Suddenly Su’s face darkened. He saw Tie Baocai take out a stone tablet crawled with abstruse Taoist inscriptions. Palm-sized as it was, this mystic treasure contained magical power beyond imagination. It was made of divine material. The energy forced out of it by Tie was so formidable as to freeze the whole world, including Su.

Su caught in the tablet a wisp of familiar air. What was that? Oh, yes, he got it! It was this treasure that Tie Baocai once used to have it in for him! It was powerful enough to suppress the bronze chariot.

But unfortunately, it collapsed in a flash. That almost broke Tie’s heart. In fact, the stuff was a kind of restricted treasure that could release mighty force every time, something like a mineral formation plate. However, it featured a limited frequency of use. Just now Tie took the last chance to use it. Anyway, he did not regret about that.

By the time the energy of the tablet sealed the big mouth of Taotie (a beast with great hoggishness in Chinese myths), some soldiers were still reliving the past sufferings. But the next moment when they saw Huaxia No.1 enter the field with a G.o.d-awful stinky smell, they all soon turned blue in the face. Elder Lei, burning with anger, died to give Tie Baocai a kick. When the guy dashed to the Huaxia College requesting for the wors.h.i.+p, he did not decline him. Yet who in the earth could ever have imagined it was used for carrying s.h.i.+t!

But at the sight of the abject misery Zu Yan he felt much comforted.

“Continue with your s.h.i.+t!” Lei shouted in anger, his face still cross and gloomy.

Floods of dung were poured out of Huaixa No.1 into Taotie’s mouth, petrifying most of the soldiers that charged up with Su Yan.

Dead silence fell over the earth. It could not be more obvious that an outburst of anger raged on, even setting the hard chariot buzzing and trembling.

Zu Yan had a weird cramp swept through his whole body. Heaven! How he died to vomit the dump out but in vain at long last!

Despite the fact that he boasted magical power developed from blood and also did not swallow those dirty stuff, it still disgusted him. He swore to tear the chief culprit in pieces, chew the meat and gnaw the bone.

“What a guy,” Baocai laughed in his face, “with nothing but a bit of Taotie’s descent to show off!”

“Poor b.a.s.t.a.r.d,” he continued with a grin from ear to ear, “you must have not tried it before. How does it taste?”

Hearing that, Zu Yan burst into a shout of anger, his face twisted as he roared, “I"m gonna kill you!”

The overwhelming rage forced open his fourth Taoist door. At that very moment, beams of dazzling light radiated in all directions. Out of anger, Zu should have flung open his fourth Taoist Door. As a result, his fighting capacity doubled. This unfortunate accident made Elder Lei pale visibly with shock.

“f.u.c.k! You the b.a.s.t.a.r.d! This isn’t over, Tie Baocai! Look what you’ve done!” raged Elder Lei.

On hearing that Tie turned around and did a quick bunk without any word.

“Your doom is sealed! All of you! No one can escape it!”

Zu Yan roared like a crazy beast, his eyes bloodshot, all his hair standing on end.

“How dare you tease me with s.h.i.+t? How dare you all!”

“I’ll kill every soul in the city!”

Zu was about to summon all his power to smash the whole Huaxia City when a thunderous sound rent the air. Then a golden figure appeared at the city gate, golden stick in one hand. Behind him hang in the air the nine killing swords, showing the predominance of justice over evil.

“Zu Yan, I’ll give you the final chance,” said a tough and resounding voice. “If you could cross the gate and take even one step further, I will put myself at your disposal. You can kill me as you want.”

“Oh, it"s Su Yan! He"s back!”

Some folkmen recognized his voice immediately.

His presence was a real excitement to people of the City! Their mind went back to the words Su said here one year ago.

Now one year fled by. The two “met” at the same place again.

“No, Su Yan—my dear bro, I won’t kill you. I would only strip off your skin and throw your soul into an alchemy stove for cultivation for thousands of years. A crus.h.i.+ng fate of endless torments has come upon you!”

Outside the city a huge beam of light knifed its way to the sky, a ma.s.s of purple aura filling the air immediately. Zu Yan stood in his chariot, his divinity growing overwhelming. His four Taoist doors were all open now and revolved around the ghostly man, making his presence much more frightening.

Then came another “thunder”. From inside the chariot stretched out a giant purple arm extending to dozens of miles, mysterious purple lines of rules covering it up and glistening.

How could the city wall be ground to dust by just one punch down? It must be done by the force of G.o.d!


Su Yan moved a few steps forward and then jumped into the air, his clothes billowing out around him, presenting a power far more formidable than one year ago when he was using the Dragon-mastering Formation to control his divine power of Dragon Vein.

As energy was banking up inside Su, doses of Dragon Vein power turned into dragon-shaped airflows drifting over the city, waiting for Su’s final outburst.

Suddenly he shouted and lifted his body up. With himself as the core, he then made a formation to summon the power of the Earth Vein, letting it penetrate his body straight for his Life Ding (“Ding” was a large rectangular vessel of ancient China, used for royal rituals at the very beginning).

All of a sudden, a giant star was seen rising up, glowing in brilliance.

“Su Yan the G.o.d of War!” the leaders and soldiers, who just hurried back from Base No.9, cheered in chorus with great pa.s.sion.

