Outside Alastine capital in the joint command tent for the Blackstone Empire and Mytheth Lenora, General Woodrow and Amier were trying to come up with plans to take out the s.h.i.+eld that was blocking them from progressing any further. "What should we do at this rate, we will run out of supplies before we can even leave a scratch on the barrier!" 

General Woodrow was starting to get impatient. No matter what they did or tried they failed each time. He wanted to finish this up and return home so he could be with his wife and kids! "Amier, is there no way?"

As he asked this question a figure appeared in front of them. It was an old elf with a distorted look on his face. "You two fools! Why is it taking you so long to conquer this backwater kingdom!?"

"Sir, they have someone a.s.sisting them! The barrier around the capital is impenetrable!" Amier"s normal lofty att.i.tude disappeared as he bowed deeply to the old elf explaining the problem.

"Prosperous! Everyone knows that Alastine has no connections to any powerful people! Fine, since you can"t handle it then this old elf will!" Red in the face with anger the old elf teleported out of the command tent and appeared at the edge of the freshly formed canyon. 

The old elf looked up at the floating landma.s.s above him and frowned. He did not realize it was so high in the sky. "Humph! Do you think that just being high in the sky will stop me!?" 

The old elf saw a spot he would land firmly on just beyond the barrier and disappeared from where he stood. But unfortunately where he reappeared was not the spot he intended as his face slammed right into the barrier. He let out a painful grunt as he stared menacingly at the barrier as he slowly fell towards the ground. With a snort, he disappeared and reappeared back at the edge of the canyon.

Not wanting to give up the old elf waved his hand causing a ma.s.s of mixed ice and fireb.a.l.l.s to rain from the sky on to the barrier. But even after a half hour, the barrier did not even shake, never mind show signs of cracking. "Who the h.e.l.l made this barrier!" The old elf shouted out in rage.

Alicia was standing at the edge of the capital looking down towards the ground at the old elf stomping and raising his fist up towards the sky. Dudley was standing next to her and smirked seeing the old elf raging.

"Princess, that is the man who is called the old monster of the elves. He has twenty Magi Points. He is the one who forced his majesty to seal himself." Dudley explained. 

"Oh?" One word is all Alicia said before her body disappeared. This man was the one who took her Royal Father away! Although King Augustus was not her real father. She still loved him as so. He was her father, her family of this new life and she would avenge anyone who harmed her family. 

While the old elf was raging and trying to figure out a way to destroy the barrier, Alicia suddenly appeared behind him with a sword in her hand. She was so quiet the old elf did not even notice her until it was too late. He only felt a sword being thrust into his back piercing through his heart. Alicia pulled her sword out and flicked the blood off, causing the old elf to teeter in place before falling backward. He looked up in shock and unwillingness when he saw the beautiful young girl enter his eyes. 

"You! That hair color! Your of the G.o.ds race!" The old elf stared in shock at the golden blonde hair in front of him as he grasped his chest trying to heal his wounds with magic. 

"You"re wrong. I am not of the G.o.ds race, I am from a race that does not belong to this world. But now I live in this world and you have harmed my father. So now you will pay with your life. You thought you were special because you have twenty Magi Points? I am sorry to tell you but those twenty are like nothing in my eyes.

" I am what my father calls an Infinity Star Magician, by the time you are at the end of your life cycle I will still be as young as ever. I have not the time to look at the object you so wish to covet and do not know how you even know of such an object but I will say this, your little parade is over. Your country will be forced to submit to me and my father will be unsealed. This means all your hard work was for nothing. You should have stayed in your home country instead of trying to wage war against another that you did not know anything about. This kingdom may be full of humans but there are many powerful ent.i.ties in this kingdom who can wipe one mesially elven country off the map! "

After finis.h.i.+ng her words and not letting the old elf reply Alicia once again thrust her sword out stabbing the old elf between the brow killing him instantly. To not risk the old elf turning into an undead and coming to seek revenge she lit him on fire burning his body into nothing but grey ash.


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