Pleasing Start-Over

Chapter 34: Arc 3 Part 5

Pleasing Start-Over Chapter 34: Arc 3 Part 5

Author: 橘子

I lost the back ups! So I took a look at the back ups for the locked chapter I had to copy over, and they were gone! Luckily I found more~

P.S. No 2nd page and no edits. It’ll come later~

Augea stood by Qiao Chen’s side and greeted the old man who had walked into the hall, “General Kirsty” Even though he was elderly; he still carried an air of strong killing spirit.

“Your Highness Augea.” Duke Kirsty nodded to Augea. Then he transferred his attention to Qiao Chen, “What you just said is exactly why I like ‘Beautiful Arrival’, but never like to hear people play it. However, you’ve played the song very well. I’d like to invite you to the base to play this song again for my soldiers. Will you?”

“It would be my pleasure, General Kirsty.” Qiao Chen answered.

Duke Kirsty nodded and said, “If your performance can please my soldiers, then I can personally write you a letter of recommendation to be a candidate to perform at the Royal Concert Hall.”


Because of Duke Kirsty’s words, Ferney’s face turned ugly. He immediately gave a meaningful glance to the rugged man behind Duke Kirsty.

“Father, haven’t we already agreed to invite Ferney to play?” Dayton stepped forward and stated to Duke Kirsty after he received Ferney’s hint.

“I didn’t say that I’d just invite one musician to perform. He wouldn’t go if he was afraid of being compared with others nor would he play with them.” Duke Kirsty replied to his son. He looked at Qiao Chen and continued, “I hope you can perform well. I’ll be looking forward to it.”

Earl Hofley saw that Kirsty gathered his men and prepared to leave. He quickly followed and said, “I’ll accompany You out, Duke.”

Ferney had carefully planned and prepared this performance for himself, but it was all for naught. His limelight and benefits were completely stolen by Qiao Chen. Ferney angrily gritted his teeth. He had forgotten to maintain his image in front of the crown and fiercely glared at Qiao Chen. Finally, he left the banquet hall.

The closer Ferney got to his home, the more he stewed in anger. If it wasn’t for Duke Kirsty’s great power and military might, how would he have even thought to seduce Dayton. The old man was about the same age as his father and already had two wives. And even though he had successfully seduced Dayton, Duke Kirsty had stated that he didn’t agree to their marriage.

Ferney knew that Duke Kirsty like ‘Beautiful Arrival’, but never wanted to listen to the live performances. He figured that it must have been other musicians whose performance did not meet the duke’s requirements. So, to fight for the life he wanted, Ferney took the time to practice the song in order to please Duke Kirsty.

This time was specifically set for Dayton brought Duke Kirsty to the long prepared for banquet. Ferny was trying to get Duke Kirsty to hear his wonderful performance, so that he would agree to Ferney playing the song when he performed at the base. He wanted to show them that he had an extraordinary and unique talent.

But everything that had been so meticulously planned was destroyed by Qiao Chen. Ferney couldn’t swallow his breath. How could I possibly be beaten by Qiao Chen? I am a musical prodigy. Even if there was someone better than me, that person would never be Qiaoxi!


It was late at night, and it was the time that everyone was supposed to fast asleep. However, instead of sleeping in his bed, Qiao Chen stood at the window with his robe on. He looked out at the courtyard covered by the night.

The room’s door opened and the scent of blood wafted in. Qiao Chen turned around and looked at the man standing at the door in the middle of the night.

“Why haven’t you slept yet? Didn’t I tell you not to wait up for me?” Augea looked at Qiao Chen standing by the window from the doorway. He didn’t go closer to him.

“I can’t sleep.” Qiao Chen approached Augea and said. “Are you hurt?”

“No. It’s not my blood.” Augea immediately denied.

Qiao Chen reached out to him, but Augea stopped him, “Don’t touch. Be careful or you’ll dirty your hands. I’ll wash up first. Just wait for me in bed.”

“We can wash up together.” Qiao Chen said and dragged Augea’s hand to the bathroom.

Augea’s master room bathroom was very larger. Qiao Chen was sitting at the edge of the bath. Augea washed the blood off his body and then lied his head on Qiao Chen’s lap. Qiao Chen poured some shampoo on Augea’s head and helped him wash his hair. Neither of them spoke.

Qiao Chen knew that even though Augea appeared to be a n.o.ble prince, he still had to secretly eradicate some evil forces and ambitious people and do some very dangerous things to stabilize his brother’s seat on the throne.

“You tired?” Qiao Chen asked as he helped Augea dry his clean hair.

“Tired.” Augea replied and hugged Qiao Chen’s waist. He buried his face in Qiao Chen’s stomach. It was the first time he had said he was tired. Even when he faced his brother, he still didn’t mention anything about being tired.

“I’ll protect you later, yeah?” Qiao Chen said.

Augea smiled and looked up, “How are you going to protect me?”

