the head of security. Along the way employees pa.s.sed, but Li Zhicheng walked so fast, and had been working so hard the past days that he was rarely seen by them, so no one recognized him. On the other hand, Lin Qian was suffering quite a bit of pain as she followed behind him in her high heels, going “thump thump” as she tried to keep up with his long legs, and drawing countless eyebrows in the process.

After they took a few steps, he suddenly stopped, turned around in the distance and glanced at her, his eyes landed on her feet.

Lin Qian active immediately raised her hands in surrender: “I’ll change into a pair of flat shoes.”

“En.” He turned and walked away.

Lin Qian stood in place, and suddenly smiled.

En what en? A boss who turned his back on his female a.s.sistant who wore pretty high heels… he was definitely one of a kind.

Gao Lang sat in the control room amongst monitors, on duty. When he saw them coming, he did not seem surprised, so Li Zhicheng must have arranged it beforehand.

He was just a little stiff, and whispered: “Li Zong, Lin Zhuli[7], you wait.” From the cabinet he picked out a black bag and gave it to Li Zhicheng, then stood on the sidelines, with bowed head and his complexion a bit red, without speaking.

Li Zhicheng took the bag, and catching a glimpse of him, had a moment of silence, then said: “What are you afraid of?”

Loud hurriedly waving: “No … … I am not afraid, I just haven’t completely adapted. I’m fine, I’m fine. ”

The ex-boss and subordinate both reminisced while Lin Qian stood alert, but of course did not interrupt, simply smiling quietly on the side.

Li Zhicheng unhurriedly said: “For not telling you all before, there is a reason.”

Lin Qian was quiet, but her ears p.r.i.c.ked up at once.

But listen to loud replied: “Yes, battalion commander, we all understand that. As everyone says, business is war, you must know your rivals. You really would have to do some reconnaissance early on in the job. ”

A slight smile actually appeared on Li Zhicheng’s face as he nodded at his subordinate: “En.”

The exchange of the two fully reflected the tacit understanding they had. Lin Qian was completely stunned.

As it turned out, before handling the company and entering the battlefield, he had silently and on his own conducted investigations into the workings ah! It was no wonder that you could always spot the boss lurking here and there, appearing any place that had an important event or was a mess, with that facial paralysis expression of his. Every time his face would be apathetic and peaceful, so to anyone who didn’t look too closely it looked like he was 100% very earnest and serious.

Lin Qian silently watched his handsome, steady profile.

Boss, you’re really self-motivated and hardworking, we’re so lucky and thankful.

But, really … … she was a bit stunned.


The two finally got to the parking lot and approached his Land Rover. Lin Qian walked towards the driver’s seat, but the hesitated, and decided it was better to speak up: “Li Zong, how about I drive…?” How could she let the CEO drive the both of them around?
Li Zhicheng’s eyes didn’t even bother looking up as he pulled the door open, instead looking straight ahead: “Stay. ”[8]

Lin Qian: “… … Oh. [9]”


Ai Da had two factories, one new and one old.

The old factory was around the back of Ai Da’s corporation building, in an extensive factory district, and was currently the main producer of handbags. However, since the domestic market at the current time had substantially withered, many of the factories had already stopped production.

Lin Qian reckoned that Li Zhicheng had been to the old factory plenty of times already, and hence the both of them drove straight across the 50 kilometres to the new factory in Chuan Xiancheng. There, the rent was cheap, and transportation was convenient, and many companies had factories located there.

Lin Qian did not expect, however, that the conditions would be worse off at the new base than the old one.

The site was very new and very beautiful–and there was no doubt that it was built under the auspices of the former CEO, who had been invested and devoted to the production and supply of high-end luggage in international markets. But in the same way that the technology park’s population had dwindled to empty now, just at first glance it was clear that at least nine-tenths of the plant had shut down.  Only a few workshops here and there were in operation, but it was pittance compared to the usual sale volume.

