She said goodbye to Jiang Miaomiao, returned to her flying saucer, and instructed Best: “Check out the surveillance video of Jiang Belle"s school. Edit out all the videos about her, I want to watch them.”

Every school with minors had surveillance cameras in every corner (except the bathrooms). Their main role was to prevent campus bullying.

These surveillance videos could be viewed directly by the Social Workers through Best.

Su Yutan closed “Best Eye”, returned to her home, and went directly to Dr. Song"s study.

Then, she reopened “Best Eye”, connected the memory drives given by Jiang Miaomiao to her smart watch, and started watching the videos.

The reason why she opened “Best Eye” was because watching these videos was also part of her job.

She chose to watch them in this study because she was unwilling to reveal her environment at home.

Jiang Miaomiao had recorded a lot of videos, totaling more than 270 hours.

If Su Yutan had to watch all these videos, she would have to watch them for more than ten days without sleep.

Fortunately, Jiang Miaomiao was very meticulous. She compiled a catalog, indicating the recording time and content introduction of each video. Some videos also had notes; for example, a certain section of a video was worthy of attention.

Su Yutan faced the catalogue and focused on the recording time and content profile.

After watching several videos in different time periods, Su Yutan found a key.

When Jiang Belle first began to confront her mother, she was very jerky and extremely awkward. From her expressions, a guilty confusion leaked from time to time, as if she was completing a task that she did not want to do but had to do.

But the longer she confronted her mother, the more her skills of confrontation developed and the guilty expression no longer appeared. After that she rarely looked up at Jiang Miaomu again.

Su Yutan quickly made a preliminary judgment. Jiang Belle was going against her mother, not to make a temper tantrum, but to deliberately emotionally blackmail her.

Children"s confrontation with their parents was usually an emotional outbreak. Their eyes, expressions, and actions would respond to their emotions.

But when Jiang Belle opposed her mother, she lacked emotional support and it seemed very deliberate. The guilty confusion and anxiety that she had shown in the beginning was a testament to this judgment.


Why did Jiang Belle deliberately opposed her mother and made their relationship between mother and daughter bitter?

She remembered Jiang Miaomiao"s story about her recent contact with her ex-husband.

Six months ago, Jiang Miaomiao refused to remarry her ex-husband, and she also refused the advances of her ex-husband. Around that time, Belle also began to oppose her mother.

Did Belle wanted to express her disappointment and dissatisfaction with her mother in this way?

But as soon as this idea appeared in her mind, she immediately denied it. Because disappointment and dissatisfaction were also emotions, it should be expressed in her face when Belle confronted her mother.

Or did Belle want to use this method to put pressure on her mother and force her to remarry her father?

Su Yutan thought for a while, then nodded. This notion is very likely.

She sneered, who gave Jiang Belle such a stupid idea? One of her bad friends? Or… the man who wanted to remarry Jiang Miaomiao?

“Best, send me a video of Jiang Belle at school.”

Best was capable in editing school surveillance videos. She was very skillful in cutting lengthy videos and focused on key parts.

After looking at it, Su Yutan was very puzzled. Jiang Belle had been all alone in school and she had no special cla.s.smates or friends.

She called Jiang Miaomiao directly, “Did Belle have any good friends?”

Jiang Miaomiao sighed and gave her an answer: “There were few. But in the past six months, Belle has become more and more weird and offended her friends.”

After receiving that response, Su Yutan decided to check on all the people close to Jiang Belle first.

The first person she needed to check on was Jiang"s father.

Jiang Belle"s father, Yao Zhijie, started a game company, called Zhijie Games.

The game that Jiang Belle played in the video was produced by Zhijie Games.

Su Yutan thought that Jiang Belle was willing to play games produced by her father"s company. So her relationship with her father should be good.

She called Yao Zhijie for an appointment.

Yao Zhijie did not answer the call, the intelligent core responded: "Yao Zhijie is in a meeting, please leave a message if you have any concerns."

Su Yutan left a message.

She waited for Yao Zhijie"s reply even when she was off work.

While she was waiting, Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s video call request came first. Su Yutan turned off “Best Eye” and the video playback, then connected with Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s phone.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan, wearing a dark gray turtleneck sweater and a blazer, was sitting in his flying saucer. Through the gla.s.s lid of the flying saucer, it could be seen that it had not yet taken off and was parked in the underground disk parking.

“Having returned from work on the first day, Did it go well?” He asked her with a smile.

Su Yutan felt a little weird, did Qiao w.a.n.gchuan care about her?

“It"s okay. My boss took care of me,” She did not disclose details, but simply summarized it.

“That"s good. How about your colleagues? Did they say anything?” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan continued to ask.

“No. Everyone is so busy running around. I couldn"t easily meet anyone.”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan looked at her expression, and then said, “Looking at you, it doesn"t look like you"ve been wronged. I"m relieved.”

He smiled and shifted the topic, “Are you in your study and have just got off from work?”

“Uh… I went home but didn"t get off work.”

Su Yutan explained to him the special nature of the social worker"s duties and the method of attendance.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan listened attentively, and shook his head with a smile. “Your director is too picky! It"s even worse than us capitalists.”

Su Yutan defended her leader, “It"s not the leadership that pulls the door, it"s mainly a narrow place. Five or six years ago, the social workers in the bureau still had a desk, but later he wanted to make room for the "Parental Qualification" test center, the low-usage desks were removed.”

“You guys also seem to be fine. Are you so free? You seem to have a lot of time”

“Yes! As long as you complete your work tasks, you don"t have to worry about sleeping, and you can drink tea in the afternoon.”

“Then can you leave your job temporarily and come out for a meal?”

Su Yutan"s eyelids were slightly raised,”Are you asking me to eat out?”

“Yeah!” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan said a little uncomfortably.

“You and my cousin both praised the lemon grilled fish there. I want to try it. Didn"t the restaurant manager give you a discount card? Can"t you let me get some discounted meals?”

The weird feeling in Su Yutan"s heart became stronger.

“A big boss like you, going to a restaurant for a meal with a discount card? Isn"t it shameful?"

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan laughed, “My grandparents educated me since childhood: diligence and thriftiness are traditional virtues.”

Su Yutan was very speechless.

“Then I will give you the discount card, or you can get it yourself. I have a lot of things to do, and I don"t have time to go out to eat. Go and eat by yourself! Their signature dishes are all good.”

“You are so busy just after you returned from vacation?” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan frowned slightly.

“I just received a case, there are a lot of videos to watch.”

“Then I will wait until you are free, then we can go out together.” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan told her solemnly, “You cannot send me the discount card. That card can only be used by you, I cannot use it when I check it out. It would be shameful to use.”

Su Yutan resisted the urge to vomit and asked politely, “Didn"t you really want to go?”

“No!” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan refused resolutely. “Furthermore, that restaurant is a couple-themed restaurant, and it would be too bleak for me to eat alone. I wouldn"t be so dazzling without you.”

Hanging up the phone, Su Yutan was stunned for a moment.

After a while, she shook her head and thought, If she suspected that Qiao w.a.n.gchuan was looking for an excuse to approach me. would it seem like he was a little affectionate?

[The translation belongs to Wordrain. Support us by comments, clicking on ads, or buy Miao a coffee (*´ェ`*)っ旦~]

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