“You protect my life and keep me safe. I protect your spiritual vitality and keep you safe. That way, all of those who carry dangerous motives can disappear. Then we can life a good life together.” Qiao Chen replied seriously as he cupped Augea’s face in his hands.

“Ok~”Augea agreed. Then he placed his hands on the bathtub’s rims and pushed himself up to kiss Qiao Chen.

Qiao Chen wrapped his arms around Augea’s neck and hugged him back. The soul downloading program activated. He knew it was because that Augea felt his affection and was willing to respond with the same.

Qiao Chen responded enthusiastically to the kiss. He raised his legs and wrapped them around Augea’s strong wais. He lifted his b.u.t.t which suggested that he couldn’t wait to continue more pa.s.sionately.


On the day that Qiao Chen went to the base to perform, Augea accompanied him. They arrived at the 1st Legion’s base together.

Even though Ferney was unwilling to share the stage with Qiao Chen, he still didn’t want to miss the chance to perform at the base in from of Duke Kirsty.

“Duke Kirsty, you wouldn’t mind if I showed up uninvited, would you?” Augea said with a smile.

“It’s rare that Your Highness Augea can come back. How would I mind? Please, have a seat.” Duke Kirsty replied and sat down with Augea in the front row of the base’s concert hall. The soldiers behind them were already seated.

When Augea was the son of the king, he spent several years in Kerry, the 1st Legion. So now he was familiar with some of officers of this army.

Qiao Chen stepped on the stage and headed towards the piano. He stooped to give a salute and then sat on the piano bench. His first piece was “Beautiful Arrival”. It was specifically requested by Duke Kirsty.

Not only was Kirsty once again moved by Qiao Chen’s performance, but the soldiers below seemed to be back on the battlefield again. After the tense and fierce battle, the joy and beauty of victory filled their minds and spirits. It was precisely these battle-hardened soldiers who could better feel and appreciate the deep meaning of Qiao Chen’s performance.

After the song ended, Qiao Chen played another two songs. They were called “Praise” and “Glory”. Both were quite uplifting and exciting songs. Qiao Chen’s impa.s.sioned play style also made the soldiers feel greatly inspired and their spiritual strengths were all continuously improving.

Duke Kirsty nodded. This was the style of music that should be played for soldiers! Most of the current outstanding and high leveled performers were ghers. However, ghers, like women, didn’t need to enlist in the army. They never needed to go into battle. So because there were no firsthand experiences of the battlefield, there were few musicians who could fully display the fight and the might of war for military related music. It was rare that Qiao Chen, who was such a young gher who had never entered the battlefield, could fully display the original style of these songs.

After Qiao Chen finished his set, Ferney would play next. He came to the conclusion that the previous two times Qiao Chen played after him allowed the audience to feel more impressed with Qiao Chen’s performance. Therefore, he specifically requested Dayton to arrange Qiao Chen to play first and him after.

In fact, Ferney’s performance level was quite good. His style of beautiful and ornate lyrical music was very popular among today’s n.o.bles. He had particular strength in the industry and still had a large number of fans among both the common and aristocratic people.

Sitting just below the stage was Duke Kirsty. He listened to Ferney’s performance and wrinkled his brows. Ferney did play very well. The only problem was that his style of music was not suitable to soldiers who were ready to go to war. That playing style would destroy the fighting spirit and imposing momentum build in the army’s hearts. This was why Duke Kirsty rarely agreed to have ghers play at the base.


With regards to this problem, Duke Kirsty selected soldiers among the army with musical talents. He trained them and formed a symphony orchestra. He believed that: A single performer was unable to play such grand music, so a group of them should be able to do it, right? Therefore, the 1st Legion’s Symphony Orchestra was also well known in and played in the Royal Concert Hall every year.

After Qiao Chen and Ferney played individually, they would play with the 1st Legion’s Symphony Orchestra today.

Qiao Chen had only played with the symphony twice because of time constraints. Ferney, who had been invited earlier, had rehea.r.s.ed with them several times.

Playing with the orchestra without rehearsal and practiced cooperation was very difficult. Therefore, Ferney was not only very confident, but was also waiting to watch Qiao Chen make a fool of his self.

After the orchestra members were ready to go on stage, Qiao Chen took his violin and shook hands with the conductor. Then he began to play.

Qiao Chen played Buddy Nadal’s 3rd Symphony. The 1st Legion Symphony deserved to perform at the Royal Concert Hall every year. As they played together, the atmosphere in the music hall was instantly brought into the imposing and magnificent song.

Qiao Chen raised his violin and pulled his bow. His playing was not eclipsed by the orchestra’s momentum. Initially, he cooperated with them as he matched the orchestra. Gradually, his momentum was leading the performance. There were no mistakes in the entire process.


Ferney stood at the background near the entrance door and watched Qiao Chen play. He saw that Qiao Chen and the orchestra cooperated very well while playing this relatively unknown symphony so impressively. Ferney had mixed feelings.