Lin Qian had long ago become aware- Li Zhicheng had facial nerve paralysis. Therefore, as he stepped in front of the utter shambles that was the factory, she was unable to determine his emotions or reaction, since he walked straight ahead with his usual ramrod straight posture. But judging from common sense, if any normal person were to see the place they had to take over the duties for in such a terrible mess, most would feel uncomfortable. Hence, at this point in time, Lin Qian was increasingly cautious in her speech as they carefully walked, to reduce the overwhelming visual in front of the leader and his existing emotions.

Soon they were at the factory entrance.

Gao Lang had prepared and given the two deep blue overalls, and Li Zhicheng had authorization pa.s.ses for the two of them.

Therefore the two entered and could walk in the factory unimpeded.

The factory was still producing, and long rows of machines were humming. Many workers stood on the line, but there seemed to be no energy or pa.s.sion that could be seen, and their faces seemed apathetic.

The two had just walked a few steps, when a stout foreman came up, looking quite terrible: “Who are you guys ah? How did you enter the workshop? ”

Li Zhicheng was at the head of the line, watching lines of semi-finished products, and did not even take a glance at the fat foreman. The fat foreman was a bit stunned. Lin Qian directed her heart’s sentiments towards him: Boss, even though even ordinarily you don’t have airs, you effortlessly put on formidable airs nevertheless[10].

She immediately stepped forward, took out the factory permit as well as her company badge, to explain to him so that he would leave.

In the factory they were walking in a circle, when they finally arrived at the large-scale warehouse for raw materials.

By now it was close to noon, and the sun shone outside the warehouse’s concrete floor, bright and warm. Inside the warehouse, however, it was gloomy, cold and silent, a sort of deathly stillness.

Since joining Ai Da, it was also the most hardest scene she had had to face.

Piled as high as a mountain.

The leather needed in order to produce high-end luggage was piled from floor to ceiling, layer upon layer, box upon box, boundless.

It was all money, a king’s ransom worth of money[11], an astronomical sum of money.

Lin Qian had written many reports, aimed at Ai Da’s currently declining stage to the point where she knew all about Ai Da like the back of her hand. The ex-CEO had proposed to go on the offensive against the overseas grand strategy afterwards; immediately implementing a strategy of “rushing to stake one’s claim in the new market”, and considered it inevitable and correct that they should h.o.a.rd great bulks of raw materials as they expanded and “got on the verge of breaking out”.

The outcome was that they really did break out. They broke out into a crisis. Ai Da quickly went bankrupt.

One part of her recounted all this as she silently cursed and disagreed with what had happened, the other part kept stealthily shooting glances towards the body beside her, Li Zhicheng. Even though he appeared a young director-general, both hands stuck into his suit trousers’ pockets, his head raised and looking at the pile of raw materials, his eyes cold as ice.


[1] The phrase used was fù’èrdài (富二代), which was the term used for children of entrepreneurs who became wealthy under Deng Xiaoping’s economic reforms in the 1980s

[2] Ok, so this word, jiong, is written like this 囧. It kinda looks like a smiley face, doesn’t it? That’s what it’s used as. It’s multipurpose, so it can be used to signify embarra.s.sed or crying, but the most common use is to denote the feeling: don’t know whether to laugh or cry. I’ll be including the smiley from now on… everyone learns a Chinese word XD

[3] Shangwu Yinshuguan, or Beijing Commercial Press, was established in 1897, and is very prestigious. She’s hinting that the copy is quite old, or quite valuable, or both.

[4] Ok, so if you are all familiar with Sun Tzu, these should be a cinch for you, since they’re some of the more famous idioms/advice/proverbs to come from The Art Of War. If you’re a regular non-mortal like me, here’s the details~~ (Many thanks to hoju jie who allowed me to borrow this):

-请君入瓮 (lit. Please sir, get into the boiling pot. No, I kid you not.)
“To invite him into the cooking vessel.” Otherwise known as, “give him a taste of his own medicine.” Basically, to use the same strategy that a person devised back against him.

