Grogandon Dwarven capital city…

The dwarven capital was carved out of a large cliff that had two large statues that towered over it. The entrance to the cave city was huge. Big enough that Alicia and her army who were riding the Fan"tals were able to fly right through the entrance with plenty of room to spare. The sounds of weapon fire could be heard all around as the dwarven soldiers attacked the invaders. But each one who attacked was killed instantly by a barrage of magic.

In the thorne room, the dwarf king had an ashen expression on his face as he heard the report. He fully regretted attacking Alastine now. "Your Highness what should we do?"

"You said they have only been killing those who attack them, correct?" The dwarf king asked.

"Yes, your Highness, they have not attacked anything else." The dwarf soldier replied.

"Then issue my order! No one is to attack the people from Alastine. We may be able to settle this without losing any more dwarven lives." The dwarf king ordered. He knew that if the people of Alastine were not killing indiscriminately then that meant there was a chance to talk.

"King Fimot is wise!" A young girl"s voice echoed throughout the throne room. The dwarf king looked up to see a young girl floating down from on top of her flying machine, landing on the floor gently. Behind her was a young man who also did the same. "I have come to talk about your complete surrender to the Alastine kingdom."

"Surrender!? To humans!?" King Fimot was enraged. This was like a huge slap to the dwarven ancestors" faces. 

"Now hold on before you reject. Based on how you answer this question the terms could be very simple without disgracing your people or your heritage. Why did you attack Alastine?" Alicia asked, her voice turning cold.

Letting out a sigh King Fimot folded his hands in his lap and began to explain."Due to the demonic plagues… We were having a hard time containing them. And they continued to reproduce over and over. The beast king sent word that they would get rid of the demonic plagues as long as we attacked Alastine and helped the joint countries to attack and destroy all the humans there. If I was not faced with a threat of being overrun I would not have done such a thing!" 

"I see. Trying to protect your people is a good excuse. My terms of surrender are simple, you will become a va.s.sal state of Alastine but you will keep your right to self rule. You will also pay reparations for the deaths of the Alastine people. As well as sending some of your chief engineers to help advance Alastine magi technology. Of course, each one of them, including you and your advisors, will need to sign a contract with me making it impossible for you all to betray me or Alastine." Alicia layed out her terms. 

King Fimot, sat back in his chair as he mulled over the terms he was just offered. "Just to ask, but what will happen if I refuse your terms."

"Then Grodandon will become the second Fernilia." Alicia said coldly without any hesitation as she waved her hand making a large black sphere appear. She then flipped her hand causing the sphere to slowly dropped down to the ground. As it did the ground directly under it began to shatter and turn into dust. 

King Fimot"s face turned pale. He sighed and nodded his head. "The Grogadon Kingdom surrenders."

Alicia smiled and took out a wooden whistle and tossed it to King Fimot who grabbed it and looked at it with a confused expression. "Believe it or not, that thing there is able to deal with the demonic plague. So if any more show up just use that to take them down." 

"Where did you..." Before he could finish his words, Alicia waved her hand and summoned Pcat eared from her s.p.a.ce who then in turn respectfully bowed to King Fimot.

Princess Sola stepped forward and said: "I gave it to her." 

"I see… Hah… If only I knew… Miss... " King Fimot looked at Alicia and realized he did not catch her name.

"My Name is Alicia, Alicia Von Alastine. Third Princess of the Alastine kingdom." Alicia announced.

"Princess Alicia, I see… It seems the Alastine kingdom will have a bright future ahead of them with you taking up the throne." King Fimot could see that Alicia was not as simple as she seemed. 

"I am nothing more than a squire in training. I am only temporally handling the kingdom"s matters until I find out where the elves took my Royal Father." Alicia knew that King Fimot already knew her father was captured. So she had no issues speaking about it.

"He should have been brought back to Mytheth Lenora. The old monster who lives there has a grudge against him." King Fimot said, hoping that this information would be a show of good faith to Alicia.

"Then I thank you for the information. Once things are settled here, I will take my leave." Alicia did not want to stay too long. She only wanted to settle things between Alastine and Grogandon and then wipe out the empire and elven soldiers invading Alastine before turning her sites on the Blackstone Empire and Mytheth Lenora. She fingered she would have at least another two months before any more beastmen soldiers appeared. She already had the mages go out and put barriers around each village, town, and city that lead to the south. Each mage would be able to travel quickly thanks to the mini Fan"tals they were riding. This was also a good way to get a better idea of how far the beastmen have traveled. Alicia had decided she would deal with the Beastman Kingdom last.


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