Alicia practiced the Thousand Piercing Lotus Blossom technique over and over again. At first, she could only keep her momentum for three steps then four, eventually, it turned into twenty. By the time the sun fell in the sky, her Thousand Piercing Lotus Blossom Technique hit fifty steps. The trees around the cave entrance were mowed down from her constant attacks. Alicia sat on the ground sweat dripping from her brow. A huge smile was on her face. This kind of training reminded her of when she first started to learn kendo back on earth. Constantly repeating the move over and over again. This repet.i.tive training was what she was used to. 

Bia Hong looked at all the knocked down trees and nodded his head in approval. He was truly amazed by how quickly Alicia progressed. "Very good! Go clean up. Tomorrow we will leave here and head back to the sect. Rest well. The trip back to the sect will take a week on foot. " 

Alicia went to run into the cave but stopped after taking two steps. She turned to Bia Hong and bowed her head. "Master Bia, thank you for showing me a path of survival in this world. A path that will allow me to find my way home."

Bia Hong did not answer and only smiled as he waved for Alicia to go about her business. Alicia ran into the cave and got cleaned up. She had something to eat before laying down and going to bed. 

The next morning Alicia was up bright and early. She stood in front of Bia Hong who handed her two pieces of paper. "These talismans will change your hair color and eyes color. Once activated your hair and eye color will not change back until you undo the original talismans. At first, I was going to give you a pendant but if it ever fell off during battle it would defeat the purpose. I will give you a second set of talismans later that will undo the first set. Go ahead and activate them. Stick one on top of your head and the other over your eyes. I will provide you with the necessary spiritual qi."

Since Alicia could not use spiritual qi freely yet, Bia Hong had to act as an intermediary and inject his spiritual qi into Alicia"s body and send it through her meridians that flowed to the top of her head and eyes. Once the spiritual qi hit the talisman it flashed brightly before disappearing.

What stood before Bia Hong was a black haired, black eyed beauty. Even after changing her hair color Alicia still looked just as beautiful as before. But what threw Bia Hong off was that if you looked into Alicia"s eyes you could see tiny glints of lights almost like stars within them. "Alicia, your new name will now be Mei, I will call you Mei"er from now on. Try to get used to it while we make our way back to the Sect. If anyone asks why you do not have a surname just tell them you are an orphan so you don"t know it."

Alicia nodded and began repeating the name under her breath. "Mei"er, Mei... So for now, while I am here on this world I will be called Mei..." 


Far, far away from Alicia"s current position in a large city in a certain clan an old man was staring at the soul projection in front of him. His arms and legs were trembling as he looked at the figure. This was not out of fear but more out of excitement.

 "So you are the patriarch of the family? When I last saw you, you were roughly twenty years of age. That was what a few tens of thousands of years ago?" The soul projection asked.

"Yes! Yes! I am now the family patriarch, Great Elder Ming!" The old man answered quickly. 

"Mmm good, this makes things easier. Tang Guanting, My daughter ended up in your world. Where she is I do not know. I will give you a strand of her soul sense. I can not make it back at this time. I will need you to go out and search the lower plane for her. If you find that she is doing well then just stick a few people to watch over her. If she is in danger, if something horrible has happened to her, or she is dead, torture them all and burn their souls! No one is allowed to harm her. We risked a lot to send her soul to another world so she could live a happy life, sp nothing must happen to her.

"Now… I can sense her on this world so take this soul sense and find her. If you don"t do as I have asked. It won"t be my wrath you will have to suffer from but her mothers. And I will give a fair warning, I will not bat an eye when she destroys the entire lower plane if something really does happen. So I suggest getting a move on. " This man who was speaking was Alicia"s father. Originally named Tang Ming.

"Great Elder Ming, do not worry. I will send people out right away!" Tang Guanting"s back was covered in a cold sweat. He did not know who Tang Ming"s wife was but from the sounds of it, she was really scary!

"Good, I will be in contact. Make sure you keep your word." Tang Ming said these last words before disappearing. 

Tang Guanting looked at the spot where the soul protection just was, staring blankly for a little while before coming back to his senses and rus.h.i.+ng off to send people out to search. Luckily the search would be easy since they had her soul sense.


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