Pleasing Start-Over

Chapter 35: Arc 3 Part 6

Pleasing Start-Over Chapter 35: Arc 3 Part 6

Author: 橘子

“You seem to have a deep understanding of war and of the glory of being a soldier as well. ” Duke Kirsty had wondered why Qiaoxi, as a gher, was able to play songs related to war and military so perfectly. It looked like Ferney had said that he had family in the military, so it seemed as though he heard the reason.

Qiao Chen said, “My grandfather and two uncles were all soldiers. I grew up listening to my grandfather’s songs about the battlefield. I often heard my uncles talk about being on the battlefield too. I lived on the small planet Kulatanni for ten years. Kulatanni wasn’t a peaceful country. There was a lot of unrest.”

“So that’s it.” Duke Kirsty nodded and asked, “Which regiment is your uncle in?”

“My grandfather and uncles have been dead for ten years…” After a second of silence, Qiao Chen continued, “There were from the 2nd Legion…”

There was no ‘2nd Legion’ in Katao. This was due to a big incident a decade ago. It was later on that the 1st Legion’s Duke Kirsty took over most of the soldiers from the 2nd Legion. Among the officers present, there were some people from the former 2nd Legion. When Qiao Chen mentioned the 2nd Legions, they all looked at him with a surprise.

“The 2nd Legion?” Because Qiao Chen mentioned them, Duke Kirsty suddenly remembered his dead friend. He was surprised to find that Qiaoxi looked somewhat similar to his friend’s two sons. He also said that his grandfather and two uncles died ten years ago. He couldn’t have just said…

“Speaking of which, Duke Kirsty carried me when I was a little boy.” Qiao Chen said.

“Are you Qiaoxi Correa?” Duke Kirsty asked. He remembered that his friend had a very beloved grandson. He often carried his grandson in his arms to show off, but after ten years ago, his friend’s daughter and grandson disappeared from the country.

“No, I’m Qiaoxi Goldmand. I changed my ident.i.ty and surname after my mother divorced ten years ago.” In the entire country, the surname Goldmand had disappeared along with the 2nd Legion. People who used to have the same surname changed it to Gould or Gold. In fact, Qiao Chen’s mother tried to be more inconspicuous after changing their names, so her and Qiaoxi’s ID cards only had their first names on it.

Everyone was stunned. The surname Goldmand was like a taboo and people avoided mentioning the name. Ferney was also surprised to see Qiao Chen admit his grandfather’s ident.i.ty so openly.

Even Augea was stunned for a moment. Since he met Qiao Chen, he never thought of investigating his ident.i.ty. He never knew why, but he just had the gut feeling that Qiaoxi would never hurt him, so his ident.i.ty didn’t matter. Later on, he fell in love with Qiaoxi. Then he felt that it didn’t matter what kind of person or ident.i.ty Qiaoxi was or had.  After, he decided that he’d wait for Qiaoxi to tell him whenever he wanted to tell him. However, Augea never thought that Qiaoxi would be the grandson of General Goldmand. More importantly, he was the grandson of the man that his father sentenced to death.

The old emperor, who was still alive at the time, was muddleheaded and listened to the wicked people ulterior motives in his old age. There were several unnecessary charges indicted on General Kirsty of the 1st Legion and General Goldmand of the 2nd Legion so the old emperor could take back military power.

At that time, Duke Kirsty had escaped because he was overseeing an important battle at the border and couldn’t return to the capital. However, Duke Goldmand fell victim to the old emperor’s muddle-headedness during his later years.

Duke Kirsty was stuck at the border while he commanded the troops in battle. He was devastated when he learned that his friend and two sons had been sentenced to death by the emperor. Furthermore, in this time of peril, his dear friend didn’t forget to inform him to delay his return to the capital as much as possible.

Duke Kirsty delayed all he could and stayed at the country’s borders. By the time he returned to the capital planet, everything ran its course. The old emperor was sick, and it didn’t take long for him to pa.s.s away. Then, Duke Kirsty acquired the 2nd Legion that everyone avoided. And ever since then, the country never had a 2nd Legion or the surname Goldmand.

Duke Kristy knew his friend had a daughter and a grandson. However, he figured that his dear friend should have given them a way out. If he looked into their whereabouts, he would disturb their lives. He didn’t know that part of the reason as to why Qiaoxi’s mother took him and fled was because of Qiaoxi’s father’s betrayal and bringing Ferney and his mother into the household.