In the starlit sky Su Yan clenched his fist and came at the purple arm with earth-shattering power. The arm broke.

“Oh you see, how weak you are, my bro! Even though you combined the City’s power of the Earth Vein with that of the Dragon Vein, it did not work at all.”

Standing still in majesty, Zu had recovered from agitation and held the reins of the whole situation again.

With his surrounding air increasingly frightening, the energy from the four divine Taoist doors billowing and interweaving, Zu, like a pre-historical G.o.d, displayed an overpowering force all over.

“It’s the Super Magic!”

Hearing that, all souls present recoiled abruptly in horror, their eyes widened. Zu was equipped with the Super Magic, Heaven s.h.i.+ft Seal. As he was in the fourth level of Taoist Door Realm now, the Super Magic was brought into better play, injecting flashes of regular power into his body, who stood stately looking down at the whole Huaxia City.

Another rumble from distance!

It meant Zu’s Great Life Seal came to life. Zu set about making magic seal at once, the earth-shaking power thundering all around, almost overturning the city. Even those cultivators felt stifled.

“Bend your knees and surrender!” roared Zu Yan.

The sound kept reverberating between the earth and heaven, the sun and moon losing l.u.s.ter immediately. With the bronze chariot as a s.h.i.+eld of his body, Zu used his life implement to summon the Heaven s.h.i.+ft Seal. It started to come into being within Zu. Not until it finally divorced itself from his body did people present realize that it was so colossal that it could almost shroud the universe. The seal showed an overbearing aura, which distorted the air and almost forced the whole city to sink.

d.a.m.n it! The seal suppressed Su Yan!

It began to descend, crus.h.i.+ng everything in its way. The sky cracked, lands sank, ghosts sobbed and G.o.ds wept.

At sight of this, Su cried out in anger, his eyes strained to the extreme, dazzling light flowing all over his body.

When the energy of his Life Ding was at its peak, puffs of the Galaxy Power poured out of the Ding’s mouth into his flesh and blood, turning his body into a primitive star blending the small and large Magics. In a flash Su felt endless energy sweeping through his body.

Nevertheless, his fighting capacity still could not withstand the attack of the Heaven s.h.i.+ft Seal. It kept rumbling down, cutting through the air. When it was just a few inches from Su, the energy inside him shot up, forcing him to give a prolonged earth-shattering roar. Once again Su tried his best to summon the Magic Power.

“Go! Big Dipper Boxing!”

“Alkaid Boxing! Mizar Boxing! Alioth Boxing!” he cried out, the sound reverberating through the air.

The Life Ding inside him released the Galaxy Power again, which came over instantly. Su felt countless planets clanging their way through his body and his bones, improved and deified during the process, and transformed into another Milky Way cutting through the sky.After the three Magic Powers. .h.i.t the peak and then blended together, a puff of holy airflow flashed from with his body toward the heaven, arousing the stars in outer s.p.a.ce, which sent back flickering light. It seemed that Su Yan had built network of connection between by contacting the three formidable ancient planets of life in the Northern Dipper.

A ghastly force that could not be put into words overflowed his body, transforming it into a formidable planet vibrating fiercely.


As three boxings became one and evolved into the Big Dipper Boxing with incredible force, the planet Su had become darted right into the Heaven s.h.i.+ft Seal, sending out waves of irresistible energy sweeping the land and smas.h.i.+ng countless buildings. The whole city was teetering on the brink of collapse as blast wave crested on and on.

Under the steady gaze of all the people present who had raging fire in their eyes, a fissure appeared in the big seal and kept expanding. The case got a little with Su Yan who narrowly escaped the blast.

Seriously impacted by the sudden attack, Zu Yan released a quick rush of blood, breathing hard, nearly falling down from the chariot.

Outright viciousness gushed from his bloodshot eyes. Though the Big Dipper Boxing was still far from challenging the Seal, Su’s Life Ding made out of Star was so powerful that Su was able to ward off most of the deadly force from the Seal. Otherwise, Su must have been smashed to pieces. Despite cracks in his body, Su Yan stood still like the G.o.d of War and continued to summon the power of the Earth Vein and that of the Dragon Vein. The aura around surged again.

Then he rose straight into the heaven.

“But can you really kill me, Su Yan?” Zu shouted at Su. He wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth and laughed grimly.

“That’s all you got?” said the cold voice. “Shame on you, my bro! You can’t stop me.”

“You the stubborn mule! I’ll kill you!” Su Yan cursed.

He came at his target like a tiger. The nine giant swords on his back came to life, the aura of dragon floating around.

“Oh, can you, my bro?” Zu Yan continued his insult. “Ok! You wanna die, and I’d better help you!”

Zu watched Su closer, shaking his head, and then activated his chariot and drove it onto the incoming madman.

When Su was only a few feet from the ironclad stuff, the nine swords got fully awake!

Su gathered up all his power, including the power of the Earth Vein in the city, and poured it in his swords.

Just then the sky darkened, an incomplete figure of a dragon looming overhead.

The nine swords, floating in the air in a row, began to buzz with ceaseless clang, as if to overturn the universe.

As soon as they drew themselves from the sheaths one by one, their bodies got on fire like dragons, the dragon-shaped Taoist inscriptions on them lighting up as if just rising from slumber.

At the long last, they became one with earth-shaking power, setting the whole world quivering with fear.

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