“To murder with a borrowed knife.” To use another person to get rid of an adversary or to use someone else’s hands to do the dirty work.

“Declaring in the east but then striking in the west.” To divert the attention away from where the real attack is being made.

“To erect a wooden stake at the city gate.”
The story behind this: In the ancient Qin state, Shang Yang (an important statesman) ordered someone to erect a wooden stake at the south city gate with the word that, anyone who moved the stake from the south gate to the north gate would be given the reward of 10 gold pieces. The people did not believe that such a simple task could bring such a great reward and no one responded. Shang Yang increased the reward to 50 gold pieces. Finally, someone hesitantly went and moved the stake to the north gate. Shang Yang immediately gave out the reward as promised. The common people all praised the government for keeping their word. This saying now carries the meaning of using a very conspicuous way to get people’s attention, then build one’s reputation and then prove that one will always keep their word.

“To wait at ease for the fatigued.” To hold one’s position at ease while the enemy exhausts themselves in the attack, or to lie in wait for the fatigued enemy to arrive.


[5] Every time I use right hand, he actually says fù guān (副官), which means deputy-officer or vice-general, i.e. the person closest to him, and the one next in charge should something happen to him. The word is used both in government and in military. I wanted to show how importantly he’s treating her by making her his closest aide, so I used right hand.

[6] 新官上任三把火 (xīnguānshàngrènsānbǎhuǒ). Also translated to a new broom sweeps clean (three fires), i.e. vigorous new policies (with the connotation of culling the bad crop).

[7] Zhuli means a.s.sistant, but a.s.sistant to what is unspoken. So you could be a.s.sistant to the president and be called X Zhuli. So I left it in as is, because a.s.sistant makes Lin Qian sound like she is a secretary etc. when actually she has somewhat more power.

[8] As in, stay in your place (since he’s already moved towards the driver’s seat at this point. He literally says待着.

[9] This “Oh” she keeps on saying is more a grunt of a.s.sent than one of surprise. Similar to En. The character for it is a kou (mouth) then wo (I) 哦 .

[10] Ok, so I *think* the joke here is that first she uses the word jiazi, which can mean airs or arrogance, but the second time she wants to denote that, she uses the word qi, which can mean an aura/energy, or to make angry or annoy. So she’s basically saying: you can be quite the annoying a.r.s.e when you wanna be, huh? Again, self interpretation.

[11] So the term used here is feidiao de qian, where feidiao is to depose (a monarch), de is a particle indicating ownership and qian is money. So enough money to depose of a king, which required a lot of money, since you had to bribe many people heavily, as well as pay and fund spies, a.s.sa.s.sins etc. I used king’s ransom, as to me that was the closest term.

So now, I suppose, an explanation is in order… well, all I can say is that life read like a chapter from A Series of Unfortunate Events. First, I contracted the flu from my little sister. As I was recovering from that (while diligently working on chapters, I a.s.sure you), I felt horrible pain in my hands. Turned out I had come down with carpal tunnel. And thus my laptop was confiscated from me for a solid month, and only given back the day before yesterday on the condition that I not abuse my privilege. But wait– for nothing could ever go so smoothly– and I realised that something had gone wrong in the month I had not used my computer, and it gave an hdd error, and I promptly lost the most recent chapters I was working on /flings self off cliff.

I actually had more to write over here, since I have about a month’s worth of pending thoughts which I feel the immense need to share with you all, but for now, I’ll stop typing, and include those in the next post.

Coming back to the chapter then, what did you think? I think Li Zhicheng’s little gestures of bringing her food, or driving them both around, show the utter humbleness he has, as well as consideration. Most of all, he doesn’t have a ma.s.sive ego, which is so refreshing! Especially after those bucketloads of guys whose pride prevents them from doing many things which would make them much better. I mean, when was the last time a boss said, no, it’s ok, let *me* get the food for you? Especially given how some bosses treat their subordinates? It’s these little things that endear him to me, and I just… he’s my baby. Such a cutie-pie. Imagine his face if I described him like that~

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