Mei normally would just finish these two off but since the two girls came back she decided to let them decide the fates of Brother Dong and Brother Wan. Mei never planned to take the two young men"s lives. Mainly because this was not her world. They had not done anything to her really except for saying a few disgusting words and defend themselves from her first attack. But when they did not leave the items and walk away that was when she decided it was time to make her move. 

"Then Junior sister we will take care of the rest." Mo Yan gave a smile to Mei before turning her head towards the girl next to her. "Junior Sister Yin Yi, finish off the one by the tree, I will finish off this one." 

Yin Yi nodded and drew her sword and walked over to Brother Wan. Mo Yan also drew her sword and rushed towards Brother Dong swinging her sword. In an instant, Both Brother Dong and Brother Wan had lost their heads. Mei was surprised to see the decisiveness of these girls. But this also opened her eyes to just how ruthless this world was. Not even batting an eye as the sliced someone"s head off. 

Mei realized she needed to make absolute decisions and stick with them without regret and that in this world, death was a normal thing. People lived on the edge of death all the time. This was what it meant to be a cultivator! "In order to become strong in this world, I will more than likely have to kill many cultivators in the process." Mei shook her head. She did not like killing. Unless they absolutely deserved it, she did not want to take one"s life. But that seemed impossible in this world. 

From what she had seen on this day coupled with the things Bai Hong had been explaining to her. She knew this world was very brutal. Much more brutal than Phantasia. Mei said goodbye to the two girls and started walking back towards the direction she came from. Bai Hong came out from behind a tree with his hands behind his back. He looked at Mei seriously and said: "What you did was not wrong. It was the way you went about it. If you already knew they had done a bad deed and you decided to act or interfere. Then never let that person go. What you did was almost akin to handing over your own neck. You must read the situation better. Do not let emotions interfere with your thoughts. You first rushed out because you saw and heard of the actions the two young men did. This is your major flaw. Luckily you calmed down after stopping the first young man.

"But you are still young so your actions are excusable for now. But as you grow older these actions will become a habit and this is not good. It is better to stop these habits and restrain yourself. Next time watch the situation a little longer before jumping in to attack. You never know if the two girls were acting along with the young men to set up a trap for anyone who might see. These are common events in the martial world!" 

Mei listened intently to everything Bai Hong said. To her, everything he said made a lot of sense. She was still thinking in knight terms when rescuing people. But in an unfamiliar world, she should calmly judge the situation before acting. This will also make her a better knight as well. Mei now realized that coming to this world might not have been such a bad thing. She hoped that while she was here she could understand things she would not have learned even if she traveled all of Phantasia. Because this was a place where there was no law. Life and death were up to your own abilities. 

"I understand, I will do my best to break away from this habit." Mei had a determined expression on her face. She now had two goals while in this world. Better herself in every which way and also find a way back home. 

Bai Hong looked at Mei and nodded his head. He could see Mei"s determination and hear it in her voice. This made him understand that Mei was always willing to fix her flaws and this was a good habit to have.

A few more days pa.s.sed and Mei and Bai Hong reached the foot of Soaring Cloud Peaks. This was where the Soaring Cloud Sect was located. There were seven peaks in total. Each was run by an elder, except for one peak. The seventh peak that was located all the way in the back of the sect was where the sect master was located and only a few were allowed to step foot on this peak, the elders themselves and core disciples.

Bai Hong was the elder of the fifth peak. He had many outer sect disciples and a few inner disciples stationed here. But he had yet to take in a direct disciple until now when he arrived at the foot of the mountain with a beautiful little girl in tow. Word spread quickly. Mei had become the center of attention. Each of them wondering who she was. But not all these gazes that were on her were just curiosity, some were even filled with jealousy and hate. This was all because Bai Hong never paid much attention to any of the disciples. He only did what he needed to do as the sect had its own set of rules. But many were vying for his attention for that inner disciple spot. So Mei"s appearance was something some did not like.


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