Duke Kirsty thought that Qiaoxi and his mother were both afraid for their lives and refused to return to the capital. He never expected to see his dear friend’s grandson again.

On the way back to Augea’s residence, Augea tightly held on to Qiao Chen’s hand. Qiao Chen felt some pain from the firm grip, but he didn’t voice any complaints and let Augea to hold on.

In the evening, Augea firmly pushed Qiao Chen into bed. Qiao Chen felt a little dizzy from the force. Augea, on the other hand, hugged him tightly. He hugged so tightly that it seemed as though he was afraid that Qiao Chen would escape if he even slightly loosened his hold on him.

“Do you hate me?” Augea asked as he maintained his pressure on Qiao Chen and stroked Qiao Chen’s face. However, Qiao Chen didn’t answer. Augea was already nervous. He was afraid that Qiao Chen would hate his words, but he still refused to let go.

“Why should I hate you?” Qiao Chen asked even though it was getting harder to breath.

“Because my father was the emperor who caused your grandfather’s and uncle’s deaths.”

“What does that have to do with you? You and your brother weren’t involved with that, were you?”

The consequences and problems that were left from the old emperor’s senile actions caused a great deal of trouble for Augea and his emperor brother. If it weren’t for his father, Augea wouldn’t have to work so hard in order to help his emperor bother with weeding out some people and forces. He nearly died several times because of these missions too.

“So you don’t hate me?” Augea asked again. He desperately needed Qiao Chen to help him settle his heart.

“I’m not so silly or confused to be angry at you for the things that your father did. Otherwise, why would I stay here with you?”

“Fortunately, you don’t hate me. But even if you did hate me, I wouldn’t let you go. If you dare run away, I would lock you up. Even if you hated me for a lifetime, I still wouldn’t let you go. Since you made me fall in love you, you have to stay with me forever.” Augea said seriously.

“How long have we known each other? How can you love me already?” Qiao Chen deliberately teased him.

“Even though we haven’t known each other long, believe it or not, I feel like I’ve loved you for a long time now.”

“I believe it.” Qiao Chen replied. He pulled Augea down by the neck and kissed him. Their lips pressed against each other as their tongues intertwined and explored each other’s mouths.


The emperor soon knew that Qiaoxi was Duke Goldmand’s grandson.

“My imperial brother said he wanted to see you. Would you like to see him?” Augea asked.

“It’s not like I can’t see him if I didn’t want to.” Qiao Chen replied. The emperor wanted to see him, and of course he was going to see him.

“If you don’t want to do, then don’t. I’ll talk to him.” Augea hugged Qiao Chen’s waist and slipped his hands under Qiao Chen’s clothes. His dishonest hands stroked Qiao Chen’s waist.

“It doesn’t hurt to see him. He’s not going to do anything, is he?” Qiao Chen asked. He turned his head and exchanged a pa.s.sionate kiss with Augea.

Augea entered the palace with Qiao Chen. After they greeted the emperor, he said that he wanted to talk to Qiao Chen alone. Augea withdrew his presence.

Qiao Chen looked at the emperor sitting on his seat above. He knew that Augea and his brother had a good relationship since their childhood. It was rare to have such good brotherhood among royal families.

The emperor was also looking at Qiao Chen. His younger brother spoke well of Qiao Chen, so even though Qiao Chen was very good looking, the emperor knew that Augea wasn’t the superficial type to go for looks alone. There were many attractive n.o.blewomen and ghers, but no one had been able to make Augea care so much.

He also heard that Qiao Chen’s musical ability was quite high, even though he was only at level one. Although the emperor believed in Augea’s eye for judging people, he still had some doubts about Qiao Chen’s intent and purpose with this sudden return to the capital.

“Do you still hate my father and the royal family?” The emperor asked the same question as Augea. He wanted to know if Qiao Chen’s heart still held hatred. If there was, then his relationship with Augea would have a purpose.

“If I were to tell you that I don’t even have a drop of hatred, than Your Majesty wouldn’t believe me.” Qiao Chen said, “But my grandfather and uncles would rather die than start a civil war and let other countries take advantage of our country. So even though I hold hatred in my heart, it’s not for the royal family. I came back because I wanted to return to the place that my grandfather and uncles sacrificed everything for and protected with their lives.”

The emperor knew how loyal General Goldmand was to the country, but his old father was blinded. No matter how much he persuaded and persuaded, it was useless. He often thought that if General Goldman was still alive, than he and Augea wouldn’t have to work so hard.

