After coming out of the court, Jiang Miaomiao sincerely thanked Su Yutan. “I really appreciate what you did. If it weren"t for you, I wouldn"t know that man was a sc.u.m. He even used his own daughter in this way.”

Su Yutan smiled, “You"re welcome, I"m just performing my duties.”

“Are you interested in a cup of coffee?” Jiang Miaomiao asked.

Su Yutan shook her head, “Social workers have rules. Every contact I make with you must be video recorded and uploaded, which is not suitable for talking.”

Jiang Miaomiao had to give up her original plan and said with a little regret, “All right! Thank you again.”

“You"re very welcome,” Su Yutan then added very softly, “Don"t blame Belle, she"s just a child.”

Jiang Miaomiao smiled bitterly. “Although I was terribly angry in this half year, I never blamed her. I have already known about Yao Zhijie"s skill in coaxing people."

“That time, I had been struggling in the society for nearly ten years, but I was persuaded by him and willingly married him. I was even willing to take out my savings to help him start a game company, and help him realize his dream."

“Since I couldn"t resist Yao Zhijie"s sweet words, how could I expect Belle to resist it herself? Besides, there is still a blood relationship between them.”

She sighed deeply, infinitely sighing. “It"s also my fault that I was blind in the past, and just let everything happen …”

Su Yutan didn"t judge her on her choice in the type of man she desired. She reminded her, “Just don"t blame Belle.”

As a social worker, it was not suitable for her to be biased towards the emotional life between Jiang Miaomiao and Yao Zhijie. Lest her testimony and position is questioned by the defense lawyer.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Miaomiao lost her desire to confide and shifted the topic. “I want to show Belle the live video of the court and the ruling book, to let Belle know where she was wrong… Is it appropriate?”

Su Yutan nodded, “I was going to suggest that you do this. In the long run, this can help Belle establish the correct perspective of what is right and what is wrong; in the short term, this can help her get out of the mud pit dug by Yao Zhijie.”

After returning from the court, Jiang Miaomiao talked to Belle once again, and directly exposed the plot that Yao Zhijie was plotting.

She then showed Belle the video and the ruling, explaining in detail the wrong her father did to her.

In the end, Belle cried and apologized to her mother. As punishment, a year of her pocket money was deducted and she had to write a review of no less than 500 words.

For a six-year-old child, this was a really difficult task. She hasn"t yet recognized a few words, so when she was asked to write a long essay, the review also counted as a learning material.

In order to teach her daughter a profound lesson, Jiang Miaomo forbade Belle from asking for help from others or the Internet. She only allowed her to use an electronic dictionary.

Belle had to reflect and conceive the lesson of her wrongdoings while reviewing the dictionary and reviewing the magistrate court video and books, which took several days to complete. After writing, she complained to her mother and said that she never wanted to write a review again.

Watching her daughter rack her brains and write a pitiful review, Jiang Miaomo finally lost her breath. The mother and daughter released their suspicions and reconciled.

Belle obediently followed her mother to undergo a routine physical examination. The results of the examination showed that although she was under a lot of mental stress. She had not yet developed any subconscious trauma, which made Jiang Miaomiao completely relieved.

Belle did not need to be on the follow-up list of social workers. The only person who would continue to follow up this case was Su Yutan.

Su Yutan had an intuition that this matter would not end easily, because Yao Zhijie"s company had officially entered the bankruptcy liquidation process.

The following week, Yao Zhijie didn"t visit Belle any more, because he had no time to accept compulsory learning lessons while he dealt with his company affairs.

It was getting colder and colder, and soon it was November 25.

November 25 is the day when the Anti-Domestic Violence Day was celebrated. It is an important anniversary that existed for more than a thousand years. This was a very meaningful day for all social workers.

That night, Tang En booked a large elegant room in a restaurant and invited all of the social workers in the group for a dinner party.

This was a regular program that happened every year since Tang En became the team leader.

Although Su Yutan and her colleagues were not yet familiar with each other, she became the focus of the dinner party.

Because during the day, the police released more details of Cui Linlin"s case.

The focus this time was not on Cui Linlin"s imprisonment of her biological son, but on the criminal activities such as money laundering, smuggling, and arms sales, as well as on her revenge against Su Yutan and her ex-boyfriend"s new girlfriend.

The name Cui Linlin set off a second round of ridicule on the Internet.

Countless netizens said: "I thought Cui Linlin was just a crazy woman, but I did not expect that she was a vicious female boss. Because the female boss was drunk and had a bad temper, she was cleaned up by a female social worker. It "s really bad news, you can"t live by yourself, and the s.l.u.t has reaped what she sowed…"

There were even countless netizens shouting: "Su Yutan mighty! Su Yutan, we support you! Su Yutan, you are my idol! Su Yutan, you are my G.o.ddess! Su Yutan, you are mine!"

Su Yutan"s name was circulated on the Internet, mainly for… Heh…

Zhen Zhai*… Exorcising evil… When she saw these messy things, Su Yutan wanted to die.

Who was such a busybody?!

She frowned and thought in her heart; Do I look like Qin Shubao and Yuchi Gong? Or like Grandpa Zhong Kui?

A social worker"s job is indeed to protect the family, but wasn"t it fundamentally different from “Zhen Zai”? I did send Cui Linlin into the jail, but if you think I can “dispel evil,” then you think too highly of me.

Can"t I have a little privacy in the future? Also, who said that I have no power at all? Although I don"t like to exercise, I"m not that weak.

Unfortunately, she was a government employee, and her behavior was subjected to public supervision.

She could refuse to be interviewed by the media, but she could not prevent the media from getting reports of her work. Neither could she prevent netizens from commenting on her.

What depressed her the most was that Chen Ruoshui made a video call and almost laughed crazily.

“Hahaha… Zhen Zai… exorcism… it"s so ridiculous! I"m so talented to come up with this idea. For the new year, I"ll tell my mother to stop buying doorkeepers(one of Zhen Zai) and print two of your face and stick it on the door.”

After the police announced the case, Tang En was also in the work group and forwarded a letter from the police thanking Su Yutan for cooperating in the investigation. The Social Affairs Bureau praised her and sent their congratulations to Su Yutan.
[The translation belongs to Wordrain. Support us by comments, clicking on ads, or buy Miao a coffee (*´ェ`*)っ旦~]

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