Phoenix Fight

Chapter 16 Food-Stealing Kid

Chapter 16 Food-Stealing Kid

Mei Junzhi, who sat near the window on the second floor of Tongfu Restaurant, crossed his legs, and laughed at the people scurrying in the rain downstairs. He looked smug, “hah, I’m smart to have found a good place to eat and get out of the rain...”

He reached out for the beef dish he just ordered. The food wasn’t as good as his old cla.s.smate’s cooking, but he couldn’t afford to be picky now. Instead of the beef, he reached an empty plate. Junzhi had to pull his gaze back from downstairs.

What the... when did he finish his food?

The plate was empty, and he was still starving.

Junzhi had no choice but to get the waiter, “get me two more jin of sliced beef. Hey, is the scale broken here? I didn’t even eat anything and it’s already gone!”

The nervous waiter brought back another full plate of beef slices and tried to explain with a smile, “sir, we’re known for our honesty, we’d never lie to our customers. We’d never rob you.”

Junzhi didn’t feel like arguing, so he looked downstairs again and started eating, enjoying himself.

Before he knew it, the beef was gone again.

Junzhi highly suspected a thief was around. He had no more than four or five slices, and the plate had at least twenty slices, where did the rest go?

As he considered the problem, he perked up his ears to listen, and seemed to hear sounds of chewing under the table.

He crouched down and lifted up the tablecloth. It was a kid with a face full of grease, who was stuffing beef from her lap to her mouth. “Where did you come from? And how dare you steal food from me?” Junzhi grabbed her from under the table while also retrieving the beef, trying to salvage what he could. He would rather be sick from overeating than let the kid take his food.

But the kid was dressed in expensive clothes and didn’t look like a beggar. Junzhi asked, “what’s your name? Where did you come from? Why are you stealing food? Any jewelry of yours is worth a banquet, why do you need to steal?”

“I want to! I like it!” The girl was full of personality and also very brazen. She struggled in Junzhi’s arms, kicking up her legs and dirtying his clothes. She also wiped her oily hands on his hair, making Junzhi drop her on the table and threaten, “if you don’t stop, I’ll sell you to the restaurant and they’ll make buns out of you!”

The kid was terrified when she heard they’d make food out her. Her face white, she stared at Junzhi mutely.

Junzhi was chagrined, “hah, you’re scared now!”

Although the kid’s gaze wasn’t on Junzhi but looking behind him, at a group of people who ran upstairs looking for someone.

Junzhi turned to look curiously, but someone thumped his chest. It was the girl who tried to hide in his arms, she begged, “help me, help me! They’re looking for me, they’re going to sell me!”

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