“I heard that your performance level does not correspond to your number level. Why?” The emperor asked.

“If I had shown my musical abilities when I was in another country, then I wouldn’t be able to return here now.” Qiao Chen said.

The emperor also felt that it was plausible. If other countries knew about Qiao Chen’s musical abilities, then how would they allow him to return here?

“My grandfather once told me that even if the country betrayed him, he would never betray the country. Everyone who harms the country’s interests are the Goldmands’ enemies.” Qiao Chen said seriously, “I’ve never dared to forget my grandfather’s teachings. I would never do anything harmful to the Empire nor would I seek revenge against the royal family. Please be rest a.s.sured.”

After the emperor listened to Qiao Chen’s words, he felt sorrier for the loss of the loyal Goldmands.

“I have always wanted to compensate General Goldmand for my father emperor’s actions. I didn’t have this chance before, but now that you have returned, please accept it in your grandfather’s stead. Do you have any requests?” In the end, it was his father’s fault. Although the current emperor couldn’t blame his old imperial father, he still wanted to make up for his father’s wrongdoings.

“No. I don’t want anything with the lives of my grandfather and uncles. I will get what I want with my own ability. I never vie for the things I shouldn’t have.” Qiao Chen refused the emperor’s offer for compensation.

“Since you don’t want any compensation, then I’ll return the Goldmand’s old residence. I’ve been looking after it all these years.”

“Thank you very much, Your Majesty.” Qiao Chen didn’t refuse the Goldmand manor because it was the Goldmands’ ancestral house.

After Qiao Chen left, Augea come out of a secret door behind the wall.

“I knew you’d eavesdrop. If couldn’t be that you think I’d eat him? You have nothing to worry about.” This was the first time the emperor saw his brother so concerned about someone.

“What are you doing returning the Goldmand manor to him right now? Isn’t he going to move out of my place now?” Augea complained to his brother.

The emperor was a bit speechless. He finally retorted, “I already gave it to him and you want me to take it back? Get lost, yeah?”

After the emperor returned the Golmand manor to Qiao Chen, the story of Qiaoxi being Duke Goldman’s grandson spread through the capital. The emperor also personally issued a memorial to Duke Goldmand. Then he posthumously restored the duke’s t.i.tle and military rank back to how it was when he was alive.

Although Qiao Chen couldn’t inherit Duke Goldmand’s t.i.tle, after a decade, the Goldmand was no longer a name no one dared to mention on the capital.

The 2nd Legion soldiers and Duke Goldmand’s subordinates couldn’t help but burst into tears when they heard the news. Duke Kirsty spent two days and two nights alone in his study to reminisce his lost friend.

“Do you have to rush and move back now? Can’t you stay here with me longer?” Augea asked disgruntled. Qiao Chen was packing up and wanted to return to the Goldmand manor.

After putting his things away, Qiao Chen went to Augea’s side. He hugged Augea’s waist and said, “Didn’t we agree already? We can take turns living in each other’s homes. I’m living in my house now, and you can come and live with me, can’t you?”

“Then let’s go tomorrow. I haven’t packed my things yet.” Augea pressed on. Then he picked up Qiao Chen and pressed him on the bed too.

“What are you going to pack? Don’t fuss anymore. Hurry up and send me over or it’s going to be dark.” Qiao Chen quickly stopped and held on to the naughty hand that slipped between his legs.

“I’ll send you over tomorrow morning.” Augea insisted. Then he took Qiao Chen’s pants off and pressed forward again.

“You- this…. Really!” Qiao Chen pulled at Augea’s hair. “Lighter, you stinkin’ rouge.”

Qiao Chen was played with in various poses by Augea all night long. The next morning, he was so tired that he couldn’t even open his eyes. He closed his eyes and ordered Augea to send him back home today.

When Augea saw Qiao Chen’s insistence on living in his former home, he had to personally sent Qiao Chen back to the manor.

Qiao Chen returned to the Goldmand manor. It was taken care of by the emperor’s people very well. He remembered that his grandfather’s and uncles’ time there. He felt an inevitable sadness. If he had crossed over earlier, then maybe these tragedies could have been changed.

Augea saw that Qiao Chen’s mood was low after his return to the Goldmand manor, so he kept Qiao Chen company for two day. He didn’t go to work until Qiao Chen’s mood recovered.


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