Mei snorted after hearing the two arguments. "Do you truly think just because you did not physically do anything that makes you any less guilty than your friend? You both stole their things then chased them down almost getting away with raping one of them. Let me guess after you had your fun, were you going to say sorry to the girl? Or were you going to just kill them both to cover up your heinous deed? And here I thought this was a peaceful place..." 

Mei was very disappointed. She wanted to know why such beautiful worlds were filled with so much violence. After pausing for a moment she looked at the two. From the attacks just now she could tell they had more power than her but their fighting ability was way off. "I will give you two options, first, is that you can leave the items you stole from the girls and leave or you can leave everything you own and stay, but that would require me to bury you after and to be blunt, that is really a pain. My Master is also waiting for me so please choose quickly."

Bia Hong who was hiding in the tree line was doing his best to not laugh out loud. He now realized that his little disciple was very righteous! But he frowned when he looked at the two"s cultivation. They were both peak body refinement. One step away from hitting qi gathering. He was nervous at first when he first saw Mei run in and attack the two boys. But when he watched her actions he decided to not intervene. It seemed she was not one to be taken lightly. 

"Humph! Do you think you can scare us? You are only a stage three body refinement! But… Your looks are not bad. If you strip your clothes off for me now, I might be willing to let you live." Brother Dong"s gaze went up and down on Mei"s body as he looked at her l.u.s.tfully. 

Mei felt a disgusted s.h.i.+ver run up her spine from his gaze. She only snorted again and said nothing as she attacked. She did not want to waste words on sick people like this. Even though the young man was under eighteen she still felt he was sick in the head for looking at her in such a way. 

Mei was quick, she launched forward and stomped on the ground thrusting out her sword, then again and again. Blade after blade of wind rushed out of the tip of her sword causing Brother Dong to suddenly feel immense danger and scrambled quickly to dodge but as he did the young man behind him took the brunt of the attack. The young man flew back and smashed into a tree, he slid down continuously coughing up mouthfuls of blood before pa.s.sing out. 

"Brother Wan!" Brother Dong yelled out. He wanted to rush over to check his brother"s condition but he did not dare turn his back on the little girl. "You, b.i.t.c.h! Forget it I was going to let you off with just a little show but now I will ruin you for any man and force you to service me every night until I get bored of you!" 

Brother Dong had lost all composure. By doing so in the eyes of Mei he had completely lost any chance of winning. Losing one"s self to anger will leave you full of openings. Mei did not move from where she stood, she waited there for Brother Dong to come to her. Her hair fluttered in the wind. Exposing her soft white skin on her neck that was hidden by her long black hair. She stood upright and carefully watched Brother Dong"s movements. To Mei, it was as if time had slowed down. Everything moved in slow motion for her. The insects that flew through the air. The leaves that rustle in the wind. Every movement this Brother Dong made from his steps down to the slightest changes in his muscle movements became clear to Mei. She felt that no matter which way he thrust her sword out it would hit its target no matter what. She felt this state was very sublime.

Right as Brother Dong was about to land his sword attack, Mei took one step, one step, and one thrust of her sword. Blood sprayed. A thud was heard and then a scream of pain. At that moment two young girls came rus.h.i.+ng over, these were the two girls who were running away from the two young men. It seemed they realized something was wrong because their pursuers stopped chasing them. The girl who had her clothes ripped to shreds now had a clean robe on. 

But what they saw was a girl younger than them drenched in blood. Brother Wan was laying on the ground, blood still flowing from his mouth. His body was also bleeding nonstop from multiple sword wounds. And the main culprit was laying on the ground screaming in pain holding on to his left shoulder that now lacked an arm. 

"Senior sister this?"

"It seems this junior sister here saved us..." Mo Yan felt a little funny at this time. This girl was clearly only around twelve to thirteen years of age in the third stage of body refinement but yet she was still able to defeat two peak stage body refinement cultivators to the point of one becoming a cripple and the other in an unknown condition. They were completely astonished!

"This Junior Sister, we owe you a life debt this day." Mo Yan cupped her hands and bowed. 

"No need for that, I was just doing what was right. Come take your things. I doubt these fools will try anything else. You can decide what punishment they deserve."


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