King Fimot did not waste time. He quickly sent for his best engineers to head to Alastine to help them with their magi technology development. After signing the binding contract, it was now time for Alicia to leave.

"King Fimot here"s hoping that Alastine and Grongandon will have peaceful relations from now on and into the future. At a later date, we will discuss things like trade between the two kingdoms." Alicia gave a slight bow as she said this.

"I look forward to it." King Fimot said with a smile. He then asked: "Are you sure you do not want me to send some soldiers with you to help defend?"

"I thank you for the offer, but Alastine will be just fine. All lands will be reclaimed shortly." Alicia said as she poked the s.p.a.ce in front of her. Causing a large tear in s.p.a.ce to appear. With a wave of her hand, Alicia and her army that were riding the Fan"tal"s, all entered the tear, disappearing from the throne room. 

 King Fimot sat back on his throne looking at the now empty room. He was glad he made the correct decision. He felt a bit of sympathy for any country that rubbed Alicia the wrong way.

Alicia had directly teleported everyone back to the edge of the capital. She wanted to give everyone a short rest before heading off to deal with the next issue. It would not be more than a day"s rest but it was all she could allow at this point. Alicia was getting worried about King Augustus"s wellbeing but she also knew that she could not push the men and women who were following her too far without proper rest.

Alicia took this time to go into her s.p.a.ce to have a nice long visit with Frey. Since the start of the war, Alicia did not have much time to spend with Frey. This was clearly shown on Frey"s pouting face as she sat on Alicia"s shoulder. "Mother hates Frey!"

Hearing these words made Alicia"s heart sink. "Frey, I am sorry I haven"t spent much time with you but we are at war with many countries who are trying to take over our home."Alicia did not know if Frey understood what was happening or understood what her words meant. But she could only explain it in this way since she did not know how else to explain it. 

"Frey, your mother is not ignoring you because she wants to. She has no choice at this time." Blake tried to back up Alicia only to see Frey"s pout grow any bigger.

Under her breath, Frey whispered: "Even the stinky father of mine is saying the same thing." 

Alicia who was the only one who could hear her words burst out laughing while patting Frey"s head. "Frey don"t call Blake stinky."

"But… Fine… I"m sorry." Frey got up and flew over to Blake and kissed his cheek. "Father when is Frey going to get a sister or brother?"

Everyone went dead silent hearing Frey"s question. Alicia"s face turned bright red. She wanted to scream that she was still just a little girl! But she knew Frey would not understand. She could only swallow her embarra.s.sment as she said: "Frey, you will not be getting a sister or brother for many years to come. Only when your mother is old enough and ready will such a thing happen."

"Oh..." Frey answered while lowering her head a bit disappointed.

 Loeri who was standing at the side was slowly backing away. This did not go unnoticed by Alicia who waved her hand casting a binding spell on to Loeri. 

"Akk! Alicia! I swear it was a slip of tongue!" Loeri had fallen over and seemed to be pleading for her life as she looked at Alicia.

"Can you please not teach Frey weird things! Why would you even bring up such things in front of a little girl!?" Alicia reprimanded. She couldn"t believe Loeri was filling Frey"s head with all these weird ideas!

That night Loeri ended up getting an earful from Alicia on what to say and not say around Frey. Loeri of course was thinking about other things while being lectured and heard none of what was being said to her. 

After a big meal, everyone headed off to bed. The next day Alicia would be going to take care of the soldiers who were still on Alastine soil and reclaim the land that they had taken. She was not going to let the citizens venture back out from the capital until she had each place investigated and searched for survivors. She wanted to make sure that returning home was completely safe for the people of Alastine.


Mytheth Lenora...

In a large castle carved from an old Ancient tree, in the deepest parts of its dungeon, there was a room that was dimly lit. In this room was an old elf looking at the frozen figure in front of him. "To think you would seal yourself! But it will all be for naught since your kingdom will fall under Mytheth rule soon. Though there won"t be a single human left to rule!"

"Sir we have trouble!" An elf with a bow on his back rushed into the room, his breathing haggard from how fast he had to run.

"What"s the trouble?" 

"Sir the capital of Alastine has risen into the sky making it impossible to reach. The object the Beast Kingdom and yourself wanted to get ahold of, was brought along with it." 

"d.a.m.nit!" The old elf turned and looked at the frozen King Augustus, his eyes turning cold. "Fine, I will take care of it myself! That object belongs to me!" The old elf roared before disappearing from where he stood.


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