Of course he also wanted to play such powerful music here, but his playing style was cultivated since he was a child. It was impossible for him to change his style in such a short time frame. Even if he were to change his style immediately, he may not be able to play it well. But why could Qiaoxi? How was he able to do it?

Qiao Chen looked at the audience. He saw the soldiers, including Duke Kirsty, all solemn and serious. Their states of minds were influenced by the music. Ferney was unable to suppress his jealous and hatred of Qiao Chen. He clenched his fists tightly and returned to the lounge to calm down and wait for his turn.

When Qiao Chen finished his performance, a loud applause followed and lasted for a long time. Qiao Chen sat for a while during the break. After Ferney’s performance began, he stood up and walked backstage of the concert hall.

Qiao Chen was aware that Ferney had just stood here, moments ago, watching him. However, Ferney would never know that he was looking at him now. Qiao Chen focused on Ferney’s head and activated the system in his mind. He sent out some electromagnetic waves to interfere with Ferney’s deep consciousness and stoke the anger.

Qiao Chen’s system couldn’t directly damage or control other people’s minds. It could only affect the subconscious. It was just like how he had dealt with Qi Yuxuan in the first life he visited. Qi Yuxuan would have a deep desire to gamble whenever he stepped foot in a casino and saw a gambling table. However, if he didn’t enter a casino, then he wouldn’t want to gamble.

Currently, if Ferney’s heart didn’t carry a raging jealousy or burning anger, or if his will was strong enough, then he wouldn’t be affected by the system. Unfortunately for him, he was like Qi Yuxuan. He had a twisted mind and a weak will. These were the types of people who would most likely be affected by the system.

Ferney’s performance had repeated errors. He chose a beautiful piece of music. It was a style he was good at, but the orchestra was not. Then, he wanted to play like Qiao Chen. He drove the orchestra’s momentum up, but couldn’t suppress or control it. His playing was gradually covered by the orchestra’s performance.

As more and more mistakes were made, Ferney’s anger compounded right along with them. He played the song chaotically and it was unbearable.

Eventually, Duke Kirsty could not longer tolerate such a performance and signaled to his subordinates to interrupt them. Such a performance would lower the orchestra he was so proud of.

Ferney’s song wasn’t done, but the performance had come to an end.

Backstage, Ferney was furious with the soldiers in the orchestra. He scolded, “You simple minded idiots! Why didn’t you follow me like in the rehearsals?”

The soldiers in the orchestra looked at Ferney in shock. Although they knew that Ferney and Dayton had some kind of a relationship, they didn’t expect that Ferney would even dare to insult them like this. Even General Kirsty never used such language or tone to scold them.

“You pea brained soldiers should be throwing your lives into the battlefield. You can’t even play but you still want to form an orchestra?” Ferney spouted. He was so worked up because of his anger that he couldn’t remember the consequences of saying such things here.

All the soldiers were angry at Ferney’s words. If he wasn’t a gher*, then some of the soldiers would have run up and punched him.

(T/N: I know I mentioned Ferney as a son, but ghers are males too. So I guess they are referred to as sons. I honestly thought he was solely male until the author specified this. Thank you fever and cold, you’ve added to the confusion.)

Qiao Chen knew that although Ferney’s anger enhanced because of the system, every single word that came out of his mouth were words he hid in his heart.

“It’s clear that you are leading, but have no idea how to lead. You were the one who made so many mistakes, so the performance was chaotic. You don’t reflect on yourself for the mistakes made and you also push the blame onto others.” Qiao Chen looked at Ferney and spoke seriously. “They’ve put their lives on the line. They’ve shed blood, sweat, and tears to keep the entire country safe. Who are you, who live such a secure life because of them, to insult them like this?”

“Well who are you to try and tell me what is and isn’t right? You’re just the grandson of a soldier whose ident.i.ty can’t even see the light of day.” Ferney retorted. He looked at Qiao Chen without showing any signs of backing down.

“He’s not qualified, but I always am, aren’t I?” Duke Kirsty interjected. He had just led his men backstage, with Augea standing beside him. They all heard the conversation that just took place.

“Do you think that you are n.o.bler as a musician than these soldiers are? Don’t answer, I’ll tell you. You don’t deserve to play for them at all. People like you should throw themselves into the battlefield and have a good taste of the cruelty that entails.” Duke Kirsty gave Ferney a stern look. “I better not catch you in my sights ever again. If I do, I’ll make you pay for what you’ve said today.”

Ferney gained back some of his sanity after seeing Duke Kirsty and the fear followed right after. He quickly looked at Dayton for help.


“Shut up.” Duke Kirsty sternly said to Dayton, who wanted to plea for leniency in his stead. “If you dare speak for him, then you will never call me father again. I will never allow anyone who’s insulted my soldiers marry into our household.”

Dayton was still afraid of Duke Kirsty’s imposing stature and didn’t dare say another word for Ferney again.

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